Chap.16 the hangover and fighting

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Alexi POV

"Mmmm, ouch." I said while stretching my arms in bed .

"Hangover ?" I heard someone say beside me.

"Shit , you- you scared me Allen ."

"Sorry beautiful . breakfast?"

"Uh. oh yea sure. Wait why are you in the bed with me, did we?"

"Oh, no . me and Sean found you at some club with some weird dude last night. So we brought you home and you asked me to sleep with you for the night and , here I am " He said while looking deep into my eyes .

"Hehe yea, " it got very awkward. He wasn't saying anything . He's still looking into my eyes .

"So um for breakfast, I was th- " he cut me off by his lips.

"Mmm- no I'm sorry- I can't." I said.

"No it's ok, im sorry . I don't know what came over me. Forgive me?"

"It's ok. your forgiven ."

Woah !! he just kissed me! Allen likes me? I didn't think he did . Just a nice , caring friend. Who always give me stare-downs, who also calls me beautiful every second of the day . Every time I turn my head, he's there. Ok, maybe he does like me. He sure has a creepy way of showing it ...

"Umm- well I'm going to go get breakfast." I said breaking the weird silence.

"Ok yea that." he said also getting out of the bed.

"Umm could you maybe leave because I kinda have to change?" I asked shyly .

"Oh sorry , yea no problem ."

I changed into something comfy and headed downstairs to where the boys were.

"Hey." I said cutting the corner to the living room , heading to the kitchen.

No 'heys', or 'sup', or maybe even 'beautiful '.

"Okkkk, it's cool." I said understanding to why they are probably ignoring me.

I was making bacon when all the boys came in the kitchen . Justin in the back of the pack ( that rhymed lol) peeping his head over spinner.

"What did we tell you yesterday about the club?" Spinner spoke up.

"Umm, to not go?" I was shamed.

"Yes and what did you do?"

"I went." I quietly said.

"Ok and why did you disobey us?"

"Well I was stressed and I just wanted to have fun and forget all my worries."

"That's not a good enough explanation. Your grounded." He said sternly.

"What . I'm a grown girl. You can't ground me, I'm no child ." I protested .

"If you live under this roof , you are under our rules . Sorry sweetie."

"It's not like I choose to 'live' here."

"Trust me. It wasn't our choice either ." I heard Justin mumble .

"You know what Justin say it out load. By a fucking man and tell me what the fuck is your problem !!! I'm tired of your shit." I've had enough. I might fight with him.

"Bitch , don't yell at me!!"

"That's the last fucking time your calling me a bitch!!!"

"What your going to do about it?" He really wants a crooked jaw.

I kept quiet giving him the 'look' that im about to blow.

All the guys backed away.

"Woah, are you ok Alexi?" Spencer asked.

I didn't answer. I kept my hands in fist and tried breathing in-n-out.

"Alexi" Allen came over to me and tried hugging me.

"GET OFF ME!!!!!" I yelled.

Justin just stood there.

"You just want attention." Justin said smirking .

I blew up.

"You fucking prick!!!" I ran over to him and punch him smack in the jaw and kept hitting him.


The boys had to pull me off him.

"Let me goo!!!!!!" I yelled at them still holding on to Justin's shirt while he squirmed out my tight grip

"No Alex, stop !" Allen tried calming me.

"Don't get in my way!!!!!" I yelled

"I need more help !!" Allen yelled back at spencer and spinner ( btw they are twins)

They came towards me finally getting me off justin.

" I'm going to kill him!!" I yelled making another run towards justin.

"Stop!!!" justin yelled.

"No I'm going to kick the living shit out of you !!!!"

"Get off me!!"Justin yelled. he shoved me into the wall.

"Oh now your going to get it."

I said while He put his back towards me walking away.

I ran and jumped on his back.

"I said , GET OFF ME!!!!!" now he was mad!!! I get scarred when he's mad.

"Fuck you !!!!" I yelled and went into the kitchen.

"Ahhhh!!!!!" I yelled while getting out the glass plates and bowls and dropping them in the ground.


Plate after plate after plate !!!!

Crash after crash after crash!!!

"ALEXI !!! STOP YOUR BLEEDING!!!!! " Spinner yelled and grabbed me.

"Stop!!!! Get off me!!"

" No!! stop your cutting yourself !!!" spencer came in and yelled.

I then grabbed a broken piece of glass and ran into the bathroom.

"Oh no, she's cutting!!" I heard Allen yell.

He's right, I was.

I slid down the shower curtain.and cuddled into my arms.

I then took the broken piece of china glass

Cut, cut , cut!!!

I cut my my wrist over and over again. I think I lost to much blood.

"ALEXI!!!!!! ANSWER US!!!!!!" The boys yelled .

I slowly drifted off into a blackout ......


Jesus ,, I feel so bad for Aleix!!! First justin treating her like shit and now I hear some problems are coming along the way!!!!!

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