Chapter 4

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(Theme of King JJ)

You saw Viktor and the waitress from earlier intensely making out on one of the barstools.

You felt your heart being ripped to pieces. The man you just realized that you were in love with was making out with some slvt he just met an hour ago. You put up an emotionless mask, trying not to let the tears slip out.

"Hey, y/n-" Yurio called out, having finally caught up to you. His voice died when he took in the scene.

You couldn't hold back any longer. Covering your face, you just ran from the scene with no real destination in mind, wanting nothing more than to erase that image from your memory forever.

Yurio quickly took after you, calling your name.

Viktor's POV-ish

Through his drunk stupor, he heard y/n's name. He looked up to see where you were, but he only caught a glimpse of your h/c hair flowing behind you as you ran.

"Hey, baby, look at me," said the brunette who he was currently making out with.

Viktor felt some discomfort, like she wasn't the person who he was supposed to be with. But the alcohol took over his senses again, bringing him to a place of pleasure and ecstasy.

Back to your POV

You ran from the bar, from the shopping center, from your broken heart. Soon, you came to a deserted part of the mall, and sat on the edge of a fountain there.

"Why did I ever think he would choose me? Why did I think he would choose me over someone like that? I'm nothing compared to her. Why the fvck was I so stupid as to think that he would choose me?" you said through tears.

"He's fvcking idiot if he thinks she's better than you. Watch him come over to my house in the morning and ask how to make it up to you," said Yurio, scoffing.

You hadn't realized he was there. "Can I stay at your house tonight?" you asked. You couldn't face Viktor after what you had just seen.

"Fine," said Yurio, sighing.

The both of you headed back to his house silently. Yurio headed into the shower, and you removed your shoes and sat on the edge of his bed, contemplating the events of the night. Wanting nothing more than to sleep and forget what happened, you got up to change into your nightclothes- but remembered that nothing was here anymore.

"Hey! Yurio! What am I supposed to wear?" you yelled into the door.

"Just grab one of my shirts!" he called back.

You stripped down to just your underwear, and put on a shirt with a tiger on it that ended mid-thigh. When Yurio came out of the shower, he started laying sheets on the sofa. "Hey, Yurio, what are you doing? You can just sleep here."

"Thank god. I hate the sofa," said Yurio, joining you on the bed. He turned off the lights and you both fell asleep quickly.

---Time Skip---

Yurio's POV-ish

"Viktor? What do you want?" said Yurio coldly. He heard the doorbell ring at 3 a.m. and had come out to investigate what it was. Sure enough, Viktor was here.

"Where's y/n? I need to tell her something?" said Viktor anxiously.

"She's sleeping. Besides, I don't think she wants to see you right now. You hurt her a lot, you know," said Yurio, glaring at Viktor.

"I know, I was drunk. But I really need to tell her how I feel," said Viktor.

Yurio could tell that he meant what he said, and decided to give Viktor some advice. "If you really want her to forgive you, then do something special for her. I happen to know that tomorrow's her birthday."

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