Chapter 23-Welcoming Shanthi (Pt 1)

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"Well, you hurt my sister!!"

"It was for a reason kay?! It was for a reason! I just I.... UGGHH, just... Im sorry."

"Well sure, a reason, what is it?!"

"I um, I can't tell....."

"Well you are a freaking prick, hurting my sister and all, don't you ever go near her again!"

Wha.... What just happened? What was that....

*Door slams*

The two people quarrelling are not even close to the word mystery. It has to be JC and Connor..... I MEAN DUH! YA DON'T SAY. His sister, who has their sis living with them.... JC... Duh... But still, what was the reason. Causing hurt to me, making me look ugly out in the streets (Not like I care) and breaking me into pieces, yeah for a reason, sure....

I stared at the ceiling pondering to go out or not. The door slam was surely JC, so he's out. Now its just me and Connor and probably plastic, so.... The sounds of footsteps soon interrupted me thoughts so rudely. I soon heard the door opening, slowly. I shut my eyes quickly, not wanting to let the person know I'm awake....

The footsteps stopped the moment the door opened. I wonder who it is. The person soon walked towards me, I knew. I could feel a presence beside me. I know this person, whoever it is he/she does not feel the least bit dangerous....

"Hey Jo, I know you can't hear me while you're asleep.... But I'm sorry.... I'm doing this all for a reason. You'll know when I head off for university..... You'll understand right.... I'm sorry, I really am, I ugh.... Nevermind....." Connor, I believe, said. He gave me a peck on my forehead and I felt a drop of water drop on my forehead. Water I believe? NO HUMAN PRODUCES WATER STUPID, ITS TEARS! My brain literally screamed at me. Oops? Hehe....

Wait he's crying?? Isn't he happy that he's like dumping me for some plastic........ But the signs show a 'no'. First he apologizes, than he actually says he has a reason for it.... And he cries... What..... I'm so confused.

THAN DON'T THINK ABOUT IT. SHUT UP BRAIN. GEEZ. Ok, the more I think about it the sadder I am.... Time to wake up. I soon crawled out of my bed and I went into the bathroom to be prepared for the day.

I walked out of my room the moment I dressed straight to the kitchen I go. I went to the kitchen and took out a carton of milk since I'm sure that plastic is probably in the living room or Connor's room doing what I don't wanna know. Really.

I got out the cereal and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I put down everything on the counter top and stared at it. Ok, I'm ready to conquer my hate for milk. I poured the milk in and set the bowl on the table. Okay, I can do this. I scooped a spoonful of it and stuffed it into my mouth. The milk's taste began to spread, hm its not that...... EW MY GOD. ITS SOUR MILK YUCKS!

I spat everything in my mouth into the sink. And the bowl of cereal was emptied into the bin. Just than, my phone vibrated.

Uhhh, did u even see my text last night.... I told u to fetch me at 11am and its like 11.30am rn, im awkwardly standing in the middle of the airport.....

SHIT I TOTALLY FORGOT. OK IM SO SCREWED. TIME TO CALL MY DRIVER. I immediately called JC before Shanthi runs here on feet to dissect my body parts. EW.

*5 mins later*

"JO OPEN THIS DOOR UNLESS YOU WANNA GET MURDERED BY SHANTHI IM SAVING YOUR LIFE HOW DO YOU!!! oh hey." I opened the door disrupting his shouting. I was gonna dash to his car. AAAAAND GO! I ran inside and texted Shanthi that I was on the way there.

JC soon came into the car with a smile playing on his face. I think my brother's in love with Shanthi. But how? I mean, I don't think it's a bad thing but still, they've met like 3 times. It's not like they know each other that well.

Is something that I'm not aware about happening between them. They are probably texting each other secretly or something......


I started to play Flappy Bird on my phone while I was inside the car. I swear Flappy Bird damages your brain cells to let you go outside and actually wreck everything. If anyone wants to download Flappy Bird.... Don't.

"C'mon Jo, leggo. We're here." JC told me and literally rushed to the airport terminal. Okay, what is up with them. Now I'm thinking they're together.

I walked inside the airport, nothing here changed. It still feels like a freezer. I than heard someone scream my name loud.

"JELLO JOEL!!!!!" I turned my head towards the direction that voice was from.

"SHANTHI BUBBLETEA!!!!!" I shouted once I saw the who the voice belonged to. SHE'S HERE! I ran towards her and engulfed her in a big bear hug. We look like idiots standing in the middle of the airport just hugging. WHO CARES SHES MY BEST FRIEND WHOM I HAVEN'T MET FOR SO LONG.

I let her go and JC ran over and hugged her and gave her a peck on the forehead.OK WHAT. I'm so sure there's something happening and I'm not aware. I walked over to Shanthi and whispered in her ears "We need to talk...." Her green eyes widened and her cheeks flushed a tint of pink. She combed her blonde hair down with her fingers, something she does when she's nervous.

Oh, she's SO dead.




Anyways, what do ya'll think is Connor's reason for breaking up with Jo huh. It's gonna be in the sequel though, I STILL DK WHAT TO NAME MY SEQUEL HALP MEH.

My next update is next weekend, idk which day but yeah. So um, byee.


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