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Alexi's POV

"YOU FUCKER!!!!!!" I woke up hearing Justin yell. What happened?

"NO IM NOT!! WHAT YOU DICK STOP!!!" I heard him say again.

I looked to my side to see if Missy was there since she pent the night. No, she wasn't.

"GET OUT!!!" I heard Justin then a big crash happen and I heard Missy scream. What the hell?

I got out of bed slowly because of my stomache .

"Oh shit." I mumbled and held my mouth and rushed to the bathroom.

I threw up. That's werid my morning sickness should be gone?

I brushed my teeth ,went back into the bedroom and changed into decent clothes and headed downstairs.

I walked down to find Missy picking up a glass vase that was shattered on the ground.

"Hey, wheres  Justin?" I asked.

"In in the kitchen. If I was you i'll let him cool down." Missy said. Of course, my stubburned self didn't listen and went into the kitchen.

"J?" I called out.

I saw him leaning on the island with his shirt off with basketball shorts on, with morning hair.

" You saw Allen yesterday?" Justin asked.

"I'm sorry. I needed to know" I admitted.

" NO YOU DIDNT!!" He screamed towards me. I was scared I started shaking.

Justin came closer to me with black eyes. "Ohh . Are you shaking because of me?" HE mocked.

"Justin, please. Your scaring me" I cowardly said.

" I don't give a fuck. Allen decided to come by and tell me how much you guys had so much fun yesterday night." Justin snapped.

"Justin we didn't do anything except talk."

"Babe, you and him both know your not even suppose to breath the same air . You think talking to each other is ok?" HE asked. I stayed quiet.

"DO YOU??" He screamed.

"Justin. Please calm down." I slowly walked oover to him.

"Don't touch me!" He yelled when I went in for a hug.

"babe, im sorry. Im yours. Only yours. You see this?" I said pointing to my stomache.

"These little brats are yours. Im all yours" I said calmly in a slow dreamy voice to help Justin calm down.

He took deep breaths. " Im sorry" His voice cracked. He's calm.

"It's ok. Come here." I pulled him into a hug.

"Your ok?" I asked him.

"Now, yes. Before , no." He snapped.

"I'm sorry " I said again.

"It's ok babe. Hey ,you've got your appointment in about an hour. Get dresses , we're bringing Missy too" Justin hugged me.

"Ewww, your all sweaty" I said pulling away.

"You never complain when im sweating in bed for you." He smirked that dirty smirk.

'Whatever Bieber. I'll see you in a bit. " I said heading upstairs bringing Missy along with me.

"I heard him yelling. Whats up?" Missy asked as we got our makeup ready.

"complicated shit" I snarled.

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