Eight: Not what I had planned

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Astrid's POV:

It's been two months since Hiccup and Ana started dating! He's actually grown to really like her! Even worse, he doesn't talk to me much anymore! He's to busy with her, and since Ana and I don't get along, he chooses his girlfriend.

Jack tells me not to worry, but how can I not? I like Hiccup, and I thought he liked me... I guess not. March break is starting tomorrow, and I couldn't be more excited! Me, Jack, and Hiccup are going to the city! I can go home! Only for the weekend, but I'm still happy.

We flew to the city on my Dads private jet.
"This is incredible!" Hiccup said airing down. The seats were white leather, with gold topped marble arm rests. The plane seats 8, and is quite big.
"Wait till you see the yacht!" Jake said sitting down.

When we got to the city, Jack and I showed Hiccup our school and our street (we lived on the same one). It wasn't March break In the city, so I went back to my old high school, saw some teachers! It was fun! I got to show Hiccup where I grew up! I saw my old friends too! It was amazing.

When the first day was done, I went home. We went to the apartment building, and Hiccup froze with confusion.
"What?" Jack asked Hiccup.
"You live in an apartment?" Hiccup asked.
"Wait until you see it!" I told him.

We took the elevator right into the living room. We had a two level penthouse, with a mini movie theatre, and a two lane bowling alley!
"Wow!" Hiccup said. He looked up and the diamond chandelier above the living room.
"Welcome to the city." I told him. We were in the movie room watching a 3-D movie, and my dad came in.

"Hey Dad." I yelled. Even when I lived at home, my dad rarely saw me. I have a hard time believing he missed me.
"Hey Astrid. How was school?" Dad asked walking into the room.
"Good. This is Hiccup. He's from Berk." I told my dad.
"Hi." He walked away. The movie finished in 5 minutes.

"He hasn't seen you in 6 months and he says hey?" Hiccup asked. I nodded. We cleaned up, then went to my room. Jack and I were use to my room, but Hiccup was amazed.
"I thought my Room was huge!" Hiccup said looking up.

The next day

Today I took Hiccup and Jack on the Yacht, then we went to the mall. I wasn't able to see Merida yesterday, and she works at the Spencer's. I saw her red curly hair from the other side of the store. It was so nice going home.

In the mall, I was not planning on seeing Ana. In the Hofferson and Hofferson store, she was talking to the store manager.
"Ana!" Hiccup said walking up to her. He kissed her quickly and then she introduced us.
"Dad this it Jack. You know Hiccup. And Jack this is my dad." Ana said. She then pointed to his name tag.
"He's store manager!" She said all Proud.

I looked at her.
"Um hello? I'm here too!" I said.
"My dads store manager of Hofferson and Hofferson! The second biggest company in the world! What do your parents do again... wait your name isn't coming!" Ana said with a snap of her fingers.

I was getting mad.
"Astrid!" Her dad said.
"How do you know her?" Ana snapped looking her dad then Hiccup.
"She's all over the city office building. She was our sales model for years!" Her dad said smiling. I walked beside Ana.

"My dad Owns and created Hofferson and Hofferson! All of this, belongs to me, my dad, and my uncle!" I said pointing in a circle around the store.

When we got going I wasn't happy. Neither was Hiccup. But he let it go.

Back to Berk

I was sitting on my bed. We had just got home from the city. Jack and Hiccup both went home. I was on my phone and I was just lying around. I decided to go for a run. Out of no where, Christoph came out of nowhere, and kissed me. He then ran off.

What the hell? I wiped my lips and kept running. When I got home, I showered, ate dinner, then went to bed. Every night before Hiccup and I went to bed, we talked through the window. I loved that!

In the morning, I got a text from Ana. It was a photo of Christoph kissing me. She said that if I didn't tell Hiccup we couldn't be friends, she would tell the whole school that I slept with him! I panicked. Do I tell Hiccup she's doing this? Or do I not take the risk?

I guess Ana isn't what I thought she was... she's worse!

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