times has changed

14 1 0

I look at them both and think about the time I have spent with sapphire but then I think about the time I could spend with buck, I then made a choice. I say "I choose .... Sapphire" buck then gets mad and says, "ok well you better watch your back close." Then he disappeared, and sapphire puts her sword up with sign and says "thanks for choosing me violet. If you didn't I would have to deal with a big problem." I looked at her and said "what do you mean sapphire. What problem would you have."? Then the woman comes down the stairs. Sapphire pushed me outside and put on face mask that changed her whole body. Then she hands me one and says, "put it on!"

I hesitated but I put it on after a few seconds. I felt different, way different. I looked at my hands they were different color they didn't feel like my own. Then sapphire grabs my hand and starts to walk away. We walk on the side walk for about an hour until we get to a dinner. We walk in and we were the only once there. The teen girl was looking at us from behind the corner.

Sapphire takes me to a table and sits down. I sit next to her and say, "what is going on." Then sapphire says, "don't worry I have everything under control." The girl comes to our table and says "I'm Beth, I'll be taking your orders tonight. Then an angel appears and walks with her and looks around. Until he sits on the table. Then slaps him and says, "god those fly's I'm sorry." He then gets off the table and says, "what the hell I can do what I want!" Then sapphire says, "ok we both take a hot chocolate." She smiles and says, "ok they be done in a bit." Then the angel sits next to me and says, "this girl is pretty hot." I then slap him as he was about to touch me. He says, "wait a second!" The teen girl says, "who are you?"

I don't answer then the angle pulls his sword out. Sapphire takes off her mask and says, "you do that you will regret that badly." Then he says, "oh yea who are you." I slowly take off the mask and see them both had shock faces and Beth brings the hot chocolate to us and says "well look at this the seer and sapphire at my dinner. Wow well it's an honor to meet you." Then the angel gets on his knees and begs me to forgive him. I then say, "what are you doing?" Beth signs and says, "get the hell up dumb." Then sapphire says ""well your kind of a well-known thing and no one wants to ever mess with you." Beth then says "yea I heard about you killing cody second in a row. And cody was almost the most powerful worker. So, I doubt anyone will mess with you."

Then the angel says "I'm beck. And I didn't mean anything please don't hurt me." I laugh and say, "ok I won't this time." Then Beth says, "so why are you both here and not talking to the great court." Sapphire says, "because of the rules that change." Beth says " well I almost forgot about those new rules. But I guess it barely matters anymore." Sapphire looks at her confused and says, "wait what do you mean."

Beth then sits down and says "wait you didn't hear. Life is shutting down the great court forever. And giving us workers are getting break for a change in 1000 of years." Sapphire says " well dang I can't believe that. I guess there's no fighting anymore. " Beth bods and smiles Abd says, "well yea fighting is banned, and I think death has forgotten about you seer right here." I looked surprised and say, "so no one is trying to kill me." She laughed and said " yep no one wants to fight really. Times has changed."

I smile in relief. Then Beth and beck walks away. Sapphire looks at me and says, "you remember when you wanted to go on a trip." I nod. Then she grabs my hand and says, "well I have a lot of money to spend, so that trip is going to happen after all." I drink my hot chocolate and hear what sapphire said. I choked on the hot chocolate and looked at her in shock. Sapphire then pulled out two plane tickets and smiled. I hugged her and looked at the tickets after she got me off her.

The tickets say "broad." I looked confused. Then sapphire says, "do you not like broad?" I look at her and say, "I never heard of it." Then sapphire laughed in relief and says, "I thought you didn't like it." I shank my head no and say," I think I will love it, but how we getting to the airport?" She drinks her hot chocolate. And pays Beth. Then pulls my outside and points at the airport sign saying, "welcome to the city airport."

I smile as we walk to the airport as we get to the front doors of the airport sapphire puts on her mask. We go inside and walk to a woman at the front desk. Sapphire give the tickets with an id. Sapphire then says, "me and my baby girl is going to broad for a family gateway." The woman says, "the plane is about to be boarding." We walk to the metal detector and take any metal. After we get scanned we walk to the lobby with rows of chairs. I sit down with sapphire and say, "how do you have an id?" She looks at me and says " well I get an id from a helper and worker, we have just to pay them and they will find us and give us our stuff. " I then say, "what if they don't do it?" She laughed and said "your full of questions. If they don't then I will kill or badly hurt them, and I can't get in trouble for it." I nod and acted like it makes sense, but the worker and helper have insane rules that follow.

I then say, "why did you disappeared when my dog died." She didn't answer and acted she didn't hear me. Then the plane sign says, "now brooding." Sapphire gets up and gets on the plane as I try to follow. I look at the ticket and it says, "first class." I thought about how much it cost, but only question I could think of is how sapphire got all this money. She was Cleary hiding something from me. We get on the plane she sits away from me after I sit down. I try not to pay attention to her. I was on a plane for the first time. It was scary but exciting at the same time.

A cute boy walks in the first class and smiles and me. I blushed and tried not to. Pay attention to him, but he sits in front on me and says, "hey I'm Leonardo Dorsey the second." I blushed badly let until I noticed he had his hand out. I shank his hand and say ".... I'm.... Violet move." She smiles again. I then noticed he was wearing an expensive jacket with t-shirt and blue jeans. His hair was red with orange. But I then saw his eyes was red with a small flame in them.

He then says "I'm going to broad to visit my family I'm one of three children. But why are you going?" I smiled uncontrollably. I finally say, "I wanted to go on a trip." I thought of how stupid that was for a reason, but it was the truth. Then I try to name small chat by saying "you said you one of three." He nods and says "well yea I'm the middle of them the youngest is my brother Peter. And the oldest is Ian. We are having a meeting at broad, so we can hang out for a week. How long are you staying."? I thought about the oldest brother being big tall strong cute tough guy. But then the youngest is probably the sweetest one out of all of them. Then I realized I didn't answer him. I quickly said "I don't know really. " he smiled and said "well maybe we could hang out and I'll show you to my family. I felt a giant heat wave smack me in the face. He wanted me or meet his family already.

I leaned back in my chair and said, "that be great." Before he could say anything a guy in black suit says "Leo we have to get in your seat before the plane takes off. Leo nods and says "I guess our chat is going to be cut short I'll see you when we get to broad. " I nod as he walked away. I looked out of the window and thought that this is going to be the best trip ever.

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