chap.23 He's here to stay!

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Sophie has beed calling and texting me and saying that she didnt  mean to say what she said. She says she misses us, me. I dont know what to do.

Today I have an appointment to see if my baby is healthy and to know the gender. Justin seems more excited than I am. He has been jumping all around the house today.Im glade he is happy

I texted Sophie telling her I have an appointment today, where, and when. The only reason I texted her was because I need a true friend that I have been with forever by my side. Missy , I've known for a week. 

Also today Im going to see my parents and my brother, my family. Sophie said that they still lived where they do. We are heading out right now to see them. Im really nervous because Justin might be right. They might try and keep us apart. I know that they will never abandon me! I need to come up with a good excuse for why I was gone for 3 months.

I was sitting at the kitchen table when Justin came in.

"Hey, babe, dont stress. Its bad for the baby. Plus Im sure they will be happy to see you" He said kissing my cheek.

"What about the fact Im pregnant?" I asked. 

He stayed quite.

"Exactly" I said .

"Babe, we will just have to see how they feel about it. " Justin said pulling me into a kiss. It turned into a hot make-out session. 

"Come on." I said pulling away. My family dont know im coming.

Me and Justin headed to the car. 

"Need help baby?" Justin asked helping me into the car.

" No babe , Im only 1 month. I barly have a baby bump But still ,yea, my back."

We got into the car and i told him where they lived. We pulled up into their driveway.

" Justin I prefer you stay in the car." I said swinging the door open.

" What , why?"

" For right now, then i'll come and get you" I said getting out

"Ok: he mumbled

"It wont be that long. Just - stay" I said and left.

" WAIT!" he yelled

"What babe?" 

" Be safe and love you." He while making a kissy face.

"Doofus. I need to go now" I said and waved.

I stopped at my front door. I cant believe this use to be my home. I knocked on the door.

My little brother, Ethan answered it, he's only 11.

His face looked shocked.

" LEXIIIII!!!!!! He yelled and hugged me .

" Haha, hey bud!!" I yelled back

I stumbled back , he's gotten stronger.

I then heard my parents say " Honey whos at the door?"

My parents came into view.

My mom was clearly washing dishes because she had a china glass in her hand with a cloth drying it. My dad an the other hand had a shocked face, they both did.

My moms hands was shaking and she dropped the plate making it drop on the floor. CRASH! It made.

" L-Lexi?" She questioned.

"Yes mom. Its Alexi" I said tears brimming my eyes. 

" Oh Lexi we missed you", she yelled and hugged me and also my brother joined. 

"WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!" She yelled sobbing.

My brother and mom was hugging me except my dad.

" Whats that?" He said pointing to stomach.

Oh shit. Ethan and my mom pulled back to look at my stomach.

" umm- Im pregnant daddy..."


I was waiting for about 10 minutes now. I'm starting to get worried. I know its only been 10 minutes but still,when you have a pregnant girlfriend, when shes by herself. You worry. You worry a lot!

I was just about to go in I saw Alexi come storming out in tears. Oh no!

" babe, what happened. " I asked pulling her into a hug. 

" They - they said they want nothing to do with me and that I need to stay wherever Im living now b-because they are kicking me out!!" She sobbed into my chest.

" she baby, its ok. Im here, shhh" I cooed in her ear while we were both leaning on the hood of my range rover.

" Im a failure Justin! He - he said that im a slut that whores around and give cheap blowjobs . and i came home only because I needed money " She cried harder

" What! Who!!" I asked. No one talks to my baby like that.

" My daddy!. Th-then he said i was a disgrace to the family and i should just leave and thats wh-what i-i did." 

" Ohhhh baby. He doesnt know who he's messing with!" I said .

" Please Justin dont do anything stupid." Alexi warned while still facing my chest.

" I wont" I lied. " Here baby. Lay here i'll be right back ok?" I said pulling her into the back seat so she could lay down.

" Please Jay. Stay"  she pleaded.

" Babe, it'll take 3 minutes. Shhh, I'll be back before you know it" I said pecking her on the mouth, before i headed to the front door.

I burst in the front door.

" Who the hell are you?" This tall man asked. Must be her dad. Bastard!

" Im Lexi's boyfriend. "

" Oh so your're the punk who got my babygirl pregnant." Me said with an unpleasing smirk on his face.

" Yes and I dont regret it !" I yelled.

" Oh, I thought she was just a trick to you. " He said,

My jaw clenched meaning I was furious.

"Why are you insulting her like that? Dont you love her?" I asked .

" Yea, but I didnt know she was a cheap slut!" He yelled.

That broke it.

"YOU BASTARD!!!!!!" I yelled and charged at him.

I punched him so hard he fell on the ground. I picked him up and threw several punches and kicks.


" Y-yes." He could barley get his words out.

" Ok, then. Your lost. " I yelled.

I kept punching and body slamming him . Meanwhile his wife and other kid were in the corner yelling at me telling me to stop. Fuck you!

" If I were you, I would realize I had made a big mistake by treating my babygirl like that...... Theres more where this came from bud." I whispered in his ear.

" FUCK YOU ALL!!!!" I  yelled as I walked out the door.

" Oh and one more thing. Try calling the cops." I said and pulled up my shirt for them to see my gun in my sagged pants waistband. " This will go straight through you. And that, my friend , is a threat." I said and walked out the door feeling hella good. I love my baby this much to beat up her dad. Hell, I'll kill anyone who gets in the way of our relationship, or whoever hurts Alexi!!!!

I got into the car to find Alexi sleeping. Now it's time to find the gender of my baby. At least something good is happening today! 


I've nice and updated twice today without all your votes.. tisk-tisk!!

HAHAHHAHAHA, vote.......

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