the deal

22 1 0

I walk to the kitchen table and slowly sit down and look around and see there's an awkward atmosphere. I had to break it with a question. I say, "so grandpa you are doing anything special tomorrow?" He smiles and says "yes, me and grandma are going out of town and we won't be back until Monday. So, we bought enough already cooked food for you." I then say, "oh cool what's the reason!" Then grandma says, "we been married for 40 years" then Naomi says, "wow that a really long time!"

Grandma hands me a key and says "we already feed the animals so don't worry about them. Herse a key to the house and barn." I take the key and nod then I say, "when are you leaving?" Then grandpa says, "in about two minutes" then grandma says, "yea did you pack the bags?" Then grandpa says "yes we love you violet and we be back on Monday " as they both leave I looked at Naomi. then I get up and grab the plates after I finished my food. I then walked to the sink and started to wash they.

Then Naomi says, "I'm going to take a shower if that's fine?" I nod and say, "of course that's fine its upstairs in my room." She goes up stairs and into my room. I managed to get the urge out of my mind and looked out the window until I see Cody's demon go in to the barn window, which was 2 stories high. I turn off the water and walk outside but it was cold, so I went and got a jacket.

I get back outside and hold the key in my right hand and a flash light that I got from the table next to my jacket. I got scared on what I would find as I slow opened the door and saw that the animals were scared and against the far wall. I shine my flash light and say, "hey demon I know your here, where's your master." Then she jumps in front of me and I push her. She slid across the ground.

She looks at me and says "well you're a bit strong for a human, oh wait a second those eyes you got does explain many things. I am Sapphire and your violet." Then sapphire walks to me and looks at my eyes and says, "if I tell death then he could get rid of you but what's the fun of that." I get mad and say, "how about you go to your master demon." She gets more red than normal and a flame comes from her head. Then she says, "he is not my master and I'm not his slave so stop saying that!" Then I laugh and say, "I see you're a hot head!"

She gets redder and the flame gets bigger. Then she comes at me until Naomi comes in the barn. I turn around and see that Naomi had a blanket around her. then sapphire runs passed me and trees to hurt Naomi. I reach for her and a chain magically appeared around her neck. I quickly grabbed it and yang her back. she flies passed me and slammed to the ground. Naomi freaks out and runs inside. I tie the chain to a wooden post and run after Naomi. as I got out of the door I here sapphire say, "damn you I will die in this cold." I stop and say, " you should have not come here." I then slam the barn door.

I get to the front door and see Naomi had locked it and was standing in the window looking at me. I say, "let me in and explain what just happen." then she opens the door and says, " why should I trust you." I look in her eyes and say, "because my eyes are a fucking awesome color" she giggles and lets me and says, " ok you can tell me." I take her upstairs and bring her to the hidden book and showed her if she read a bit of it and said, "so you're a seer and the people at school is helper to death and life... wow! is Daniel one?" I shake my head no and said, " there is a demon outside in the barn tied up by a magic chain." she smiles and says, "ok let's go check it out!" as she grabs a blanket again. I shake my head no and say, " she can take over your body so you're not going." she frowned and says, "ok fine be careful."

I then get up and walk outside and hear sapphire yelling. I go in the barn and see that she was shivering from the cold. I then grab the blanket that Naomi had and cover her up and say, "you're going to work for me now." she nods as I give her the cover. she balls up and says, "but we have to get rid of Cody first." I then let her go by uniting the chain. she smiles and says, "I'll see you tomorrow." she then disappears. I get the cover and walk inside. Naomi held a cross against me and says, "leave me friend demon." I laugh and say," it's still me Naomi." she hugs me and says, "good I'm not cut out for a demon killer so what happen." I smiled and said, "she is now on our side." she frowns and says, "what I wanted her to burn or something but that is just dumb." then I say, " come on we have school in the morning!"

we get to my room, I forget to take a shower, but I was too tired to care. I lay down and watched her slowly get under the cover. I started to get the butterflies again, but I soon fall asleep. the next morning, I wake up and Naomi was cuddled up next to me. I start to blush until I had to pee. I quickly run to the bathroom. as I finish I take a shower as I get out I see that there were no more towels left. I then open the door and see that she was still asleep I run to my dirty clothes and get a towel and try to run back but I slip on the wet floor. I slam on my tail bone and let out a scream Naomi gets up and runs to me until she sees I had no clothes. then she says, "you don't look that bad without clothes."

I blushed even more and quickly cover up. then limp to the bathroom and dry off and put on all my clothes on but I slowly pull on my panties and I then see my tight jeans and knew I regret putting it on. I moved the jeans and saw leggings then I say, "thank you grandma!" I slid on the leggings and walk out of the bathroom to see Naomi was clean her stuff up. I managed to get away but to be stopped by sapphire. as she appeared in front of me I tripped on the stairs, but she caught me before I hit the ground I open my eyes to see she caught me. I then says, "next time don't appear in front of me please, and thanks for the save." she nodded and said, "I will remember that next time but remember that deal we made last night, well today is the day you will do your part." I sign and walk to the kitchen and say "what do I have to do again" as I rubbed my ass from the pain I was feeling.

she laughs and says, "oh wait a second did you do some nasty stuff last night." then she laughed. I say, "no thank you very much I slipped on the wet floor after I took a shower!" she says "meow! ok anyways its simple just somehow kill Cody " then I frown and say "did you just say simple. it's not simple to just kill someone, maybe for you but I have emotions." sapphire laughs loud and says, "you got to be joking right!" I then sit down with a glass of milk that I got out of the fridge. then I hear Naomi run down the stairs and say "so what do you have to eat this morning" as she walks in the kitchen. I then say, "we have nothing at this moment" Naomi then says, "well I guess I can get a bit of you." sapphire says "ha so you both did something!" I then slam the glass of milk and say "sapphire! me and Naomi did nothing but sleep last night!" then Naomi says, "well I kind of did do something." then sapphire says, "oh snap guess who was right!" Then I rub my face and say, "what do you mean Naomi." She starts to blush and says, "well I....."

To be continue...

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