Viktor's Birthday (Special)

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It was early, around 5 a.m., and you needed to hurry up. Viktor would probably sleep until 7, so you needed to get everything ready by then.

You quickly changed into black leggings and a tie-dye shirt, and tied your hair. You made sure you had enough cash, then walked out to the bakery nearby. Today was Viktor's birthday, and you had to make sure everything was perfect.

You reached the bakery in about 5 minutes, and bought a batch of freshly baked brownies. You ran back to the apartment and covered them in whipped cream, caramel, and chocolate syrup. Then, you set to making breakfast. You were about to make the usual when you remembered how much Viktor complained every day when he didn't get a pork cutlet bowl. So, you literally ran to Yuuri's shop, and got a pork cutlet bowl for Viktor.

By that time, it was already 6:30. You stepped out of the apartment and made a reservation for the two of you at Viktor's favorite Italian restaurant for dinner. Viktor hadn't actually been there yet, but one time, Viktor stole Yuuko's leftovers, and fell in love with Italian food.

"Y/n? Are you still here?" asked Viktor groggily.

"Happy Birthday!" you said, carrying the tray of brownies over to him and kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh, I forgot about that. Thanks," said Viktor, his mouth full.

You smiled, and went back to the kitchen to heat up the katsudon (pork cutlet bowl), while Viktor finished two of the brownies and went to shower.

He came out with a towel around his waist. "Hey, y/n, do I have to train Yuuri today?" he asked, encircling your waist with his arms.

"No, I canceled that."

"Is that a katsudon?!" asked Viktor excitedly, looking over your shoulder at the katsudon.


"Y/n, I love you so much," said Viktor, still staring at the katsudon.

"I love you too," you said, laughing as you handed over the katsudon.

Viktor finished it in a couple of seconds. "So, what do you want to do today?" you asked him.

His eyes lit up as he said, "Wear something casual, but warm. I'm taking you somewhere."

Confused, you quickly changed into black skinny jeans and put on a tight, long-sleeved black sweater over your shirt.

---Time Skip---

"The ice rink?!" you said, disbelieving. "Um, do you realize that everyone here worships you and will ask for your autograph and other shxt like that?!"

"Yeah, but I just wanted to take you skating," said Viktor, smiling down at you tenderly.

"Um, I can't skate," you said.

"Just come with me."

Viktor got you skates, and pulled you on the ice. You almost immediately lost your balance. "V-viktor!! I'm going to fall!"

"Just look at me," said Viktor, pulling you along as he stared directly into your eyes.

You did as he said. "Now, just drag your feet along the ice. You're not going to fall. Don't look down, just look at me," said Viktor.

You, again, just followed his directions. By now, the people at the rink were pointing and staring at the two of you. "Viktor, they all know who you are," you said, concerned.

"I don't care. As long as I'm with you, I'm fine," said Viktor, smiling down at you.

You were about to respond, but lost your balance and grip on Viktor. You were about to fall, when Viktor quickly skated behind you and caught you just in time.

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