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Three Years Later

Sana Rehman, the most gifted fighter I've seen since Levi Ackerman, but she struggles greatly in the classroom. Also, has the strangest fighting style I've ever seen, but it works for her. Rasa would be proud.


All day, we held a combat-tournament within the sexes, and holy shit it was so much fun. I was knocked out of the tournament in the quarterfinals by Reiner, but I held up a good fight against him until I was too tired.

Marco dug his knuckles into my back at dinner, massaging my aching muscles, and curiously asked, "Where did you learn how to fight like that?"

"It's one of the styles of fighting the MP's learn when they're stationed in Mitras; it's called krav maga. My mom showed me some things after I was assaulted for the first time," I explained, my head resting on the table. "Basically, it's all about self-preservation and doing anything to stay alive."

Jean smirked, and suggested, "You should show me some moves before I head off to the interior. It seems pretty useful."

I sat up right, and Marco sat down next to me. "You're still dead-set on being in the MP's?" I groaned. "They're not what they're cracked up to be, trust me, I know from first hand."

"What I want to know is why somebody as talented as you are wants to risk her life in the Scouts?" Jean argued, upset with me for some reason. "Only suicidal maniacs join the Scouts, Sana!"

I glared at him.

"Shut up, Jean," Eren grumbled from the table next to us.

Jean glared at Yaeger, "You've got a point to make, friend? I'm right here." The entire mess hall went silent. I groaned loudly before smacking my head against the table.

"Here we go again," Marco sighed.

"Poor Jean, so misguided," Eren chuckled. "I don't think your head will fit in the interior anyway."

Jean's amber eye twitched, and he abruptly stood up from the table. Reiner and Connie snorted, trying to keep their laughter in. "Very funny," he growled.

"Seems a little backwards to me," Eren hissed. "Fine tuning your titan-killing skills so the brass will station you somewhere where you'll never see one."

Jean growled, "You'd rather have me be good at getting killed. Thanks, but I'll pass. Better to play the system than get gnawed on."

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Eren yelled, jumping up from the table to grab Jean by his charcoal vest.

"Eren, don't!" Armin shouted.

Sick and tired of their fighting, Mikasa grabbed Eren's hand, and brought it back down to his side, threatening him with her eyes.

Jean, boiling with hatred, grabbed Eren by his yellow shirt, and shouted, "YOU THINK YOU CAN JUDGE ME!"


"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR SHIRT! YOU PISSED ME OFF," Jean screamed in Eren's face.

Eren responded, "WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY?"

This wasn't like Jean at all. The Jean I'd known for three years didn't just go picking fights with Yaeger whenever he pleased.

Eren knocked Jean to the ground, using one of Annie's kicks. Jean writhed in pain, clutching his head, "Damn it! What was that move?"

"A little something I picked up this afternoon while you were busy making heart-eyes at Sana!" Eren barked. I hid my face in my hands, grossly embarrassed. "You honestly think the Military Police are your ticket to a good life? You're not a solider, you're a joke!"

Everything was silent, and the door to the mess hall creaked open. Commandant stood in the doorway, clouded by darkness, and he hissed, "Would someone care to explain the little ruckus I heard just now? I do hope everything's alright."

The two boys took their seats, and Mikasa quickly lied, "Sasha passed some gas, Commandant."

Everyone started laughing. "Why am I not surprised?" Shadis groaned, exiting the mess-hall. "For the love of god, learn some self-control."


I hastily put my dishes away in the mess hall, frustrated at Jean's behavior, and exited the building, throwing my coat on over my shoulders. The door slammed shut, and I began walking to the post-office.

Graduation was tomorrow, and I don't know what he was trying to prove to everybody—we all knew he was in the top ten with Eren, Mikasa, Marco, Annie, and I.

"Sana!" Jean called from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see him running to catch up with me.

I glared at him, asking angrily, "What?"

He panted, and I face him, my hands deep in the pockets of my baggy pants. "What's wrong with you? You've been pissed at me for almost two weeks," Jean explained.

I shook my head, rolling my eyes. "You've been acting like you're twelve again as of lately," I snapped. "That's what's wrong!"

My fist curled in my pocket from a mix of frustration, anger, and sadness. Emotions flooded me, tears formed in my eyes, but I quickly turned away to storm off.

Jean grabbed my arm where my elbow-joint was, and pleaded, "Sana, you can tell me what's wrong."

I jerked around, and my raging emotions let themselves go. "We're graduating tomorrow, Jean!" I shouted, tears streaking my face. "You're graduating, Marco's graduating, Mikasa's graduating, Yeager's graduating, I'm graduating tomorrow! And in a week, I'm never going to see you ever again! That's what's wrong, Jean."

Jean let go of my arm, and I wiped the tears from my face with the sleeve of my jacket. He stared at me in shock. I explained, trying to calm down, but still sniffling, "You guys are the first friends I've ever had besides my cousins. Parents don't let their kids play with people who look like me back home. That's why I'm so upset that all my friends are leaving, especially you."

"I'm sorry," Jean whispered. He wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me off the ground a little bit, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. I held my arms around his neck, and Jean nuzzled my neck lovingly.



Sorry I didn't update for a while, but I was out of town.

Also, happy belated Thanksgiving (but not the mass genocide of the Native Americans part)

Rain//Jean Kirstein x OC (version 1 - this one sucks, read version 2 on my page)Where stories live. Discover now