chap.14 Starting to see.

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Alexis POV

We have all flown back go L.A last week. I still have to stay with the 'crew'.

Yes he is still ignoring me!!! I cant take. I've come to my senses and realized that two can play that game. If Justin thinks he can just treat me like shit, and act like nothings is up? He has a lot coming for him! Im Ignoring as much he is with me. I'll go and party . Fuck other dudes if I want, and not give a damn about bieber. I hope this will make him feel as bad as I do! Fuck this shit, Im done. Watch !

* Moments later ( Its night time) *

" Hey guys! " I said walking in the living room. All the boys were watching wristleing , including Justin .

" Sup." They all said at ounce.

" Oh nothing, well I was wondering if i could you know go out?" I asked.

all their heads snapped towards me

" You know you cant do that" Spencer said.

" Well yeah but, no one will recognize me, think of it. I'll be loaded with makeup and it'll be dark in the club and-"

"CLUB!!!!!" all of them yelled, including Justin. yes!

"Well, yea. I'm a big girl. I use to go all the time."

"Uhh- no!" Justin yelled.

No one said anything .

Then spinner spoke up.

"Well maybe one of us will go with you. Or all of us knowing 'he' is probably looking for you." He said.

"No! He's not going to be looking for her because, nothing is going on between us! " Justin yelled.

Ouch. That one hurt. I held in the tears.

"IM GOING. " I yelled back.

"Umm no your not! " Justin said back.

"yes I am!" Well, at least we are talking.

"NO YOU ARE NOT!!!! Justin said finally standing up from the sofa. he's scarring me now. But I had to stand up for myself.

"YES I AM!!!! POINT. BLANK. END OF STORY!!!!" I yelled .

We were now in each other's faces. Him hovering over me.

" You know what !How about you stop being a spoiled little bitch that you are and listen for ounce. No. ok. Your not going!!!! End of story!!!" He yelled in my face. wait he just called me a bitch.

That's when the waterworks started to finally fall.

"Fuck you." I said and ran off to the room me and him ' ounce' shared.

" That was foul man." I heard the boys say.

I will go no matter what, I'm going to that club and I'm going to live it out!

* knock knock knock*

Someone was knocking on my door.

"Go-go away!" I manage to cry out.

"Hey it's me" by that voice I knew it was Allen .

"Ok . it's open." I was sitting on the bed my back facing the door.

I felt his arms snake around my small waist. If only it was Justin. stop it Alexi!!! he's over you !!

"Hey I know what he said, wasn't, right , but please cheer up When your not happy, I'm not." Is he flirting?

"Haha oh , thanks! That's very sweet!" I said now blushing. why ?

"Hehe, oh and please do me a favor. Don't go out behind our backs." He said serious.

"O-ok " I said.

"Good! thanks, go get some sleep. ok?"


With that he left.

I looked around trying to find something that I could communicate Sophie with . haha . justin left his cell on the dresser.

I dialed her number. I'm surprised I remembered it.

"He-hello" she sounded so. Dead.

"Hi. um, Sophie ?"

"Yea? who is this?"

"It's- it's Alexi."


"Hello. are you there?"

"I'm sorry. I just can't believe it's you! Where the fuck have you been?"

"I'm sorry. it's just. I ugh "

I was looking around the room for an excuse. Then I saw a newspaper report .

"Well" she said inpatient.

It read 'nursing home caught fire!'

"Well , um you know the nursing home that caught fire ?" I asked.


"Well. I was there and I was in the fire and I was in some type of care for. For Fire injuries?" I was a horrible lier.

"Why were you there?" she asked.

"Well , you know. Just visiting my grandmother." I was really laying it on thick.

"Ok, sure. But oh well . I've missed you baby whore!!" There's my soph

"Haha. well lov u to!! anyways I called and wanted to ask if you wanted to go out tonight?" I asked.

"Sure babes. Which club?"

"You pick . your better at picking then I am."

" Hahaha true , true true."

"When and where should I pick you up?" She asked.

"Oh uh meet me at the gas station on west eve. I'll meet you there at. uh . 11:00 pm?"

"Ok . I guess I'll see u there. plus we need to catch up!"

"Haha kk" and with that I hung up.

Let the games began!!!

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