Chap.5 Starting to see the real him

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I woke up in a big ass bed.

"Ouch-owie" I winched in pain from where I got shot as I sat up in the bed.

"Hey mornin"

I heard a voice beside me and looked and it was Justin.

"Oh hey. Mornin"

"How's your arm?" He asked curiously

"It hurts like shit. But I'll make it."

"Yea?..I'm gonna go take a quick shower. Don't snoop." He said seriously.

"Geeez I'm not. Chill" I said.

"Whatever I'll be back. stay!"

I got up to where my purse was, in the corner of the room, and I picked up my phone calling work saying I probably won't be in today. Oh shit what if they ask why I ditch yesterday . Whatever I'll find some excuse.

"Hello You have reached Macy's shopping this is Sophie. How may I help you?" Sophie said nicely threw the phone .

"Hey Soph it's Alexi. I -" I was cut off by justin grabbing the phone from my ear .

"You can't contact anyone when your with us. Ok?" He questioned.

"Justin - I need to tell them an excuse for why I didn't come back from lunch break yesterday or I'll get fired." I said.

"Sorry no-can-do ."


" I'm serious!" He sternly said. I was kinda getting nervous around him.

"Ok I'm-I'm sorry."

"Good now I wa- "

"JUSTIN-COME HERE NOW!!!!!" Allen yelled from downstairs interrupting what Justin was going to say.

" uhh- wait here."


He then went downstairs .

I had nothing else to do so I decided to change into some other clothes that happen to be in my bag.

When I was finish changing I was heading for the stairs that lead downstairs. I stopped when I heard Allen and Justin arguing.

"Justin how about you stop being a dick and man up" Allen shouted in his face.

"You know what!!! Go suck a 60 year old mans dick!! Get out!!!" Justin yelled.

I never seen him like this before. It was scaring me.

Me being the caring and loving girl I am. I decided to go and ask what's wrong.

I walked down the stairs as Allen walked out of the house .

"What was that all about." I asked Justin as he was sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands.

"Nothing" He said coldly.

"Justin you know you can tell me anything. right?"

"I SAID IT WAS NOTHING!!!!" He yelled in my face as he got up and walked upstairs.

I stood in shock. Maybe Sophie was right. He is bad news. What he just did scared the fuck out of me. I would get up and leave but I'm scared he'll find me and hurt me.

I went upstairs to where he was.
I stood in the doorway to where he was.

"I'm sorry- I just don't like to be questioned." He simply said.

"It's fine really." I said walking up to him.

I sat on his lap and kissed him.

"Do I scare you?" he asked.

I was going to say no, but I thought about it and said " yes. Just a little"

"It gets worse." he said looking into my eyes.

I was scared. but at the same time I felt safe.

"I can deal" I said brushing my lips against his.

"Are you sure"


"Then your in for a roller coaster ride." He said smiling.

"It's worth it" I said.

We begin to kiss. Then it turned into a hot make-out session .

He was in top of me rubbing my legs while kissing me.

"We got a plane to catch" He said

"What!!" I ask shocked.

"We need to get away from him for a bit." Justin said.

"Who's "him"" I asked.

"I can't say right now. Plus remember I don't like to be questioned." He said.

"I'm sorry." I said shyly

"Don't front" he said giving me a kiss .

This is going to be a wild ride with him!

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