Your First Fight (cont.)

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Viktor seemed at a loss of words. "That's what I thought," you said bitterly.

You walked out of the apartment, slamming the door behind you. Once you reached the first floor, you realized you had no idea where to go. You could go to Yuuri's place and stay there for the night, but you were a bit pissed at Yuuri. Therefore, you decided to go to Yuri's house.

Shivering, you walked for about an hour to reach Yuri's house. You saw a couple of lights on, and figure he must be awake. You were about to knock, but turned around to look at the driveway. Something had seemed amiss. There, you saw a motorcycle parked next to Yuri's car with the leopard-print seats.

You walked back around the small, blue-gray house to look inside Yuri's window. Technically, you could get arrested for this sort of thing, but since Yuri was your best friend, it didn't really matter. You managed to climb over the rough brick wall into his backyard. You tried to look through his bedroom window, but you weren't tall enough. Walking back around, you climbed up the wall, and sat on the edge of it.

Through the window, you saw Yuri and Otabek kissing fiercely. Yuri's arms were twined up around Otabek's neck, and Otabek was pushing Yuri against the wall. It was an adorable scene that you couldn't interrupt. Instead of going over to Yuuri's house, you decided to wait and see how this would turn out.

Unfortunately, Otabek saw you out of the corner of his eye. You noticed his side look, and jumped down. You walked through the uneven grass and dead plants to the front of Yuri's house, sitting down on the side. Otabek would probably leave now, knowing that you had seen their....display of affection.

Sure enough, the raven-haired skater twisted the golden knob of the door and stepped out a few minutes later. He walked up to you and said, "Y/n. Why were you spying on Yuri and I?"

You smirked. "I wasn't spying. But Otabek, consider this your only warning. If you hurt him, and will come to you and cut off your extremely small length, then shove it down your throat, then take your eyeballs out and make them switch positions, as well as cut your tongue off and sew it where your dxck is supposed to be, and- well, you get the idea. He might seem all tough on the outside, but his heart is fragile. You break it, I break you. Got it?" you said, staring at directly at his eyes.

He visibly gulped. "Yeah. Got it. But I would never hurt Yuri," he said. You could tell that he really liked Yuri by the way his dark eyes softened at the thought of him.

"Okay! Bye Ota-kun! See you later!" you called, and opened the door to Yuri's house. He'd left it unlocked.

When you got inside, you sat down on a plush, leopard-print armchair, and all of today's events came crashing back to you. You curled yourself into a ball on the side of it, and cried. Soon, you felt someone sit next to, and put his arms around you.

"Hey, what happened?" said Yuri, softly.

You quickly wiped away your tears and turned to face him. "I a-asked him w-why he was a-at the r-restaurant with Y-Yuuri-kun and h-he d-didn't say a-anything s-so I l-left," you said, crying. "W-What did I d-do w-wrong? I-I thought h-he loved m-me as much a-as I l-loved him."

"Y/n, drop it. If he made you cry like this, he doesn't deserve you. It's not your fault, it's his. He never deserved you, y/n. He doesn't deserve your tears," said Yuri, looking down at you tenderly.

"Thank you, Yuri," you said. You cried into his chest, and eventually fell asleep.

---Time Skip---

Yuri's POV

Yuri looked down at the sleeping girl in his lap. He lifted her up, and set her on the bed. Taking the keys and locking the door behind him, he left the house. He needed to teach a lesson to the person who broke y/n's heart.

Once he reached the apartment, Yuri opened the door. It was unlocked, ever since y/n left. However, he was shocked by what was inside. Looking at the granite counter, he saw a couple of drained alcohol bottles. On the floor, he saw a discarded shirt and jeans. Yuri looked at the bed, and was stunned by what he saw.

There was a some random slvt wearing no top on the bed, along with Viktor in only his underwear.

Yuri growled at the girl, and said, "Get the fvck out of here, bxtch."

Seeing the very angry Russian, she quickly grabbed her shirt and jeans, and ran out.

"Yurio?" asked Viktor. It seemed that the effects of the alcohol were starting to wear off.

"Yeah, dxckhead. It's me. What the fvck is wrong with you? You fvcking go off and ditch y/n, for the pig. Then, after she confronts you about it, you get drunk and almost have sex with some slvt you haven't seen before in your life. Do you have any fvcking idea what you fvcking did to her? She fvcking came to my house, crying. She's fvcking convinced that she's the one at fault, and we both damn well know that she didn't do anything. Anyone else wouldn't let her out of his fvcking sight. She's too fvcking good for you," said Yuri, breathing heavily by the end of his rant.

"Oh god, I knew I'd done something wrong. How am I supposed to fix this?" said Viktor, running a hand through his silver hair.

"Well, I don't fvcking know, do I?" snapped Yuri. "You better do something to make up for it. I'm not going to tell her how you cheated, because I don't want her heart to shatter completely. She's not okay with cheating. That kind of thing hurts her the most, you know. If she knew, she would start thinking that she wasn't enough, that isn't good enough for anyone. So I won't fvcking tell her. But you better fix everything else."

With that, Yuri stormed out of the room.

A/N: 2.4k reads?!!?!?!?! THANK YOU ALL SO FVCKING MUCH!!!! I love you guys!!! I figured that y'all deserved an update. I was going to do this yesterday, but I was working on my Yuri on Ice x Reader (Scenarios). It's a set of scenarios including Viktor, Yuuri, Yuri, JJ, Christophe, and Otabek. I'd appreciate it if you all could check that out :). So, I'm a total OtaYuri shipper, and I saw that Kubo intends to make OtaMila happen. Like, wtf?! I mean, I respect Kubo's views and everything, but I literally had to look up who Mila was!!! Plus, basically the whole fandom is rooting for OtaYuri. I'm dying here, people. Anyway, please comment your thoughts! Hope you all have a great day/night!

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