Twenty-six: Blessings

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Astrid's POV:

It's been a month since Hiccup and I got engaged. My father knows, and our friends know too. It was thanksgiving weekend and I was going to Berk. I was going to spend it with Hiccup's family. Would see my Mom and Aunt too so it was all okay.

We were planning on telling Hiccups family at Thanksgiving. My family found out at my Dads birthday party. We just wanted to know how it would all turn out. The whole idea was kinda crazy! Getting married! I was 18. We had chosen a date to get married. It would be next summer.

We would be 19. Sure it's young, but who cares? My parents weren't even married when they had me? In fact, I was a flower girl at their wedding! All that matters, is that we love each other. Hiccup and I had recently bought a little starter home. We had the money... well I had the money mostly.

I was staying at my Aunts for Thanksgiving. I didn't like it, but that was the agreement. Hiccup was coming over for dinner tonight, and so was my mom... time to tell the rest of my family.

Two nights before thanksgiving...

We sat down at the table. My aunt had an amazing roast beef prepared. Hiccup sat beside my and my aunt and mom on the other side of the table.
"So how have you two been?" Mom asked taking a bite of beef.

"Good, very good. We have a nice little house together back home and-" I began. My aunt cut me off.

"You two live together?" Aunt Valarie asked a little shocked.
"Not yet... two weeks." Hiccup added. She smiled and Sa back in her chair.
"But we do have something to tell you..." Hiccup added on.

Here goes nothing.

"We're getting married!"

They looked at each other, nodded then got up and walked to us. This made me VERY nervous.
"AHH! That's amazing!" Mom said hugging me. I was relived and so was Hiccup.

That was amazing! They were happy for us! My dad was happy too. Hiccup's Dad would be the hardest. Stoick had a girlfriend and we were going to have thanksgiving dinner with them. Stoick wouldn't react well... I know that.

Thanksgiving dinner/night...

"So, how's life been treating you two!" Stoick asked.
"Well... quite well. We have something to tell you." I said. Hiccup took a deep breath.
"Here's goes nothing...we're getting married!" I said. Stoick's smile dropped. He just left the table. When he came back he spoke.

"Mar-married? Son, marriage is a huge responsibility! Your not ready!" Stoick said. I think he thought we were kidding.
"How am I not ready? We both have jobs, we have our own home, we love each other Dad! What's more to tell?!" Hiccup snapped standing up.
"Hiccup calm down!" I said standing up and trying to calm him down. He shook my arm off his shoulder.

"Son that doesn't make you ready! Your a kid! And kids don't get married. You don't know anything about jobs either! The Haddock family are police! And what... you get married. What next? You're irresponsible, force her into sex, get her pregnant? What next Hiccup?!" Stoick yelled.

"Excuse me! Hiccup doesn't force me into anything! if We want it, we want it! Hiccup is an amazing writer and I love him! And by the way, We aren't kids! We are 18 years old and we can make decisions for ourselves!" I snapped. Hiccup reached down and grabbed my hand.

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