Chapter 2

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(Song: On Love: Eros [the song that Yuuri skated to])

"Y/n-chan! Wake up!"

You half-opened your eyes. "Are you okay? You were shaking and crying in your sleep," Viktor said, concerned. So what happened yesterday had not been a dream.

"Oh, sorry for waking you up. It was just a nightmare," you said. You had already forgotten what you were dreaming about. "By the way, what time is it?"

"It's 5:00 a.m. We should probably get ready to leave soon," said Viktor, turning on the light.

Since the room at been dark, you hadn't noticed that Viktor wasn't wearing a shirt. You immediately averted your eyes, and lifted the covers off of you.

"Sorry, I forgot that you were sleeping here. I'll sleep on the couch next time," said Viktor, blushing.

You stood up, leaning on the bed for support. "Thanks for bringing my stuff," you said, noticing the suitcase on the other side of the room.

"No problem."

You slowly walked to the suitcase, taking out underclothes, black jeans, and plain dark blue v-neck.

"The shower's over there. Call me if you need anything," said Viktor, pointed to a door near his side of the bed.

"Okay, thanks," you said, walking inside.

You looked around the bathroom, surprised at its largeness. It was about as big as the kitchen, with both a shower and a bath, in separate areas. You took off the bandages on your feet, threw them away, stripped, then entered the shower.

---Time Skip---

You turned off the water, after a 10-minute shower. You were a bit surprised at the amount of soaps, shampoos, and conditioners inside. It felt like Viktor owned every brand of conditioner & shampoo that existed.

You opened the shower door, reaching for your towel, but came up with nothing but air. You then remembered that you hadn't taken a towel in with you. Sh*t. You definitely needed a towel, as your hair was dripping. You desperately looked around the bathroom, but saw none. You thought of the least embarrassing way to ask Viktor for one, and stepped back into the shower.

"Viktor-san?" you called out hesitantly. You heard footsteps approaching, and the door opening a tiny bit.


"C-can you get my towel for me?" you asked. You were blushing madly.

"Oh, yeah, of course," said Viktor, closing the door.

After about a minute, he opened the door and put it on the counter. The shower was made of distorted glass so he couldn't really see you, but he could still see your figure.

"Thanks," you said.

When he left, you came out and dried yourself, slipping on the jeans and the shirt. You made a mental note to go shopping soon; your clothes were starting to get a bit small.

You walked out, towel-drying your hair. You never used makeup; it took too much effort to put on/take off.

Viktor had changed into jeans and a white shirt that clung to his muscled torso.

"Oh, y/n-chan, I need to change your bandages," said Viktor, turning around.

"Okay, I threw the old ones away," you said.

You sat down on plush armchair while Viktor wrapped your feet again.

"Thanks," you said. You usually hated people fussing over you, but this time, you knew you needed it.

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