Your First Fight

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"Hey, Viktor, do you want to go out today?" you asked. The two of you hadn't gone out recently, since Viktor was normally somewhere with the pork cutlet bowl. You knew it was wrong to be jealous of Yuuri, but you felt that Viktor wasn't spending any time with you. You normally just watched Yurio's practices and helped him, or hung out with Sala. You had also gotten to know Chris a little better as well.

"Sorry y/n, I'm coaching Yuuri today," said Viktor distractedly.

"The whole day?" you asked, incredulous.

"Um, yeah," said Viktor. You tried not to get angry at him. You knew that as his coach, training Yuuri was a priority.

"Okay," you replied, and went to the bathroom to change. You quickly changed into a neon orange tank top & sports bra, with liquid black leggings. You took your keys, kissed Viktor on the cheek, and started your usual walk to the other skating rink that Yurio normally practiced at. You couldn't help but notice how much better he was now than when Viktor was training him and the pork cutlet bowl.

"Hey, Yuri," you said. You had gotten used to calling Yuuri "the pork cutlet bowl", which you picked up from Yuri, and didn't feel the need to discern between them by calling him "Yurio."

"Oh, hey, y/n," said Yurio, skating to the edge of the rink. "How did it go today?" he asked. He knew all about your frustration at Viktor.

"Nothing," you said, smiling sadly.

"Oh," said Yuri, frowning a bit. He was usually cold and angry to people, but the two of you had become very close. You had even started to think of him as a brother. "Well, since you aren't doing anything, I was wondering if you wanted to eat with me and Otabek tonight."

"Sure," you said happily. Yuri had been talking a lot about Otabek, and you really wanted to meet him.

"Do you want to stay at my house after practice? You know, since Viktor isn't home," he said.

"Oh, thank you," you said.

You and Yuri practiced for a while, when he suddenly said,"Y/n, do you want me to teach you how to skate?"

"Really? You would?" you asked excitedly. You had secretly been wanting to learn ever since Viktor's birthday.

"Sure," said Yuri, smiling. You went back and got skates in your size. You stepped out on the ice, with wobbly feet. Yuri skated over, and you grabbed his arm for balance.

"Okay, so you don't want to start off by walking. That's not going to get you anywhere. Just hold my hand, and move your feet like this," said Yuri, letting go of you and skating forward.

Holding onto his hand, you copied the motion he was doing and almost fell. "That's it. Just keep doing it until you get used to the feeling," said Yuri.

You kept trying, and eventually got the hang of it. When you sat down to check your phone, you saw the time was 5:00 p.m. "Yuri! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to keep you here for this long," you said.

"It's fine," he said, brushing you off. The two of you quickly removed your skates and got in his car. "I'll take you to Viktor's apartment first; you need to change into something semi-formal."

When he stopped the car, you ran inside the apartment and took out a tight pencil skirt with a matching blouse.

The two of you then stopped at his house, where you removed your shoes. You then saw Yuri's feet. They were cut and bleeding from skating all day. "Oh my god Yuri, I'm so sorry!" you said, and ran to get bandages.

"I'm fine, y/n..." said Yuri, but you didn't pay any attention to him.

After wrapping his feet, you changed into your clothes and walked out. "Is this good?" you asked. "Yeah, it's fine," said Yuri. "By the way, I just got a text from Otabek. He says to pick him up from the pork cutlet bowl's shop."

The two of you got in his car and drove over to Yuuri's shop. You walked inside with Yuri, looking around. What you saw at the bar counter was nothing like what you expected. Viktor and Yuuri were sitting next to each other, laughing and talking.

"What is it?" asked Yuri, noticing your glare. He swore under his breath, and said, "Just kill him when you get home. I'll help hide the body."

You couldn't understand why Viktor kept refusing to go out with you. He had claimed that he was training Yuuri today, but here he was eating a pork cutlet bowl, with a, well, pork cutlet bowl.

Yuri quickly called over a raven-haired man, and the three of you left the place, fuming.

"So, Otabek, what have you done to win Yuri's heart?" you asked, attempting for a lighter mood. The two of them blushed a deep red, and you chuckled. "I'm just kidding. So, do you skate?"

Otabek just nodded. You continued pressing him for questions, even at the restaurant.

You stopped Yuri from taking a seat next to you. "Yuri, why don't you sit next to your friend?"

Yuri blushed, but went and sat next to Otabek. Eventually, Otabek actually started speaking to you, and all was well for that hour.

---Time Skip---

"Hey, Viktor," you said.

"Hi y/n" he replied.

"So, how was your practice? It must have been tiring practicing the whole day," you said carefully.

"Oh, we just skated, and when I checked the time, it was already night."

"Oh, really? Because I saw you at the shop with the pork cutlet bowl," you said.

Viktor froze. "Viktor, why are you not going out with me just to be with Yuuri? If you want to break up with me, then just tell me," you said, tearing up.

"No, I don't want to break up with you. It was just today-"

"Just today? Just today? We haven't gone out in over two months. What were you doing then?" you spat out angrily.

Viktor seemed at a loss of words. "That's what I thought," you said bitterly.

You walked out of the apartment, slamming the door behind you.

A/N: Hey minna~ Happy New Year!!! Sorry for taking a while to update. Also, don't kill me for this chapter *hides behind Itachi*. I'll finish this soon ;). Hope you all have a great New Year's Eve!!!!!

Update: I finally posted the first chapter of my Yuri on Ice x Reader!!! It's a set of scenarios that includes Viktor, Yuuri, Yurio, JJ, and Chris. I haven't done the Otabek part yet, but I figured that I should probably post at least what I got done. I'd appreciate if you all could check that one out!

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