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Alexi's POV

I woke up to the sunshine shinning in our hotel room through the window. I felt strong arms wrapped around me. I looked down facing a sleeve of tattoos. Justin. I turned myself around facing his face. I saw a slight mustache on his upper-lip. 

" Well someone needs to shave." I said slightly laughing.

" Shut up" I heard him mumble.

" You were awake this whole time!" I asked shocked.

" weridly, yes." he mumbled into his pillow. "How did you sleep last night. You know after- everything?"

" ok i guess. I dont really want to talk about it." I said trying not to picture that stupid clown mask. Fucking hate clowns.

" Why you dont want to talk about it?" Justin asked as if he doesnt know the answer.

" Because-"

"Because what?" He copied-catted.

" Because I know you wont tell me. You always say ." Its my work and I cant tell you, right now" and i just feel like its a waste of time talking about it if you wont bother to tell me" I said getting frusrtated.

" True" was all he said.

" See, Justin just stop ok. " i said getting mad that he bascially didnt care for my feelings.

" WHAT?!?!" He screamed.

" I have feelings too. I want to know whats all this ' work' stuff you always talk about but cant tell me. I wanna know!" I yelled.

" Alexi- i cant- I just cant ok!" He yelled back. " And lose the attitude." 

" Or what?!" I screamed.

" Their will be horrible, horrible, consequences " He calmly said.

OK, I was scared. What will he do to me? Hit me? No , he wouldnt do that. Will he? 

Justins POV

OH GOD she gets on my fucking nearves with this whole ' I wanna know' thing. I cant tell and I wont beacuse shes just a friend. Nothing more! I dont like her one bit! shes cute and all but still. She cant be in my life because of my life-style. Im not repeating a Jacey!

I flirt with her sometimes because, well im a dude. I get horny very easily . Like I said, Alexi is very cute. Fuck that, shes hot!! But I cant let her into my life. Its not safe. If its not safe for me then its surly not safe for her.

I brought her along with me because she got shot and i care for girls. What kind of person will I be to leave a shot girl . Yea, no! So I brought her along with me. But 'he' thinks I love her like I did with Jacey. But I dont. I wont let myself love her!


Shut-up!! I know its sorta short, but again im sneaking and writing on my mommys computer while shes at work!!

so what you think? who is Jacey? Why doesnt Justin want to like nor love Alexi? ummmmm so many questions to be answered....

HAHAHAHAAH  anyways peace motherfuckas!!!!! im outtie 

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