Chapter 3,We know our stuff

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~~Max's P.O.V~~

When Xavier and dad left at 11:30 mom made the boys leave.

"Goodnight Mrs Connar ," Ely said with a smile, trying to get on moms good side.

"Goodnight boys," she said returning the smile "and please call me Xavia,"

When the boys left the camper we went to get ready for bad.

"Nice boys," mom says " And that bot that sat beside Calia couldn't keep his eyes off her!"

See we have always been able to talk about this kind of stuff with my parents. It's  seems weird, I know but they're kinda cool I guess.

"Guaranteed they'll be together before noon tomorrow!" I say teasing Cal from the bathroom

"Noon? Hell! Midnight at the least!" Sky yells from the bedroom "Sorry Xavia," she added quickly.

"Oh you guys stop it !" Cal called from the other bedroom

It was now quarter to 12, and we decided to pop some corn and watch some movies in my room at the back of the camper. We all put the volumes up on our phones just in case  Alex called or texted to ask out Calia.

"Hey! Max! Answer your phone! Someones calling you ! It could be me or Cal in the hospital on our death beds! Or us in jail with our one phone call! ANSWER!" my phone went off with  my ringtone that Sky set on my phone a few months ago. 

"Hello?" I said as i motioned to Sky to tell me the time. She held up her phone and I saw that it was five to 12.

"Um hey , it's uh Alex , and I don't have Calia's phone number  cause the guys deleted it, and they wont give it to me. So I was wondering , well if it's okay with you , if I could maybe talk to her?" Alex said sounding a little scared

"Yea , sure here she is,"

He let out a sigh of relief . " Thanks! A lot!"

"CAAAAL ! PHONE! IT"S AAALEX!" I yelled to make it seem like we weren't chillin' like fools waiting for him to call. She took the phone and went outside to talk to him

A few minutes later she came back. But instead of a smile she looked sad.

"He-he  has a girlfriend!" she said between tears.

"What a douche !" I said full of rage! It's one thing to lead someone on when you have a girlfriend. But my bestfriend?  Hell to the fucking no!

Sky's eyes narrowed "I'll kill him!" she said her words full of venom. "How dare he! He lead toy to think he liked you ! And for him to have a girlfriend? I will cut  that bitch up !"

Calia smiled "You guys didn't even let me finish," She said with a giggle . All I could think was how the hell she can be laughing at what just happened to her!? I nodded  my head for her to continue and looked over at Sky to see that she really didn't care about what Cal had to say. She just wanted to hurt Alex and his bitch if a girlfriend.

"It's me! I'm his girlfriend!" She squealed and Sky's expression softened.

"WHAT?" I yelled "What ?" I repeated remembering mom was asleep

"Yea me! And only me!" she said with the biggest smile I've ever seen. "Don't ever do that again!" Sky said hitting her with a pillow. "I was plotting their death," she said  and we all started to laugh. We stayed up for a few more hours, talking giggling and somewhat watching the movie.


When I woke up i checked my phone for the time and saw that I had a missed text from Ely.

Meet us out front at 10:30

 I checked the time, 10:20!

"Guys! Get up!" I said shaking the girls

"What? Why?" Sky asked groggily.

 I showed them the text. "Shit! We have ten minutes!" Cal yelled

We decide to each take a two minute shower , while the other two pick out clothes and make food. we were  all finished with two minutes to spare. We went and got the two bikes , Cal riding mine and Sky on X's with me on the handlebars. getting there at exactly 10:30. 

The sight of Ely made my heart flutter, he looked even more attractive than yesterday . I mean if that's even possible, him being a douche and all. I coudn't help but smile, and he smiled right back. Which made my heart flutter even more.

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