Chapter 18 (Wednesday)

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Jessie's POV

When I get off the phone with Gustavo, the leader of the Locos gang, I drive straight to my house. I basically told him that I want to take up his off er to join the gang. A while back, he had some of my closest homies that I've known for the longest, which are his members, let me know that he had some business to handle with me. They gave me his number and told me to call him as soon as I could.

I wondered what type of business he was talking about, so I had called him later on that night, and he explained to me that he was recruiting people, and he had been watching me. He said that he could use my strength and determination to help lead his gang. In return for my help, he was going to give me something he knew I needed.

At first, I was a little shaken up and mad as hell that he's been watching me and that my homies have been telling him all my family's business, but he said that he just wants to help me out like I can help him, and that's with paper. I ain't told Ren or the guys that mi madre and padre are having money problems. I was going to say no to Gus, but their financial issues aren't something that's fixable overnight. I'm the oldest in the house, and I should be putting in some work to help them out. Since I haven't been, I need to catch up, so I'm doing this for the money. I love my family that much.

Ren had got me so pissed today that I kind of portrayed it to seem like I'm doing this because of her. Not to make her feel bad, but because I'm hurt too. I still can't believe she chose that fuck up over me.

I park in my driveway, get out, and rush into the house. I grab some grip tape and start wrapping it around my fist. Then I pull my shirt over my head and throw it in the hamper. I flex my muscles in the mirror a couple times to see if they're still a good size, which they are because of weightlifting for football. All I have to do is put up a good fight with at least three of them, and I'll be straight. I'm not worried because I know I can fight. I used to have to fight for Ren, Jada, and Dejah all the time. I used to defend them no matter what whenever Marlon and Michael weren't around, and us guys used to slap box to get our hands up, which helped a lot. Especially after Mike joined his gang because his hands got way better. With all that practice, I know I can take on at least two at a time.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear my doorbell ring. I head to the living and open it to see damn near the whole Locos gang already in my yard, but it's my homies Jesus, known as Scraps, and Fernando, known as Rider, that are at my door. I give them daps and let them in, closing the door after. "Que pasa?" I ask, walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the table.

"Nada, man.We just want to give you a little pep talk," Scraps says as they both sit down across from me.

"Oh, alright."

"This ain't gonna be easy. He got his hardest out there for you so he can see if you can really make it with us, pero he knows your strength. Gus think highly of you, foo," Rider says.

"Yeah, and this will help you," Scraps says, putting a small bottle on the table. "This that good alcohol right here. This is DeLeon Tequila. A couple shots of this and your whole body will be numb. You'll get a little tipsy, but you'll have the adrenaline rush to go at anybody."

I twist the cap off the bottle and smell it. It has a strong scent, but I take a shot anyway. My throat burns as it goes down my throat, but I ignore it like it's nothing and take another shot. I haven't had a drink like this in a while. I'm not the drinking or smoking type of person, but as of today, I'm not the same Jessie anymore either.

"Maldito, el hombre/Damn, man. You ride or die already, huh?" Scraps jokes.

I take one more gulp, getting used to the burning feeling. It's got a funny taste, but it's not nasty or nothing. I pass it to them, but they both shake their heads.

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