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Pic of Haylin in the media thingy...

Haylin's POV

as soon as we both said go Trey started runnin towards the boxes and fell on a wet towel. I was dying laughing. Then I remembered this was a competition. I speed walked over to the counter and picked up my 3 tests. Trey was trying to get up off the floor.

Trey: you not gone help ya man up?

Haylin: hmmm *thinking face* NO

Trey: AWE! I see how it is

Haylin: Ahhh shut it up *walks toward him*

Trey: *sad face*

Haylin: *baby voice* No sad faces! cause if you get sad im ganna get sad *attempts to help trey up*

Trey: but you hurt my feelings *pulls haylin down on to of him*

Haylin: I sowwy :(

He kissed me slowly and deeply Then started massaging my thigh which made me feel 'some type of way' then he just stopped

Trey: *rolls haylin off of him & stands up* your forgiven

Haylin: Fuck you!

Trey: maybe later

Trey's POV

Her face was hilarious when i stoped playin wit her ass. I got a feelin I just started a war. Oh well tho, she cant resist this long. i walked to the bed and sat down with the 3 pregnancy tests. 2 positives & 1 Negative. I have a feeling im gonna be a daddy.

Haylin: whatchu smiling fa?

Trey: no reason

I lied.

Trey: but what did you get?

Haylin: 1 positive 1 negative

Trey: what about the 3rd one?

Haylin: its broken or something but how bout you?

Trey: 2 positives 1 negative

Haylin: *sighs* lets look at the last one

Trey: Why you madd?? like whats so bad about being a Momma?

Haylin: nothing I would love to but im just scared....

Trey: Of?

Haylin: failing.... what if im not a good mom what if he/she grows up and hates me or if when he/she does soe real stupid shit as a teenager and i go to jail for whoopin  ass

Trey: *laughs* #1 you will be a good mama your the sweetest, smartest, nicest person i know. #2 he/she wont grow up and hate you beacause youll be an amazing mama & #3 you wont go to jail. I will. If the shi they did was that stupid ten ima be the one beatin ass. not you.

Haylin: *smiles* I love you

Trey: I love you most

Haylin: so what does the last one say?

we saved the least complicated one for last. I flipped the thin over and it said PREGNANT. I felt myself smilin from ear to ear. I dropped the test on the counter picked up Haylin and carried her to the bed bridal style and tossed her on it and got on top of her. then I whispered in her ear

Trey: guess what

Haylin: what?

she whispered back

Trey:  your a mommy

She cheezed hard

Haylin: guess what

Trey: what?

Haylin: your a daddy

Thats when it all became real to me. i mean who woulda thought: Me, Tremaine Aldon Neverson would be a dad?

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