Chapter 18- The Dinner

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Hi guys, somewhere in the book I mention that joel doesn't drink. when I say so, it doesn't mean she's not of legal age, it means she doesn't like drinking or the taste of alchohol. :)

I walked back to the living room. JC was standing by the table like a waiter. And dressed like one too. I took a peek past JC, Connor. He was just sitting there, with his bow tie and such. It was pretty weird seeing him in a bow tie though, I wasn't used to this. I have no idea what's actually happening.....

The moment I walked into the room, Connor's eyes lit up. Like there was a sparkle. Well this proves that Jenn did do a good job.... Slowly, I took a careful step forward. I cannot wear heels. Like just no. These pair of heels weren't mine. These were Jenn's, we had the same size though! Before I could even touch the chair. Connor took a step forward and pulled it out for me. Awwh, what a gentleman. I sat down in the chair muttering a word of thanks. Now the next thing was unexpected. JC opened his mouth to speak.

"May I serve the appetizers and main course now Mr Franta?" JC politely asked Connor like a waiter usually would. Connor nodded. I looked at Connor arching an eyebrow. it was like a are-you-serious combined with a what's-going-on-right-now look. It was queer, but Connor was really sweet to plan out all these things! Connor chuckled lightly and asked me to wait, saying that its a surprise. He's probably gonna take me skydiving or smt....

"Here's your food, Ms Castillo and yours Mr Franta," he paused and placed the food in front of us "Hope its to your liking." JC spoke. I took a look at what was on my plate. the appetizer being a salad and my main course was my good ol' steak with a bit of broccoli as a garnish. The side dish was a simple mashed potato, also one of my ultimate favourites. I begin munching the steak and Connor began to eat his hamburger.

I ate my first mouth and holy crap! This was delicious! I began to wonder who made the food.... Well that was until I heard crashing in the kitchen which Ricky's shout followed after. Well who would have known he could cook this well! JC facepalmed himself and walked into the kitchen as he cringed, I bit my lips to hold back a smile. Connor too was trying to hold in his laughter. I stifled a laugh and soon, both of us broke into hysterics.

-Skips to after the dinner-

I had just finished my desert. What could come better than a yummy chocolate lava cake! I wiped my mouth with a napkin on the table and sipped on my apple juice. It was like a substitute for champagne since I couldn't drink. This was probably the most creative Connor could get.....

As JC cleared our plates I took a look at Connor. He stood up from his chair and gestured me to stand up, I did. He than entwined our fingers together. This, for some reason reminded me of a line in Little Things by 1D. (A/U:I'm a directioner ok?!) The line was Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me, but bear this in mind, we were meant to be. My hand did fit in his together so perfectly like 2 puzzle pieces would.

He brought me outside and opened the door of his car for me. I sat inside the car afraid of what was going to happen. For the period of time during dinner, we literally made 0 conversation, and I didn't want this to become awkward. So, the moment Connor got into the car I began bugging him to tell me where we were going.

"Connor, where're we going to??" I asked Connor.

"You'll see, but its a secret."

"Tell me pretty please..." I pulled my puppy eyes, he shouldn't be able to resist that, it worked on everyone!

"Ummm..... No, but its not life threatening and you've never been there before, I think" he replied. I narrowed my eyes at him and slouched into the seat. Well this is Connor Franta we're talking about, he might bring me to kill myself and say its not life threatening....... I guess.... I'll just have to wait for Mr Mysterious to drive there so that I would know.


U guys are pretty smart right.... You should know what happens eh? Like, Connor would kill Joel and- NO! No ones getting killed. Guess in the comments down below, I wanna know what you guys are thinking it is!

Oh and also, I can bold and change my words to italiacs because im on my laptop! My mum got me a new laptop so now instead of updating from my phone, I can do so on my laptop! :)

Thank you guys so much for voting and getting me up to 800 over reads! Almost 900 now! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I thought no one liked my story until the few of you actually voted! rmb to vote, comment and fan! Thank you, to @JustRandomxx for being my first follower since like I don't really include @Shanthi2001 as a follower since shes my friend?

Follow me on instagram if you wanna know about the random shit I do regularly~

@winniecxh (Don't mention my fanfic there pls?)

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