Chapter 3: My Arrival

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Author's note:

Hey guys!

Now I can really begin writing this story muahahaha. No really tho I'm excited about it. I also want to thank everyone who has read my first chapter, it may not be good, but thanks for supporting it. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

I was thinking about the dream the entire day. I couldn't focus on anything, except for the dream. It seemed so real last night, so I was wondering if I would really turn back this night. I had never heard of Panem or district 12 before, so I was curious. The man, whose name is Haymitch, probably lives there and he didn't seem enthusiastic about it. Maybe it was just going to be a bad dream, but how bad would it be?


I woke up in the same bed as yesterday, but there was no one else in the room. There was only one door in the room, without windows. I decided to get up and open the heavy, grey door. I saw Effie and Haymitch sitting in two large, grey sofas. They were chatting with each other, but stopped abruptly when they saw me. Effie stood up and walked towards me to give me a hug.

"There she is!"

I smelled the rose perfume she wore. She wore a little too much. Now Haymitch got up too, slowly.

"How are you, sweetheart?"

"I'm fine, thank you." I still wasn't familiar with the idea that he would probably call me sweetheart the entire time. I guess I need to get used to it.

"It's a big big big day for you, Emily!" Effie said a bit too happy. Haymitch rolled with his eyes.

Effie inspected my body with her eyes, I realized I was still wearing those pink pajamas.

"But I guess we need to... change you in some other clothes..." She said. "Wait."

She walked to something which looked like a wardrobe, and picked out a grey shirt with grey jeans. "We don't want you to stand out. Although I like your pink outfit better."

I looked at the grey clothes. No color, no pattern. I couldn't really believe the cotton candy woman picked these out. I looked at Haymitch, who was sort of smirking. "Not as pretty as you expected, huh?" I looked at the clothes ones more, and then decided that this was way better than my pajamas.

"Where can I change?"

"Walk with me, Emily." Effie said. She walked pretty fast with those high heels on, I was wondering how she didn't trip in them. She pulled open another grey door. Just another white room without any windows. Is this is going to be my nightlife?

She let me alone to let me change. The clothes were too big for me. I walked out the door and stepped into the room with Haymitch and Effie in it.

"They don't exactly fit..."

"That's 12, darling" Haymitch said, while drinking a green substance.

"It's better than your pajamas, haha." He drank. I watched.

"It would almost be weird if they fitted. No one in 12 fits properly in their clothes. What do you expect? It's not the Capitol!"

"Haymitch, stop it now, she is not used to this yet!" Effie said.

"Fine, fine."

Awkward silence.

"Not to be rude or anything, but what am I supposed to do here?" I asked eventually.

Haymitch looked at me and breathed out heavily. "Live."

"In these white rooms? With only some grey doors?"

"You wish."

Awkward silence again, and Effie was the one who broke it.

"We will release you in district 12. Your mother and father will be there too. Please, understand that this world is much more different than yours Emily, be careful. You won't be the richest anymore. This is where you need to work for your money."

"For your life." Haymitch added while drinking some of the liquor.

I just told myself that this was all a dream. There was no woman who looked like cotton candy and there was no alcohol addict who called me sweetheart. They were imaginative.

For the first time, I saw Haymitch' concerned look.

"You don't believe us, do you, sweetheart?" I shook my head. He stood up and walked out the room.

"Let's bring her to the hovercraft." Effie walked with me.

We saw Haymitch talking with a black woman in doctors' clothes. She looked like a nice lady, not so extravagant as Effie. I wondered where the woman came from, because I really was the only one in that room a couple of minutes ago. She smiled at me and told me to follow her. I did, Effie and Haymitch were walking right behind me. The woman gave a code to a small computer screen, and a door appeared. She gave an other code and the door opened. For the first time, I saw light. But that wasn't the only thing I saw, I saw a huge hovercraft. My mouth was open again.

"It will bring you to 12." The woman said. I saw her eyes were slightly grey and I though it looked good on her. I nodded to her, and gave her a weak smile. The four of us stepped into the hovercraft.

"I guess this is the moment where I need to leave. I wish you all of the best." The unknown woman said.

"Okay." Was all I said, I didn't exactly know what to say. I looked down to my hands, which were laying on my lap. I heard the woman leaving.

"I still don't understand why she was even needed." Effie said, a bit irritated.

"The Capitol must be sure that she isn't a crazy freak of course, right?" Haymitch told her.

"Why would Snow even care about a lucid in 12..."

"You never know, Effie."

I was still looking at my hands, I quietly said:

"I am not a freak. I am just Emily, just Emily..."

"Well, 'just Emily', it looks like the Capitol is not going to really care about you, so don't put any energy in worrying about it." I nodded. I had no idea of what the Capitol was and I guess I didn't want to know.

The hovercraft flew for hours, and we didn't talk that much. Then, we got a message, that district 12 was near and we needed to prepare for the landing. The landing of my new life.

But what will happen in 12 tho...

Thank you again for reading this (short, I'm sorry about that) chapter. It would really help a lot if you would give me some feedback or anything, so I could improve my writing skills :))

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