Chapter 1

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You entered the ice rink, frantically searching for your friend, Sala Crispino. You were there to watch a figure skating competition, and it was about to start.

"Y/n! What took you so long?"

You turned around and saw the raven-haired figure skater behind you.

"Sorry, I was a little busy...." you said apologetically.

"Come on! Mickey and I saved a seat for you!"

Sala led you to your seat. It was right next to the judges, in the front row.

"How'd you get these seats?" you asked.

"We were practicing a little here before everyone came," Michele replied.

You sat down next to Sala, and plugged in your headphones. This competition wasn't one where many good skaters came, so it usually isn't very packed. But this year, your favorite skater, Viktor Nikiforov, was skating as an exhibition act. You loved how gracefully and fluidly he moves, and how he shows his emotions through the way he skates.

Viktor was the last act, so you kept your headphones in through most of the show. The skaters were decent, but not nearly as good as Sala, Michele, or Viktor.

After an hour or so, you started feeling drowsy. Just as you were about to fall asleep, Sala tapped your shoulder, and whispered excitedly, "He's here!"

You jolted upright to see your favorite skater take the ice. He took his starting position, and you couldn't take your eyes off of him throughout the entire routine. He was better than anyone could imagine. He moved as if he were controlling the music, as if he was bending the music to his will.

---Time Skip---

You plugged your iPod into the speaker, and scrolled through your list of songs. The abandoned studio was fairly soundproof, so you didn't have to worry about others hearing the music and coming to inspect its source.

Many people stayed away from the studio, claiming that it was haunted. To you, the studio was the only place where you could be truly free. You were under the control of your parents at home, and the public would judge anyone. But in the studio, by yourself, you were truly free.

You selected your favorite song, and let the music take control of your senses. You didn't have any real routine in mind, you just danced. You didn't stop after the song ended, or the next. You just danced until your legs gave out.

You walked back over to the speaker on wobbly legs, and you turned the music off. Then, you heard a creak from the other side of the room, where the back door was located. You turned around to see your silver-haired idol watching you from the other side of the room with wide eyes.

Then the world tilted to the side, and everything went black.

---Time Skip---

You groggily opened your eyes, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. You tried to remember how you got there. You were in the studio, and then you heard someone at the other side of the room, and you saw-oh gods.

"Oh, you're awake now. You've been out for nearly a day," said a smooth, masculine voice.

You slowly turned to your side, and saw the person who you looked up to the most. You shot upright and immediately asked "Are you Viktor Nikiforov?!"

He arched an eyebrow and said, "Yes, and you are..?"

"I'm y/n. Where am I and how the hell did I get here?" you asked.

"You're in my apartment. I brought you here after you blacked out in the abandoned building. It looks like you won't be walking for a while, though," he said.

Viktor Nikiforov x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now