hell is here

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after having sex with peter i started to show but soon everyone found out. I told them that he was not the dad. they believed me, but he does help me out sometimes. I still had to train but I start to get big quickly. it was about 4 months before the child was due, I was in labor but a had the baby it didn't survive more than 10 minutes. after the miscarriage, I was in morning for weeks. I rarely got out of my room peter would visit me and make sure I was ok. 1 mouth later after the miscarriage I started to train again but no one wanted to talk to me. I figured they was giving me space, but little did I know about the world outside on the room I slept in.

people were being killed for sports and cody allowed it, but he was getting tired of sitting on his ass and watching people get killed. he came to earth and started to kill, rape, and plunder. I started to find out. I sneaked out and went to where cody was but a boat. he was in LA and moving down the coast. I started at LA. I helped everyone I could, but it was good enough. I started to follow the trail or Cody's rage as smoke filled the air and ash rained down covering houses and cars, or the remains of the bodies that covered the streets., if I met anyone of his friends I would take care of them. it started to get dark, so I stopped at an empty house. I slowly open the door and slowly look around the room and saw something eating a body I got ready to kill the thing until I saw it was not a normal monster cody has working for him. I turn on the lights and the thing stood on its back legs is was a mutated goat the stood 7 feet tall.

I turned and tried to run upstairs in fear, but the goat was right behind me until I managed to close and lock the bathroom door. the goat started to bang on the door, but the door started to crack and spilt open. I looked for a way out but only thing I could see was a window, but I was one the 2nd floor.

I opened the window and got my foot out before the goat smashed through the door. it let out a loud screech as it rammed me out of the window. I fell to the ground the goat rushed outside looking for me. I look at my leg and see the bone was sticking outside of the skin. the black ooze started to cover my leg and pushed the bone in place. I looked at the goat as it was only a few feet away from me. then an arrow hit it in the chest and started to beep before blowing up sending goat everywhere. I look back at where the arrow came from and see there was a guy with a bow. I look closer it was my old friend grown up. I smiled as he walked to me and said "well look who it is! " I cover up my leg and say, "how did you know I was here." he signed and said, "well I heard the goat scream so I knew it found someone." I smile and say well I'm glad you found me in time, what was that thing?" he looked at the remains and said " it was a pet goat, you're lucky you have not found a pack of dogs." i sign and say " I guess their worst then this goat." he nod and looked around and seemed a bit scared of something. out of anyone I would find I found an old friend. he helps me up as i dust myself off i see my leg was fixed.

he then says, "you still good cool with your purple eyes but they are a bit fazed." i sign and say, "what was your name, I'm sorry i hit my head a bit too hard." he smiles and says no worries my name is beck. we were friends after i helped you with the kidnapper in 7th grade."


it was after school i was siding on the sidewalk waiting on my mom to pick me up. an older boy about 17-year-old, walked up to me and said, "how about we go to my car and I'll take you home." i was 12 at the time and i was tired of waiting on my mom. i got up and followed him to a car parked in the woods near the school. the car was a yellow van that had rust covering most of it. i started to get a bad feeling about this person so i tried to walk back the school. he signed and keep pushing me to the van. i started to push and hit him until he slapped me, i fell to the ground the beck run down a small hill near the van and tackled the guy. they started to fist fight until the guy hit beck in the stomach i got off the ground and went to the diver side on the van. i started the van as i saw the guy start to walk to the van. i didn't know how to drive so i started to mess with all the buttons until i hit the gear shift and the van rushed back. there then came a loud crash. i woke up on a stretcher as my mom was next to me and beck was talking to the cops. i said "mom what happened?" she never told me she only repeated "don't worry the bad man is gone."

a few mouths i found out i backed the van up into the guy and hit a tree. the tree crushed the van and the guy was pinned against the tree with blood every. i blacked out when the tree fell on the van. the worst part was what they found in the van. they found rope and duct tape with a video camera. the cops thought he would have had his way with me and watched it later to enjoy the moment. ever seen then me and beck was close friends we never done anything until one day after school.

he was 19 so he was waiting on me after school. we make jokes about little things as we walked to my house. when we got to my house my mom was working late so beck said the night just to make me feel safe. and my mom allowed it seeing we was close friends and my mom trusted him too much. we were sitting on the couch watching TV until i fell asleep. he went and got cover, he covered us both up. we were on the big couch for a party so there was a lot of room for us both. but for some reason this time he was closer to me. he would sit on the end away from me but i didn't care how close we were it didn't seem a bad idea. i was 14 at the time but i stayed with my mom to keep her company. i was laying they're on the couch with beck not too far from me, but i started to feel a shake coming from his side. i didn't want to open my eyes because i was to tire. after a few moments the shaking got worst i thought i took the cover from him and he was shaking from the cold. but the shake was to store for that. i then felt something rub between my legs. so i raised up and took the cover off to see what it was. i found beck had his dick out masturbating and he put his dick between my legs. in shock i kick him off the couch. he quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom. i felt helpless me friend was about to rape me when i was asleep. i ran to the bathroom to hide he jumped out of the widow i locked the widow and doors. i didn't go to bed. when my mom got home i told her beck had to go to work tonight. she believed me. after that me and beck drifted apart and stopped talking.

end of flashback

i then remembered him. quickly punched him in the faces. he smiled and said i guess you do remember me. a loud roar and trees breaking came from the woods beck came from. beck turned around and aimed his gun. whatever it was, it had to be big to be able to break trees as it ran to us.

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