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Alexi's POV

" Ok so, What we are about to tell you . You guys might be shocked but please dont be mad." I announced to the guys. while they Look very stupid sitting on the sofa. 

" Yea, so just remember if you do anything stupid about this situation, im your boss and i can have you killed. Even though you my bros" Justin says while the boys nod their heads. 

"Babe you wanna say it" Justin asked me.

"Sure" I take a deep breath. 

" Ok so, as you guys know me and Justin are. Together . And that we -have-in the past. As you guys say, get-it-on. And now ,um-Justin?" I say asking for help.

"Its ok babe, I got it. Shes trying to say shes pregnant." Justin blankly says.

"OMG CONGRATS!!!!!!!" They boys yell.

"Oh . you guys not mad?" I asked while they attack my with hugs.

" No why would we?" Asked spinner.

" Well because, this means we need to be more cautious of how we keep this house sercerity safe, and from other people, such as Allen." I say getting scared . Those words Allen told me will never leave my head.

'I'l find you. You WILL be MINE!'

I shiver thinking about it, apparently Justin realizes and hugs me.

" Its's ok baby, your safe with us. Mostly me." He coos in my ear.

" I know its, just. I've never been in this type of situation and I dont know what to do?" I say.

" I know, for right now all you need to do is relax and be ready to be a mom." He coos again taking me into a hug again. 

"Thanks." I say and kiss him.

" Alright. alright enough. We are still here!!" The boys yell.

"Sorry bout that." I say while giggling.

" Its ok" The say back.

_____________ (Its night time now)

"Justin when should we make an appointment for my pregnancy ?" I ask him while the movie starts.

" I dont know. I can call in the morning." 

"OK" I say back.

"Oh babe, ive been meaning to give you this." Justin say while walking upstairs to get something "Just wait here." He yells down.

I wonder what it is? 

A few minutes passed and he comes back down with something in his hands.

" So, babe. I know you wont try and run away now since you love your life now. So, i thoiught why not give you this." He hands me an iphone gold . 

"Oh my god Justin. Thanks"

"I know you probably already had one . But you know you sorta left everything behind. Plus we need communication just in case something happens to you." Justin says with a smile on his face.

" Thanks babe!! " I say and pull him on top of me and kiss him.

We were deep into the kiss when suddenly.

"Justin. " I asked.

"yea baby?" 

" Get off." I command.

" What , why?" He asks. Concern written all over his face.

" Get off NOW!!!!" I yelled.

" The fuck?" Even though he is still questioning me, he gets off. 

Justins POV

What the hell is wrong with her?! I get off while she quickly runs out the room. Did I say something?

I try and find were she is.

I hear gagging.

I follow the noise and i find her in the bathroom leaning on the toilet throwing up. 

Awww, its the pregnancy. 

I lift her hair from her face and rub tiny circles on her back. 

" Its ok babe. Shhh" I comfort her.

" Im sorry if- BLAHHH" She was cut off by more coming up.

"its ok babe, I get it. Just focus on this." I soothe her.

She finally finishes and brush her teeth. We go back into the living room.

" Justin im really craving pizza. Do we have any?" She asked. shes so adorable.

"No but i can order one." I say back.

" Ok thanks" She says

"Anything for my babygirl. " I say as i grab my phone dialing the number. 

+++++======_____ (Bed time)

Still Justins POV

We are now in bed. I love this. Me holding her small petite waist while petting her hair and watching her sleep.

If you would have told me a year ago i would have ever loved again or be this much into a girl. I would have ounched you out. 

Im a criminal thats in love. Those two dont mix.

But for some reason, i feel like we are going to live together forever. Without any distractions, such as Allen


KK it know its short, But its just a filler.

ok im going to bump-it-up-a-notch

. I want 10-15 votes for the next chappie.

Am i being to pushy????

If so, still do it ... HAHAHAHHA LOVIES 

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