chap.27 His dark side

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Alexi's POV

"What do you mean you know my past?" Justin asked getting up from the bed.

"Everything Justin. Most of all, that your abusive." I said.

"Who told you?" He snapped getting closer to me. I was backed away into a wall.

"ALEXI!" He snarled.

I stayed quiet .

"FUCK!" He punched the wall right by my head. " Do you think I'm a monster now?" He whispered into my ear. His eyes were black.

"No. We -we can get through this Justin. I'm never leaving you." I stuttered grabbing the sides of his face.

"Babe, you don't get it. This is who I am. This is me. This big, bad monster . If anything happens just know that I love you more than anything." He whispered in my ear.

I looked deep into his eyes. He was speaking the truth. This is who he is, I cant changed him. But we will survive in this relationship.

" Who told you?" He questioned. "The only person who knew me for a long time was Allen?" He growled.

"I talked to him on the phone." I shyly said.

"AWWWW!! Damnit lexi.!!" Justin yelled punching the wall again making the whole twice as big. "IM GOING TO KILL HIM!!!!! HES NOT SUPPOSE TO BE NEAR YOU !!!" Justin screamed .

"Shhh, babe . I'm sorry. It wont happen again. Calm down" I tried calming him . "Please babe. Im sorry"

It worked. We stood against the wall looking into each others eyes. I then realized I was his weakness.

I pulled him into a deep kiss. "I love you too Justin. Just try your best, please?"  I mumbled against his lips.

"Hmmm, I will babe, I will." I looked into his eyes and they were back to his brown orbs.

" Look on the bright side babe. Today , Im exactly 4 months pregnant." I cheered.

"Oh yes, Just 5 more months and these little suckers will be here." Justin beamed. There's my normal Justin.

" Im sorry if I scared you" Justin pulled me into another kiss .

"Its ok. It happens. This is just the beginning of a lot" I said. I don't know if I should be happy about that or not?

" I know, I'll try . I promise" Justin said while pulling me into a hot make out session until I heard.


"Sorry babe. I gotta see what Missy wants. I'll be back." I said getting away from his arms.

"Just when things were getting good." Justin said,

"You though you were gonna get some? Your wish Bieber. Me and this huge ass bowling ball attached to me, it's even hard for me to walk." I stated while walking out the door.

"Your still beautiful!" I heard Justin yell after me.

I chuckled to myself.

"HEy slut!' I yelled towards Missy. "hey guys" I said to the guys.

"Yo Lex where were you? Justin was worried sick. He almost had us go on a search for you." The boys asked.

" I was gone for at least 30 minutes." I said.


"Hahaha Justin will tell you all that later." I said. "Anyways, hey" I turned towards Missy.

"Hey, I just wanted to hang today you know?" She asked.

"Yea sure since it's almost night you can just spend the night" I stated.

"Kk , thanks"

" come up" I said while pulling her the stairs to Justin and I's room.

" Hey ass" Missy said while we past by Justin.

"Hey brat" He said back to Missy. "Babe I'm going to make that doctors appointment for the genders, I'll let you know later ok?" He turned to me and kissed me.

"Ok babe. I'll see you later." I said .

Me and Missy arrived at our bedroom.

" Anyways , how's things?" Missy asked plopping on the bed.

" It's ok? I guess. I've found out about Justin's past' .

"Ohhhh! Justin didn't want you to know. So, what do you think of him now?" Missy questioned.

"I love him and we will survive this relationship even if their are a few hits." I said. "But then again I don't want an abusive relationship and feel unloved." I said looking at my hands while I was sitting next to her.

"I get it. Just know that he loves you like crazy. He'll kill for you. If he does hit you , it's his anger and he cant control it"

"Why, doesn't he get help. Like a consoler ?" I asked.

"There's no way that's going to help. Justin's been this way forever and nothing can change him. This is just the way he is"

"Well that makes me feel better."

" No biggie , the worst thing that could happen is that he hits you so much you leave. " Missy said like it was nothing.

"umm, news flash. That's huge."

" Hey the worst thing is he kill you" Missy said.

What have I gotten myself into?

" Hey don't worry. I said that's the worst thing that could happen. He loves you, he really does. Just don't push his buttons to much." Missy said.

"How am I going to function with two babies around someone who is short tempered?" I asked.

" It's going to hard, im not going to lie. But you'll get through it. He loves you and your babies. Trust me , your perfect to together ." Missy stated.

"You've got a lot coming your way in the future." Missy said again. " I'll help you pick out the dress." She said smirking.

"What- Oh marriage? He'll never, I mean he will one day. But not now ." I said . Marriage will seal the case that I'm his. I love him.

"BABE!" I heard Justin yell.


"Come here. I have news," Me and Missy looked at each other and then nodded and headed downstairs.

"Yea?" I asked. I saw him sitting on the couch with the guys. I sat on his lap while Missy sat on Spinners.

" The appointment is tomorrow in the morning. we'll know what our babies genders are." He smiled .

"Good, haha. Now we can start decorating the nurseries ." I said ." Where would the nurseries be? There's no more rooms available in the house? " I asked.

everyone looked at Justin and he nodded his head  a 'no'. What was going on. " I have a surprise for us tomorrow after the appointment . I think you'll like it. " Justin smirked.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well, if I tell you it wont be a surprise will it? " He asked.

"No.." I said embarrassed. "stupid question." I mumbled into his chest, hiding my face.

"Aww my baby embarrassed? It's ok." He fooled.

I playfully smacked his arm. "I'm sorry babe." he said kissing my head.


Well what you think?? I might update again today, it depends.

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