chap.26 Need to know!

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I know what your thinking. 'Why the hell would she called Allen? Are you that stupid?!'

I called him because I know he was in the gang with Justin for a long time, and I want to know the history of Justin's past. I need to know in order for us to move along in this relationship.

I've came to the conclusion that Allen says he 'loves me so much he'll to anything' . So im going to take advantage of that. He'll do anything I say. Even though I am VERY scared of him , I need to do this. I'm having Justin's children , and I don't want him hitting me every time I say something to get him mad. I don't want an abusive relationship.

I wonder who sent me that text, 'A'. I'm also , hopefully, will find out. I think it's Allen, but something tells me inside it's someone different.

" Babe , are you still sleep ?" Justin asked through the door. I guess he get the hint I was and left .

" Pick me up now" I texted allen .

"I'm outside" He texted back.

"Remember I have backup. Don't do anything you'll regret." I texted back.

" I KNOW!!" He wrote. Jerk.

I silentily climbed through the window,. i'm very surprised the security locks were unlocked on the windows. I walked a little ways down the sidewalk. I saw Allen's car parked to the side. I crossed the road and open the cardoor.

"Hey princess , long time no see" Allen smirked at me.

I stayed quiet. "SAY SOMETHING!!" He yelled.

"hi! Now can we go where we planned?" I asked.

"Whatever, where is your crew you said will follow us?" shit!

"They are behind us . You wont be able to see them, they are hiding. With guns, and knives. And maybe bombs." Bombs Alexi, really, you think he is stupid enough to buy what im saying.

"Oh, ok. Whatever" He mumble. I guess he did.

We soon arrived at Starbucks and ordered coffee and sweets.

"So why did you call me?" Allen ask when we sat down at the little tables.

"Justin's past. "I simply said .

"Damn, that's something he really didn't want you to know." Allen said.

"Just tell me, I thought you wanted me and Justin to not be together. Why are you not telling me and defending him?" I asked.

"I want you. I don't care about him or defending him. Even if your still with him you will be mine. It doesn't matter If your with him, I just want you. " He stated.

"Then tell me"

"where do you want me to start?"

"From when you first met Justin."

"Well, I met Justin in grade school. 4th grade. He was always the good looking one. We were good friends, he always got the ladies, I guess it got to his head. He started dating around 5th grade. Started fucking girls in 6th. Started partying in 7th. Doing drugs in 8th. By high school he was the popular druggie jock. Everyone loved him, worshipped him. But he always had a really bad temper, that's what got in the way of a lot of things . "

"why is he like that. Short tempered I mean. " I ask.

"I think it was from his dad. He dad was very abusive towards him and his mom. Justin just has so much anger in him from his child hood he's just - horrible now. That's why you should be with me." Allen said. I ignored the last sentence and continued.

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