Chapter 5

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"The truth is, y/n, that I love you, and only you," said Viktor.

Then he finally closed the distance between your lips, and kissed you passionately.

Without even thinking about it, you kissed him back. You didn't think about anything except for how perfectly his soft lips connected with yours.

After about a minute of making out, the both of you pulled away for air. You had no idea how to address what just happened, and stayed quiet.

"Y/n, now that I told you how I feel, will you please be my girlfriend?" asked Viktor, a bit breathlessly.

"Of course," you said, your happiness showing in your smile.

The two of you were about to kiss when you heard clapping coming from behind the tree next to you.

"Shut up, you pig! They'll hear us!" yelled a familiar voice.

"Yurio? Yuuri?"

They both stepped out from behind the tree, and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry. I really had to see this," said Yuuri, blushing.

You and Viktor just laughed at them, and resumed what you had started a moment ago.

"Oh god, my eyes!" yelled Yurio, dragging Yuuri away from the scene.

----Time Skip----

"Y/n? Wake up!"

You bolted upright. "What happened?"

"I think you were having a nightmare. You were screaming in your sleep," said Viktor, concerned.

"I don't even remember what it was about now," you said.

You lay back down to sleep. Just before you drifted off, you felt Viktor put his arms around you and pull you closer.

---Time Skip---

"Viktor? Oh, you're asleep," you said. It was 6; and you and Viktor were supposed to be at the ice rink right now. However, there was one small problem. Viktor was holding you to his chest in a tight grip that you couldn't break out of without waking him up. Since Yuuri and Yurio's competition was tomorrow, you decided that you would wake him up for the greater good.

"Hey, Viktor, we need to go," you said softly. He didn't move. "Come on, Viktor," you said again. No matter what you did, he absolutely refused to wake up. So, you decided on your last resort: tickling him.

"Y/n! Stop!" yelled Viktor, while laughing.

"Then get up!"

The two of you reached the rink, to find Yuuri and Yurio actually cooperating.

"Oh, hi," said Yuuri, once he saw the two of you.

"Hey y/n, Viktor," said Yurio, with an evil smirk on his face. "You both look pretty tired. What were you two doing so late that you almost missed our last rehearsal?"

Immediately catching his implication, you blushed, and said, "Yurio! We didn't do anything like that!"

"Yurio, what y/n and I do together is not something you need to know," said Viktor.

Yurio's smirk only grew. "So, how was it?"

"YURIO!!!! We didn't do it!" you yelled.

"Yurio, how it felt is also not something you need to know."

You weren't even able to respond to that. You and Viktor hadn't actually done anything besides kissing, but he seemed to be enjoying himself, so you kept your mouth shut.

A/N: Sorry for the really, really short chapter. I just really wanted to write this part. So I've decided that I'm not going to continue the rest of this in the form of a storyline; I'm going to make it a bunch of one-shots. So I'll probably update a lot. I'm probably going to start the Yuri Plisetsky x Reader next week, so yeah. Again, thank you people so much for reading and commenting. Every one of your comments make me so happy inside. I really appreciate your reads, votes, and comments. So I'm probably going to update tomorrow or the day after, but I'm not sure. Thank you people so much!!!!

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