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I have the most shocked face as I looked at the note. The sapphire took it and looked at it and said, "oh my bad, I made this and want to scare you, but I forgot about it." She then burned the paper and smiles. Then grandpa and grandma come in and says, "ok we signed the paper lets go." I slowly get up, but a nurse tells me to sit in the wheel chair she had brought me.

I sit down, and the nurse pushed the chair as she followed grandma and grandpa, and sapphire was walking next to me. We get outside it was chill and foggy. I bundle up with my clothes as I try to stay warm. We make it to the car and the nurse helps me in the car. And sapphire sits with me in the back. Grandma and grandpa gets in and starts the car. They don't drive until the car warms up. Then grandpa turns on the heat on the lowest blowing. I buckle up and let my head against the window then sapphire lays her head in my lap and looks up at me smiling. I grin and look back at her. I start to play with her hair.

Grandma says "we going to go home now, and you have a week out of school. Then grandpa says, "but you have to stay at home and not hang out with any guys!" Grandma hits him in the arm. I laughed and said, "ok I don't know any guys anyways." Then it gets quiet as grandpa drives back home.

I look out of the window until I get tired I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep. I have a dream about sapphire. It was like I was there she was in a big circle talking to a group on a high plat form. I try to see who the group was, but it was too dark. Then I started to hear talking. Sapphire says "cody has been killed by violet and she unlocked her seer powers." The group stay quiet until one of the slays "good now the next step can happen." Then a deeper voice says, "yes, I agree but violet will need a protector" a female voice says, "yes of course now sense they lost one of their kind they know there's a seer near."

Then sapphire says, "I planned ahead and made a deal with violet that I work for her if she kills cody." Then the deepest voice says, "you contacted her without our permission!" Then the female voice says, "but even though she broke the rules, she did right!" Then the other male voice says, "so she needs to be punished for her actions!" The deepest voice says, "sapphire Your punishment will be burning on the hand for every time you walk away from violet." Then sapphire says, "yes of course!" She holds up her right hand and a burn mark appears on her hand and she bite her bottom lip from the pain. Then the female voice says "ok, now we need to set way gores the war that will be happening pretty soon." The male voice says, "yes but the problem is violet is hurt and needs to recover." Then the female voice says, "no she needs to go in training right away!" Then the deepest voice says "ENOUGH! We will let her recover then she will meet us, and we will train her then." The female says, "yes of course." Then the male says, "as you wish." Then the deepest voice says "sapphire you will protect violet and stay with her no matter what. If you leave her side the mark will burn and will get worst every second your away from her. " sapphire nods then gets to one knee. Then she gets you and walks away in the darkness." I wake up and see we was still going back home. I look down and see that sapphire was asleep. I messed with her hair until I remembered about the burn mark. I look on her hand and see the mark. But she wakes up and she says, "well when did you wake up." I then smile and say, "now to long ago." Quietly so my grandma and grandpa don't hear me.

Then sapphire says, "well you did your part of the deal, so I will do my part." She then looks out the window and says, "have you ever think about what is reason we live in this life." I look at her and say" well that's pretty deep, but no I haven't lately. Why do you ask?" She then lays her head back down and say, "I don't know, I just wonder." I then rub her head and say, "well don't worry, I'll always vet here for you if you need me." Sapphire blushed lightly and says, "why would you say that I'm just your slave at this point!"

I frown and say "you're not at all a slave to me I would let you go anywhere you want, plus I would not call you a slave. You are my friend and nothing less!" Then grandpa says, "my friend to." Grandma slaps him on the arm. I look up and grin. I forgot to be quiet.

I look around and see that we were almost home. I then see Naomi was waiting on me on the porch. We pull in the drive. Naomi gets up and starts to walk to the car. Grandma and grandpa gets out. I slowly get out and start to walk to the door Naomi trees to help me, but I push her away and go inside and sapphire follows closely.

I get in then grandma says, "violet you can go upstairs with Naomi." I then look at her and say "she can stay outside. Naomi starts to cry and runs over. Then grandma says, "now you need to be nice to her, she didn't do anything to you." I get madder and go to my room and slam the door. I lay on the bed sapphire lays next to me and says, "why are you being mean to her." I look at her and say, "I'm mad at Naomi because I showed her something important to me and she doesn't even believe me."

I turn away from sapphire and looked at the wall as I played on my side. Sapphire then pushed her arm between my left arm and rest her hand on my stomach and pulls me close. I was. Still mad but I held he hand as it played on my stomach. I got allot more relaxed. I then heard Naomi down stairs talking to grandma.

I get up and look at sapphire had fell asleep. I then kiss her on the cheek and get up, but I remembered if I go down stairs sapphire hand will burn but if I don't go down stairs Naomi and me might never be friends. I make a choice and sit back down. I lay be hide sapphire and do what she did. I slip my hand between her arm. I cuddle with her and feel a warm air like being cover with an eclectic blanket in a cold winter night.

I was so comfortable until Naomi walked it. I quickly raised up and looked at her. Sapphire stayed asleep as Naomi came to the side of the bed where I was. She hugs me and says "I'm sorry if I ever did anything. Please forgive me." I push her off me and say "I'm sorry you have made me feel sad. I thought I liked you, but my eyes were just covered. But now I can see the world for what it really is." Then I see tiers form in her eyes. I quickly kiss her on the lips. I held her close and closed my eyes.

I then moved back, I was lightly blushing. But her face was solid red then she smiles and says, "by the way I never did masturbate on your couch." I say "I never did see a demon or ghost. And that book is a prop too, I wanted to be different." She smiles and says, "good it kind of creeped me out." I felt a sadness because I made her creeped out by telling the truth.

She then says "so that kiss .... Are we a thing. " i sign and say "I rather just be friends. I'm have to heal from today." She frowns and says "ok that's fine. I guess I can take care of you until you recover." I smile and say, "well I'm tired so I'm going to sleep, I'll see you in the morning or when I wake up." She nods and leaves the room. After you slowly closed the door I turned to see sapphire looking at me and says, "well you're a bit selfish." Then I get close to her and say, "how is that!" She pulled me close and smiles then kissed me. I blushed badly. I wrapped around her and kissed back. But I heard a knock on my door. I frown and stop kissing her. I get up and limp to the door and answer it. I opened it and saw a teen boy then angel appears and pulls out a sword.

To be continued....

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