Chapter 5, I'm Going to marry you,

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Max's P.O.V

I pulled on my bathing suit , put on my cover up and took two towls - for me and Sky-. Just then I realized Sky just left me to go swimming -alone- with the two boys. God knows where Cal and Alex were, so there's no way she can come save me. Maybe I should just wait for Sky to come back.

"Fuck it," I said  to myself. "It's too hot to stay in here!" Right after I said that mom came in the camper.

"Oh you're going swimming?" she said grabbing her purse. "I'm running to town, you'll be okay here? Jessica is down at her camper with Chris. You should ask him to  swim with you guys! Bye Love," She said giving me a peck on the forehead and rushed out the door.

Wonderful. Chris, the really cute boy that we have been trying to befriend - but stays in his camper thw whole time- is here! Now not only  am I freaking  about going swimming with Kade and Ely,  I'm freaking out about talking to Chris. I had to ask him to come swimming, only for him to say no.


"Yea sure! I'll meet you there!"

"Okay, cool" I say taken aback .

I walked up to the pool and saw Ely, Kade and Sky already in the pool.

"There she is!" Ely called coming out of the pool. Oh God.. he's getting a six pack. C'est okay Max, ne freak pas out. 

I stepped out on my sandals and coverup and lay the towls on a chair in the sun. I walked  to the edge of the pool near the deep end. Two arms wrapped around my waist, they jumped into the pool taking my with them. Under the water I opened my eyes and saw the arms belonged to Chris!

I floated back u to the top.

"That was awkward," I said to Sky

"Kade dared him to, just to get Ely mad," 

"It was priceless," Kade added.

We sawm for about two hours, the boys showing off and Sky and me throwing the ball.

"We should go find Calia, it's almost supper time," Sky said drying off and checking her phone.We walked all over the camp ground twice. Skylar and I had the camp ground itself and the boys had the beach and road near the campground. We tried to call their phones and every time it would ring once and say the phone was out of range. Great! That boy had her somewhere doing God knows what!  I never did like him.

"Now what?" Ely asked . Now what? Now what ?! Are you kidding me? My best friend is missing and yhe's going to ask now what?

"The woods!" Sky almost yelled 

We split back up in our groups and ran into the wood. The boys going to the far side. After what seemed like years of running I saw them. 

"THERE YOU ARE!" I yelled at them 


"On the beach," Alex said calmly

The boys came sprinting to us obviously hearing everything . 

"All day?" Kade asked trying hard to breath.

"Mhm,"  Cal replied "We thought we would walk back to your camper this was and come out through the fire pit area. And I wanted to take pictures," Alex smiled down at her making her blush. And I don't just mean blush. I'm talking blush blush , like she had a secret.


"You did it! Didn't you?" Sky asked after  mom left to get supper

"Did what?" she asked


"It what?!"

"SEX!" Sky yelled

"SKYLAR ROSE ANDERSON!" I yelled at her

"NO! God no!" Cal shouted back at Sky sounding offended

"Then what did you do?" Sky spat

"We went to the beach, at, talked, took pictures. And now I'm getting yelled at by you! Maybe we should of went to town with his mom!"

"Cal, I'm sorry about Sky," I said glaring at Sky 

After a few minutes of awkward silence  mom busted into the camper with a  bunch of bags of McDonalds in hand

"Girls," She said looking at Cal and Sky "When your parents ask what you had for supper,"

"Say spaghetti," they said in unison


We each took a burger and fries and sat at the table. We didn't really eat all day so we were quite hungry, and finished fast.

"You girls can stay for the rest if the week, it's only Thursday," Mom said putting things away. "Plus I have to work tonight,"

"I can call and see if I'm allowed," Sky said pulling out her phone.

They bith called their parents. Both of them were m were allowed, and their parents asked if they had enough clothes for the week. And as always they said they were fine, because they could borrow mine if needed.

'"Here's twenty dollars," mom said when the girls got off the hone, "Take it and go sign them in at the office for the rest of the week,"

"Can't you do it?" I whined

"No. You're fully capable yourself,"

"But what  if Simon's there," Sky cried

'"Fine, here's ten more, buy some ice cream for God sakes,"

"Fine," I grumbled taking the thirty dollars.

Making our way to the front office we ran into the boys.

"Where you heading?" Alex asked Cal as he took her hand, making her blush.

"To get signed in for the rest of the week," Cal said monotone.

"Shall we race?" I called to everyone.

We started running. I  sprinted down to the office. Beating everyone with Sky right behind me. We caught our breaths while we waited for the rest to get here.

"Man," Kade said still out of breath. "You run fast!" 

Me and Sky both looked at each other. "WE know," we said together.

"Well we'll wait out here," Alex said  letting go of Cals hand and giving her a peck on her cheek, making her blush yet again.

"well," I said "I was wondering if you guys would come in with us,"

"Why ?" Kade asked with a puzzled look

"So Simon doesn't hit on us," Sky replied with a cringe.

WE walked in together. He must of noticed Cal and Alex holding hands  because,he turned to Sky, and I hid behind Ely and picked out ice cream.

"Hey sweetness," he said with a sly smile.

Kaden went up behind Sky and put hid hands on her waist.

"My  girlfriend would just like to sign in for the rest of the week and buy ice creams," he said looking Simon right in the eyes.  You go Kaden! I set the ice cream on the counter and Cal and Sky signed the sign-in book. Kade took the money from her and and gave it to Simon. Sky turned around and kissed him.

"I'm so going to marry you!" she said as she pulled away.

"Skylar Rose Jonston, sounds good!" he said with a wink. "But I think we should date first and wait until we're older," He said and kissed her forehead.

 "Fine by me."

 Wow. I can't believe that just happened. Infront of Simon. It's probably the closest thing he's ever got to action.

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