chap. 31 New lifes

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alexi's POv

I woke up in Justins arms.

"Hmm, your up." He said.

"You've been up?" I asked half sleep.

"Yea, just a little while." He stated.

I nodded my head telling him I understood.

I smiled looking down at my ring on my ring finger.

"That stays on" He said just above a whisper.

"I know " I said back. I then turned my head towards his face.

"I love you" He mumbled on my lips while kissing me shortly afterwards.

"I love you too" I stated kissing him back.

"Ohhh" I yelped pulling away.

"what?" Justin questioned.

I quickly grabbed his hand and landed it on my stomach. "You feel them?" I asked him.

He noded his head ." They're kicking" He said with a huge smile plastered on his face.

He pulled me into a kiss while rubbing my stomach while in the process.

I suddenly remembered the event that happened last night.

"Whats wrong?" Justin asked while getting out the bed.

I just blankly looked at him.

"Do you still love me?" I finally asked.

"What ? of course! why wouldn't i ?" he asked.

I was quite for a while.

"well?" He cocked out.

"Y-you h-hit me." I whimpered.

Just then his whole face formed into a blank face.

He walked over to where my bedside was and keeled down to my face.

"Babe, you wouldn't listen . it was discipline ." he said .

I just stared at him like he was crazy.

" I'm sorry. I don't want to do it again but......" He said with sorry in his eyes .

"Justin .." I whispered.

"Let's not think nor talk about that. " he said getting up from my side.

"I'm sorry" I said . I didn't need to say sorry. I just felt like it would make his day.

"Sorry for what?" he asked.

I shook my a head a no.

"Say it." he growled .

"I'm sorry that I didn't listen . I will next time." I said still laying in bed.

"Good" was all justin said. what the actual fuck?

"Get dressed babe. Missy wants to take you out." he said while helping me off the bed.

"Ok" was all I said .

I got up and showered and got dressed.

After I finished I headed downstairs to find Missy and the guys talking.

"Hey babe. you look beautiful." justin said walking up to me.

"Hey. " I said ungrateful .

"Don't mention anything ." he whispered into my ear.

I nodded in understand meant

He kissed my ear after his saying .

"Come on girl. loads of fun are waiting for us." Missy said waiting at the door.

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