Chap.15 drunk and stoned

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"Damn Momma, u ass looking finnne!!!" I heard Sophie yell from the car window.

I was at the gas station like we planned . I was wearing a very short black dress that hugged my curvy curves perfectly . Soph was right. The dress did make my ass look big.

"Hahah well thanks! Haven't seen you in forever babes!" I said getting in the passenger seat.

" I know right ! Everyone at work has gone mad crazy! Your mom was going to file a missing person report . but she didn't because she was still trying to find you herself . She was scarred you

was kidnapped or even worse, dead."

When Sophie said that I knew that tonight is when I'm going to try and run away from that hell hole I live in now and go back home to my family.

I miss them, I left them and didn't say anything. I feel like a bad person. Hell, I must be if Justin is ignoring me. I miss him.

"Everything ok?" Soph asked me keeping her eyes on the road.

"Yea , everything is per-fec-do!"

"Great. Ready to bomb this party !?" she asked again while parking her car across the street from the club.

"Fuck yes!! You do not know how long I've been wanting to party!!" I said hopping out the car.

We walk in , the smell of drugs and alcohol slaps my face . Everyone is grinding on each other , basically dry sex if you ask me. People getting crazy, dancing in tables . This is how to party!

I rush over to the tables with the alcohol .

"Mmm, what to drink?" I say to myself while pointing to each drink.

"Jack mixed with rum and beer. I'll do a mix!" I gotta stop talking to myself .


Time has flown by and I'm already super drunk. I feel wonderful!!!! Except a little dizzy .

I stumble over to the dance floor and start dancing when I feel someone behind me grinding with me.

"That ass of yours is nice." The dude whispers in my ear.

"Mmm trust me baby, I- I know!" I slurred out.

"Come with me." he said while taking my hand.

"Welcome to paradise." he said walking me in a room with a lot of drugs . YES!

" Mmmm you know me too well!" I said

"My - my name is Alexi . But my mom hates it ." I slurred out of my mind.

"Why? didn't she name you that?" The hot boy asked.

"No my or-original name is Lacey but I ham - hates that na-name so I changed it to Alexi . Do-Don't you like Alexi better?" I'm out of my mind , but it feels great.

"Yes babe, I do. Now sit."

I sat down next to a blonde chick she was high.

"Which one should I use?" I asked her.

" Heroine. you shoot it in your vein princess." She said .

"But I want to sniff something. How about both . shooting and sniffing?" I asked both the mystery boy and the blonde.

"Sure." he said and grabbed a needle.

"First shooting." then he grabbed a blue long rubber band and tied it around my arm trying to find a vein . finally he did and took the needle and stuck it in my vein.

"Ohh yea. This is better than sex." I moaned with my eyes half open.


After a while I was high and drunk. I feel like I can do anything.

"How about we go back go my place?" the hot mystery boy asked.

"Yes please. Do- yo-you have ham? I've been craving ham or ev-even chicken ?" I asked .

"We will see a baby now just follow me out to my car."

"Uhh, finnnnne"

I could barely walk.

We made it finally outside. it was pitch black .

"I - I can't see. " I tripped and fell right my ass.

"Haha such a fu-fucking kultz."

I then saw a black range rover pull up . shit I know that car from anywhere .

"No - no" I said.

Allen and Sean came out running to me.

"What the fuck Alexi?" they asked.

"I don't know- where is Timmy - wait no- I dont know his name." I said

They grabbed me by my feet and arms.

"No- let me go -pleasasse? haha I feel like flying." they set me in the back and drive off.


We finally made it to the house .

"Come on. Everyone is worried about you." Sean said helping me out the car along with Allen .

They opened the front door. I saw everyone starring at me.

"Got-got a starring problem?" I asked . no one said anything .

I wasn't look were I was going again , I couldn't really see it was just a burr . I fell on my ass again.

"Jesus Alexi " Allen said

"I can't see. Haha who am i? 'I can't see- I can't see without my glasses'? " I said feeling the floor around me. no one answer just starring at me.

"I'm Velma from scooby-doo. like- duhh!"


"Help me". I said then everyone started to take action .

Everyone helped me up the stairs into my bed , even justin .

"I - I have a head ace ." I said in bed while the boys were leaving out the room . apparently justin thought I was talking to him.

"I'll go get yo-"

"Can you go get me some aspirin allen?" I cut justin off.

"Sure sweetie, " he said.

Justin gave him death glare then walked out shaking his head in shame.

Allen came back with my aspirin and I took them and fell asleep.

Damn what a night!!!!


I dontKnow about u but I seriously loved this chapter. it's so funny 😂😂😂 . Hahahah


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