Chapter eight

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The hunt for Tristan had begun. None of the boys seemed to have a clue as to where Tris would go.


The image of his face stayed in my mind, I needed to help him.

“I’m going alone, you guys go together” I informed them

“I want to go with you” Connor asked.

“Please, go with them” I laughed

“Fine” I kissed him lightly before turning away and pulling my phone out. I scrolled down my contacts until I found his name.

  I clicked call and it began to ring.

“Hello” Tristan answered, his voice was shaky.

“Tris, it’s Ava. I’m alone, Let me talk to you. Please Tris I can help”

“Ava” he cried

“Tris, where are you”

“I-I’m at the park, near the swings” he informed me

“I’ll be right there, don’t move”

I hung up and began sprinting in the direction of the park. It wasn’t a big park but it was always empty.

“Tris” I shouted as I saw his body sat against a post.

“Ava” he cried into his jeans.

“Tristan, come here” I walked over and helped him up. I pulled him into my embrace and let him cry.

“I loved her” he told me

“She loved you too, she just wasn’t the one you were to be with” he sniffled a few times before pulling away.

“You think I’ll ever find my true love?” he asked, his eyes were quite red, they looked pained.

“I know you will, look at you. You’re good looking, in a band. What’s not to like?”

“Me” he sighed

“Tris, come back to Connor’s”

“I can’t” he cried a little more

“You can, just come on”

“They’ll laugh at me, call me stupid for not listening to them. Brad will mock me and Connor will join in. James will stand and tell me it’ll be okay and that everything is fine yet it isn’t. I lost my love and I’m heart broken. I’m not fine. Am i?” I was slightly stunned at Tristan’s speech.

“They won’t laugh, they won’t mock you. What kind of friends will they be if they do that? Not very good ones. And I understand you, everything won’t be fine. Especially now, it will with time but time is what you need and your heart will mend. It just takes time”

 I encouraged Tristan to come back and so he finally agreed. We walked back, talking about random things. We made it to Connor’s and I was glad.

“Tris” Brad smiled, he embraced his friend in a hug and guided him into the living room.

  “hey” Connor spoke from behind me


“You found him then” he laughed

“Yeah, he wasn’t up to coming back here but I made him”

“I’m glad, Brad’s taking him and James home now so it’ll be me and you again” he smiled

“Good” Connor walked towards me and embraced me. My face nuzzled into his shoulder.

“I’m happy with you” he spoke into my hair.

“I’m very happy with you, too” I laughed

“Good” he pulled away, his eyes stared into mine intensely. They softened as I smiled.

“I love it when you smile, your eyes light up”

“They do?” I giggled

“Yeah” he laughed along.

Tristan, Brad and James all left leaving me with Connor.

“I’m quite tired, shall we go to bed?” he asked

“Yeah” I nodded, I could feel my eyes pulling closed.

After changing and washing, we both pulled ourselves into bed. Connor shuffled closer, as did I. The room was dark and I could only just see Connor’s face. He was smiling, I could tell.

 “I love you” he finally spoke.

“I love you too” he pulled me into him as he placed his lips on mine, causing me to smile. I began to laugh and so did Connor. It was hard to turn a friendship into a romance, but we would. We had to.  

  We both rested out heads back onto our pillows. Connor began singing songs. I joined in with the words I knew. It became a kind of karaoke.

“You have a really nice voice” Connor told me.

“It’s nothing special, but yours however. It’s beautiful” I wasn’t lying, His voice was soft but not too soft. It had perfect pitch and was in key.

“You should do a duet with us” Connor laughed.

“Yeah right” I sarcastically added

“I’m going to speak to the boys about it, I think you’ve got something”

“Don’t be stupid, if I had something special I would have been found out about”

“This is your time to be found” he pleaded

We fell into a silence but this time it was nice. I had my legs entwined with his and I was resting my head on his chest.

 “Goodnight” I spoke

“Goodnight Ava” he kissed my forehead and we both fell into a deep sleep. 

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