Chapter sixteen

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*Ava’s POV*

After a few sleepless nights, I got myself together. It’s more for Connor’s sake really. When I’m moaning all the time at stupid things it can’t be helping him. His works really stressing him out but I’m convinced he prefers to be there than here with me depressed.

 So I decided to live in the moment, a few chick flicks taught me that love shouldn’t be taken for granted and that if you have somebody who loves you deeply then why be wasting your time wishing for other things. After all, the world isn’t a wish granting factory.

    I’d been reading a lot recently and the fault in our stars really caught my attention. The fact that such a love story could be so meaningful and deep. It isn’t about all the gossip, it doesn’t even give people what they want, the fact that most novels end with a happy ending give society fake hope, but this book really gets you, it’s real life and this is what happens. Love is found everywhere, and within everything, you shouldn’t just go finding love, love finds you and once it has don’t let it go.  

 Connor is due home in around a minute or so, I’ve decided to take him camping. I’ve borrowed my friend’s camper and so we’re all set. I’ve also packed a few of Con’s clothes and mine. I’m planning on letting him tell me everything. I want to know how he feels about our relationship.

  “Hey” he greets me

“Hello” I smile

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing, do you mind if you could just drive me to the shops, I need a few things”

“Yeah sure, we can go now if you want?”

“Yeah okay”

I’d already put the stuff in the van and it’s sitting in the garage, I just need him to go through that way.

“Babe, why’s there a camper in the garage?”

“Because, I’m taking you camping”

After grabbing some lunch, we head off to find a nice spot on the coast to stay the night.

“What about there, it seems peaceful enough” I suggest.

We ended up in the middle of nowhere, it’s actually fun though. Connor can protect us both if we’re in trouble.

Once we’re all set up, we sit in the back. I set up pillows so we can stargaze.



“What do you think about our relationship, like are you happy?”

“I’m happy yeah”

“Tell me the truth”

He sighs and looks at me

“Ava, I love you. I love you so so much. Words cannot even describe it. It’s not just some cliché love story you find but I actually get butterflies when you say you love me.

  I find myself smiling at simple things, the way you stare at yourself in the mirror for five minutes before doing your hair or makeup. I love the way that when you’re cooking you dance around to the music. I adore you Ava.

Unfortunately, recently, you’ve been so down. I haven’t got to see you smiling or dancing. I haven’t got the butterflies because you haven’t said you loved me. I’m trying to pull us both through and make it work, if I was to leave you, you’d have nothing. i wouldn’t be able to leave you knowing this” he finishes his speech and looks away.

“You’re with me still over pity?” the ache in my heart tells me his speech wasn’t good.

“No, well at first no. I loved you so much, but you just make me sad, I’m not happy anymore ava. I wanted to tell you, I did and I still love you”

“cut the crap Connor, you’re only with me now because you don’t want everyone else to think you’re the bad guy.

 I know I’ve been sad lately but can you blame me? If you went through half the shit I’ve been through you would know how it feels.

You’re too busy with work to even notice how sad I actually am. I’ve been putting a brave face on and smiling but beneath all that bullshit I’m weak. I can’t help that I’m sad.

 The only person who knows me well enough to love the real me is Tom, I shouldn’t have wasted my time with you. You were with me for the experience not to fall in love with me. I see it now. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you what you wanted” with that I get up, and I walk down the road that leads into the unknown.

  I reach for my phone from my pocket and dial Tom’s number.

“Ava?” he answered, he actually answered.

“Tom, I’m so sorry. I notice everything now. you gave me happiness and I threw you away. I see it all. How you would so silly things just to make me happy, oh god Tom I’m so stupid for letting you go”

“Ava, you didn’t let me go. I let you go”

“No, this is my fault”

“where are you?”

“I don’t know, I took Connor camping and we got lost and we basically just worked out that I don’t love him and he doesn’t love me. I need you Tom”

“I’m on my way, I’ll find you okay?”


Tom’s car pulled up on the side of the road and he got out, I ran towards him. He embraced me in his arms. His sent I’ve missed so dam much lingering in my nose.

“I missed you” he kisses my head.

I pull his face to look at me, I lift myself up and place my lips to his. He’s so warm, the cold air has wrapped itself around me placing goose bumps on my skin.

“Let’s get you back to mine” he smiles at me.

“That sounds good” I smile back.



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 Who do you ship, Connor and Ava or Tom and Ava??

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