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Once again, I was summoned to the Garrison office set up just outside the city, but this time the office was taken over by the Military Police sent to Trost from Ehrmich. I leaned against the wall waiting for somebody to let me in.

Commander Nile Dok would only send my mom if he thought we were in deep shit, and we were, which is why Commander Pixis is here as well. To be completely honest, my mom was just waiting for Commander Dok to die so she could succeed him.

If Dok suddenly dropped dead one day, I wouldn't doubt for a second that my mother poisoned him to get the title of Commander. Once she would be the Commander of the MP, I wouldn't put it past her to have General Zackly killed so she could run the entire kingdom.

The door to the office opened, and a young man, barely older than I was, explained to me, "Section-Commander Rehman is ready to see you."

I sighed, and entered the familiar office lined with soldiers from the Military Police. Sitting at the ornate, wooden desk was my mother; she stared at me, unlovingly.

We didn't say a word to each other. I sat down in the wooden chair in front of the desk, and Mom quietly looked through a file on the desk. Most people would find this painfully awkward, but this was just life for me; neither of my parents were very involved in my upbringing since Mom was always busy with the MP's and Dad was always stuck at the ODM workshop.

Mom slipped on her reading glasses, and held the file away from her face so she could read it. "Only fifth? I thought you'd at least get second," she scoffed, reading my report of the Training Corps.

"I didn't do very well on the written tests," I stated, not caring whatsoever.

Mom raised her eyebrow at me, and questioned, "Do you know what branch you want to join?"

"You already know the answer, so why do you even bother to ask?" I sighed, glancing out the window behind her.

She took her glasses off, setting them on the desk, and folded her hands in front of me. Mom stared at me, and coldly explained, "I'm just trying to make you feel more relaxed, Sana." I looked at my hands. "Fine," Mom huffed, "Tell me what happened in Trost."

"The whole thing or just the part where the Garrison abandoned us?" I questioned.

"Which ever you feel is necessary," Mom sighed, growing annoyed with me. She took out a piece of paper and a pen to take notes with.

I folded my arms across my chest, and I explained, "Well, the Colossal Titan busted a hole in the outer-wall like it did five years ago in Shiganshina, and Captain Weilman assigned me a squad within the Middle Guard to lead. We helped get some people to the inner-gate while fighting off some titans here and there, but then the Vanguard was completely wiped out, leaving the cadets completely stranded. About half of my squad was out of gas and the other half was dangerously low."

"Where was the supply depot?" Mom asked, jotting down notes.

"I'll get to that in a second." I continued, "The signal to scale the wall was given, but none of us had enough gas to even make it that far. Eventually, I figured out a way to transfer my remaining gas to my team, and we made our way to the headquarters to see what was wrong with the Supply Depot. On our way there, half of my squad was killed, so only nine of us made it back. We found the Supply Depot cowering underneath tables, because the supply room was over-run by titans and they were too afraid to do their jobs. We took out the titans in the supply room, and I led a group over the wall while the other half found Yaeger."

Mom bluntly asked, not even looking at me, "How many titans did you kill?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, about eight, maybe."

Mom smirked. "Good."

"What are you going to do with Eren when we leave?" I asked, more curious than concerned for his life.

"You seem awfully hopeful that we'll make it out of Trost alive," Mom replied, scribbling down notes on her paper. She didn't care about us or the people who lived here, she just wanted another damn promotion.

I rolled my eyes. "What are you going to do with Eren if we make it out of Trost?" I repeated myself, annoyed with her attitude.

She chuckled, "Much better." Then finally answered, looking at me for the first time in minutes, "If the brat makes it out of Trost, he'll likely be taken to trial by General Zackly; Pixis, Dok, and I will have to fight it out on what to do with him because all of us have very different ideas in mind."

"Like what?" I questioned.

"Pixis wants to hand him over to the Survey Corps so that nut-bag, Hanji, can take a look at him, Dok wants him killed and dissected, and I want to use his titan-shifting ability to our advantage," Mom explained, leaving out her cruel details.

Raising my eyebrow, I agitated, "What if Commander Dok gets his way?"

Mom laughed, and smirked, replying simply, "Don't worry, I'll get my way."

Rain//Jean Kirstein x OC (version 1 - this one sucks, read version 2 on my page)Where stories live. Discover now