Chapter 12, I Love You Man.

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Skylar’s P.O.V.

            My plan was foolproof!  Nothing was going to get in my way!

            “Hey Sky!”  Alex yelled.

            Dammit, I thought too soon.  Turning around slowly, I put a fake smile on my face.

            “Hey Alex!  What’s up?” I asked.

            “Well I heard that you’re setting Max and Ely up!  I wanna help, so I was wondering if there was something I could do?”

            “Umm…well there’s nothing for you to do really, as long as Ely doesn’t find out that it’s Max until tonight we’re all good,”   I said.

            “Oh well, okay.  I’ll just go find Calia then,” he said and then walked off in the other direction.

            Breathing a sigh of relief, I silently thanked god that, that baboon wasn’t going to wreck my G.E.A.M.T.B.T.E.O.T.W plan.  Coming up to Max’s camper I quickly run in.

            “Okay!  Let’s get you ready!”

            Cal and I did her hair and makeup and just as we were putting the final touches on our work my phone started ringing.  I dashed around the camper, running around frantically trying to find it.

            “Hello?” I asked when I finally found it under a pile of laundry.

            “Skylar!  I’m coming over!  Ely’s freaking out!  He says that-,” Alex was cut off and I heard a bunch of fumbling noises then Ely’s voice.

            “I’m fine,” then he hung up.

            That was odd.  I looked over at Calia.

            “ Your boyfriend is extremely weird,” I told her whilst shaking my head.

            “Hey!  Don’t judge!”

            “Sorry,” I smiled sheepishly at her and then turned around and looked at Max.

            “You look beautiful,” I told her smiling.

            “Okay, so you know the plan right? Ely needs to get to know you and you him.  The fact that he’s British doesn’t count.  So don’t even think about that,” I told her.

            “Yup, I’m good,” she said standing up.

            “I’ll see you guys later,” she said as she walked out the door, giving us one final smile.

            Their date was on the beach so she had to walk down and meet him there.  The door banged shut behind her and not two minutes later did Alex and Kade open it again, and come barging into the camper.

            “Hey girls, let’s watch a movie!”  Alex exclaimed.

            We didn’t really have anything else to do so we agreed.  While the guys made the popcorn and set up the movie Cal and I finished cleaning up the makeup and hair supplies.

            I looked over and found Kaden staring at me.

            “What?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

            “Nothing, you just look really pretty in that,” he motioned towards my skinny jeans and blue halter top.  Truth be told I only wear the shirt because it makes my boobs look good.  A blush rose to my cheeks.

            “Thanks,” I mumbled and then slumped down on the couch next to Calia.  She gave me a smile and I sent her a wink which confused her.  So I got out my phone and texted her.

            -I’m sitting beside you to see if it bothers the guys and to see if they say anything.

            -Oh hahaha!  I couldn’t figure out why you winked at me!:P

            I laughed out loud then I read her text and then looked at the guys.  They were staring at me curiously.

            “Umm…Jarred,” I said as if that explained everything.

            To my surprise they nodded and turned back to the T.V.  About halfway through the movie I heard someone sigh.  I looked over and saw Kade frowning and Alex looking bored as hell.  I silently laughed to myself.  About five minutes later Kade stood up.

            “Okay.  I’ve had enough I came here to spend time with my girlfriend, and I’m not so Skylar please come sit with me, or go for a walk or something,” he pleaded.  “I didn’t plan on sitting beside Alex the whole time.”

            “Hey!  That hurts man, I thought you loved me!” Alex says offended.

            “Look man I’m sorry you know I love you bro, but I just want to spend some time with my girl,”Kaden apologized.

            “Whatever, man.  I don’t love you anymore, so go spend time with your girl, we’re done,” Alex replied.

            Kaden put a sad face on, and ran over to Alex.

            “Nooo!  I love you way too much!  Don’t leave me!”

            Their faces were really close and they slowly looked at each other.  All of a sudden their faces scrunched up and they burst out laughing.  Alex started patting Kade on the back.

            “You know what man, go be with your girl.  I forgive you, I love you too man,”  Alex said sincerely.

            “Thanks man.  See ya later!” Kaden yelled as he led me out the door.

            Once we made it outside, I glanced up at Kade he looked back at me with curious eyes.

            “So where do you want to go?” he asked me.

            “Are your parents at the camper?”


            “Then let’s go there,” I said taking his hand as we started walking.

            A small smile slipped on his face as we walked and for once I was in an amazing mood.  I was holding my boyfriends hand as we walked quietly to his camper.  It just made me feel happy.  I looked around at the trees and the sky and thought about the stars, they were so beautiful but even they don’t last forever, you just have to shine as bright as you can for as long as you can.


            Just as we were about to go into Kades camper I heard somebody call my name.

            “Skylar!” Jared’s voice called.  He was running towards me yelling frantically.

            “Why didn’t you answer your phone!?” he exclaimed at me before I even had a chance to say hi.

            “Well hello to you too big brother.  And for your information I left it at the camper.  What do you want?” I asked him uninterested, all I really wanted to do was have some alone time with Kade.  I got even more irritated when I heard his next words.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2012 ⏰

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