Chapter 3

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So I've decided to make Yurio's age 23 in this fanfic (he's actually 15) for the sake of the storyline, but everything else about him will stay the same.

Over the course of the weeks, you, Viktor, Yurio, and Yuuri grew closer and closer. You started to get to know them better, and you all became close friends.

"Hi. Are you guys ready to order?" asked the waitress. You all had trained particularly hard that day, and Viktor decided to take you all out.

You were seated next to Yurio, and Yuuri next to Viktor. "Um, I think we need a little more time," you said.


You couldn't help but notice how the waitress didn't take her eyes off Viktor at all. You felt rage bubbling up in the pit of your stomach, but didn't really know why.

When you had all ordered, she took the menus. You narrowed your eyes at her as she bent especially low to pick up Yuuri's menu, while making sure her breast brushed the back of Viktor's hand in the process.

Viktor turned bright red, and gulped. He blushed even more when she winked at him as she left the table.

You glared at the waitress, your eyes burning holes into her back.

As Yuuri and Viktor started talking to each other, Yurio leaned over and whispered, "Who're you glaring at?" He then noticed the disappearing form of the waitress, and put the pieces together. "Oh, I see how it is," said Yurio, smirking devilishly.

Your hands curled into fists below the table; wanting nothing more than to punch her hard across the face.

"Follow my lead," whispered Yurio.

You didn't even have time to inquire what he was thinking about before he started talking. "Hey, y/n, you want to go someplace quieter with me? This restaurant doesn't give us a lot of privacy.

Catching on to what he was doing, you said, "Yeah, okay. That would be great."

Viktor watched the two of you carefully as you left, trying to figure out what was going on.

When you two got out of the restaurant, you asked, "Yurio, why did you help me?"

It was so unlike him to help someone just for the heck of it.

"I know how you feel," he said quietly. "Now come on, I know you want to see what Viktor does."

Yurio led you around the side of the restaurant, and the two of you crouched beneath the window next to Viktor and Yuri's booth.

You could see Viktor and Yuuri clearly from your spot below the window. Viktor's expression looked a little troubled, and he didn't look like he was paying attention to what Yuuri was saying.

You just watched the two of them for a while. The same waitress came back and kept 'accidentally' touching Viktor, which pissed you off. However, rather than blushing and pulling back, Viktor seemed to actually appreciate her advances, which pissed you off even more.

After a while, you couldn't bear to look, and asked Yurio to take you to the ice rink where you all practiced every day.

Just to keep your mind off of Viktor, Yurio asked, "Hey, y/n, watch my routine and help me."

Startled, you looked up, and nodded. "Just saying, I'm not flexible or good at ballet, so I might not be able to help you a lot."

"That's fine."

After his routine was finished, all you thought was, "Damn. He found his real agape."

"Well, y/n? What do you think?" he asked, breathless.

"Yurio, I honestly can't help you. I really don't know what you can do better," you said, smiling.

"Yeah, thanks," said Yurio roughly, looking away and blushing. "Hey, do you want to go to my place for a while?" he asked. He knew you really didn't want to return to Viktor's apartment.

Grateful for the offer, you replied, "Sure."

Yurio made you two some tea at his house. As you stirred in the sugar, he said, "Y/n, I usually walk around the outdoor mall here at night. Do you want to join?"

"Oh, that sounds great," you said.

--Time Skip--

The two of you walked around the shopping center. You shivered as the wind picked up.

"Can we chill in a bar? I can't deal with this cold," you said to Yurio.

"Yeah, sure. There's one over here."

You both walked inside a warm-looking pub. But the sight that greeted you was not at all what you had expected.

You saw Viktor and the waitress from earlier intensely making out on one of the barstools.

A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger (not lololol). Also sorry for the short update and taking forever. Yeah, I know that Yurio's out of character ;~;, sorry about that. But I'll update a lot over the winter break, so yeah. Btw the song above is "Shall We Skate?" (Phichit's program). And 400 reads?!?!?! I did not expect this. Thank y'all so much!!!!!!!

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