Chapter 2,Flirting and Splashing

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(Skylar’s P.O.V)

“Hey Calia, can I talk to you?” I asked one of my best friends.

She nods and follows me over to a big rock.

“So I see you’re doing really well with your flirting.” I comment smiling.

She laughs.

“Thanks, I actually think I really like Alex…-” She tells me while blushing slightly.

I look over at Alex who was currently talking to Ely, X and Kade. They were laughing about something that probably wasn’t even funny. I noticed that Max was walking by herself along the edge of the water.

“But I don’t know if he likes me,” She continued.

I laugh.

Her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

“Don’t even think for one friggin second that that boy doesn’t like you! For God sake’s Cal! Every time you catch him staring at you, he blushes!” I shake my head.

“You’re too oblivious for your own good!” I exclaim.

She laughs, probably at the crazy look on my face.

“Okay I trust you and I hope that you’re right.” She mumbles.

“DAMN RIGHT I AM!” I yell probably a little too loud because all heads turn to look at me. I laugh.

“WHAT!?” I yell. “You’ve never heard a fourteen year old girl yell a swear word before? I ask them.

Not two seconds later did Max burst into gaffaws of laughter and the guys following her lead, probably deciding it would be best. Shaking my head at them I turn back around to Calia.

“Just keep flirting like I told you to and eventually things should just click between you two. That is if the chemistry is right.” I tell her with a smile on my face.

She nods and smiles back.

“Let’s go see if Max wants to watch a movie…I’m bored.” I say.

Again she nods and we make our way over to Max.

All the guys follow us and eventually we all end up standing in the water. It wasn’t too cold so we just stood there watching the guys make fools of themselve’s by splashing each other. It was all going good until Ely decided he’d go after Max. So he scooped his hands under the cool dirty water and splashed her. With a shrilling scream that could have woken up the dead she bolts at Ely full force.

“ WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” She yells dead in his smirking face.

He shrugs.

“I was bored.”

“Well I don’t give a rats ass if you were bored or having the time of your life, you splash me again and you’ll regret it.” She threatened him pocking him in the chest.

He just laughed it off and splashed her again. This time getting her whole body drenched in cold, dirty ocean water.

He watched curiously as she took another step towards him. Getting right up in his face.

“You’re a fucking douche bag.” She said to him calmly.

I nearly burst out laughing at the fact that deep inside I knew she wanted to punch him. Biting my lip I actually kept myself from laughing.

I watched as she shoulder bumped him as she walked past him back towards the camper. Everyone followed her lead, everyone except Alex. I made my over to where he was standing. He looked to be in deep thought. And I had a pretty good idea of what or should I say who those thoughts thoughts were about.

“Sooo…Alex. What's up with you and Calia?” I ask him curiously.

A slight blush makes its way onto his cheeks.

“I don’t know yet…I mean I like her and max says she likes me…” He trailed off.

“She like’s you trust me, I’m her best friend which means I know these things and so does Max and if we both say the same thing than its true. So you should just ask her out.” I told him.

He just stares at me for a moment before looking at the water.

“I-I don’t know. I mean what if I actually work up the nerve to ask her out and she says no?”

I shrug.

“That won’t happen and I’m absolutely positive. Just talk to her, get to know her better and let her get to know you. Ask her out once you feel confident enough.”

He laughs.

“You make it sound so easy. But in reality its like rocket science.”

“No its simple all you have to do is take it slow.”

He nods.


I smile at him and he smirks back.

“We should probably head back. I’m sure they’re wondering what happened to us.” I say.

He nods.

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