Chapter 1: Bad News

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Monster Island

A warm spring breeze blew through the arena as Godzilla stood firmly on the sand, facing his opponent from a few feet away. Rather than his usual katana, he held a bamboo shinai, more commonly known as a training sword. This wasn't a serious battle, it was simply a sparring match. He would never use a real sword against this particular opponent. It had been a month since he and the others had gotten back from New York, and Godzilla was glad to be back. Being in New York reminded him of the uncomfortable events that happened there. Due to some unfortunate circumstances that occurred while helping the Avengers superhero team fight an evil Kaiju by the name of Shinomura, Godzilla had ended up physically striking Mothra. In order to make it up to her, he went out of his way to reforge her elemental knife, which was broken by another evil Kaiju, Desghidorah, in a brutal battle. But while her old blade was shattered, Mothra's fairy guardians, the Shobijin, were forging her a new one. Now Mothra had two elemental knives. There was only one problem: she had never used two weapons at the same time before. This was the reason Mothra was currently training with Godzilla. It took some convincing, but Godzilla eventually agreed. To match with Godzilla's training sword, Mothra now held two shorter wooden knives, similar in size to her normal knives. She was standing in a battle stance, so Godzilla did the same.
"Alright, I've used two weapons at the same time before, so I can help you figure it out." Godzilla began. "It's all about fluid motion. Don't just focus on one weapon at a time. You have to treat both weapons as one."
"Got it." Mothra nodded. She brandished her wooden knives, and beckoned Godzilla to attack her. "You'd better not go easy on me."
"Don't count on it." Godzilla smirked. He rushed foreword, closing the gap between him and Mothra in an instant. They clashed wooden blades again and again, until Mothra jumped and flipped over his head, landing behind him. She hit him on the back with one of her wooden knives, and with a pained grunt, he quickly turned to face her.
"Sorry about that." Mothra said. She swung at him again.
"Don't be." Godzilla said, blocking the attack. "In a fight anything can happen."
"You do know this isn't my first fight, right?" Mothra responded, retaliating with yet another slash.
Godzilla rolled his eyes, and attacked yet again. After a some time had passed, Mothra jumped back and sent a fire blast at Godzilla rather than attacking with her knives. He blocked the blast with his sword, and glared at Mothra. The spot on the sword where the blast hit was now singed and charred.
"I thought we agreed, no fire blasts- whoa!" Godzilla stopped talking as Mothra launched herself at him. Her launching a blast was an attempt to distract him. She slashed at him, but he blocked by swinging his word down. The wooden blades locked, and suddenly, both were at a stalemate. As the stared intensely into each other's eyes, and due to how close they were to each other, Mothra began to relax. Her breathing slowed, and her determined facial expression softened into an embarrassed smile. Godzilla was confused, until Mothra began to lean in towards him, eyes closed. She was attempting to kiss him. Surprised, but understanding what she was doing, Godzilla shrugged. He followed her lead and leaned in as well. However, He quickly learned that this was a trick. While he was occupied, Mothra ducked around him, and stole his sword while he was distracted. Before he could turn around, Mothra smacked him in the back of the legs with the sword, knocking him over, and making him flip around and land on his back. After realizing what happened, Godzilla looked up at Mothra with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
"You sneaky little..." He chuckled.
"You need to stop letting your guard down." Mothra playfully mocked. She helped Godzilla up to his feet, and handed him back his training sword. They heard clapping. It was Komodithrax, a newer member of Godzilla's army. She and some of the others often watched their sparring matches. This time, it was just her. She jumped down from the rock she was sitting on and walked towards them.
"Nice job, you two." She said. "What's this, the fifth training session this week?"
"Sixth." Mothra corrected. The two had become good friends over the last month, and talked regularity. In fact, Mothra spent nearly as much time with Komi as she did with Godzilla.
"What's up, Komi?" Godzilla asked, placing his training sword on his back.
"Actually, need to talk to Mothra." Komi responded. She turned to Mothra to speak with her. "It's kind of personal. Can we talk in private?"
"Yeah, sure." Mothra replied. She turned to Godzilla and kissed him goodbye on the cheek.
"See you later." She said, flashing one of her famously adorable smiles. Then she left to follow Komi. At the same time, Godzilla heard a familiar sound above him. He looked up to see Rodan flying overhead. Eventually, he landed on the ground. He seemed excited about something.
"Oh, hey, Rodan." Godzilla said. "Is something wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, I just needed to tell you something." Rodan responded. "The Gotengo just showed up. Jet's back!"

As Rodan had said, Jet Jaguar, an old ally of Godzilla and the others, had just arrived on the island. He used to live on the island along with his ally Moguera, but they both left to assemble the new crew of the Gotengo, a flying battleship hat had been built many years ago to combat dangerous Kaiju. They had only showed up one more time a few months ago to help defeat an alien Kaiju named Dogolas. After that, nobody heard back from Jet or Moguera for some time. But now, Jet was back. He was talking with Anguirus and Baragon when Godzilla saw him. He and Rodan were pretty happy to see Jet again, but Anguirus and Baragon seemed displeased with what Jet was telling them. Jet saw Godzilla approaching, and turned his attention to him.
"What brings you back to the island?" Godzilla asked.
"Well, by now, I'm sure you've heard about the Kaiju from the breach." Jet replied. Godzilla nodded. He and the others had heard of this. The breach was an unusual phenomenon. Essentially, it was a portal between two worlds, located in a tectonic rift at the bottom of the ocean. Dangerous new Kaiju had been appearing out of it. These were much different from the Kaiju from this dimension. The Kaiju on Monster Island had been fighting some of them, but since Godzilla and some of the others were away in New York when the breach first opened, the news didn't reach them very fast. Instead, agents of the government's Jaeger program were tasked with fighting and containing the new Kaiju in prisons called Shatterdomes. Jaeger agents were trainer soldiers wearing mechanical armour, and Shatterdomes were prisons especially meant to contain Kaiju. They were in use before the breach opened, but they became more useful after it opened. Muto was currently in one of the Shatterdomes.
"Due to these recent events," Jet explained, "The government is worried about the destructive potential of Kaiju who are already living in our dimension. Basically, I'm being stationed back on the island to keep an eye on you guys."
Silence fell as the information sunk in. Godzilla wasn't as happy to see Jet any more. Anguirus was the first to speak.
"So basically, we're being being restricted." He said, crossing his arms.
"No, you'll still be able to do all the normal things you usually do." Jet assured. "I'll just be supervising you while you do it."
"So you're our boss now?" Baragon accused.
"No, nothing like that, I just have to report some of the stuff you do to the government." Jet continued. "Just making sure you're not doing anything illegal."
While Rodan, Anguirus, and Baragon noticeably frustrated with the news, Godzilla was trying his best to keep calm.
"Guys, relax." He told them. "When have any of us done anything illegal before?"
"Actually quite a lot." Jet mentioned. Godzilla turned to Jet as he heard this, a look of confusion on his face. Jet continued. "A lot of collateral damage has been caused thanks to you. Not to mention the civilian casualties."
"Well, yeah, but we were fighting to defend the earth." Godzilla countered.
"Accidental or not, you still cause a lot more damage than you'd think." Jet explained. "I'm not accusing you of anything, but technically, the government is."
Godzilla nodded. While he understood what Jet was talking about, these new rules still frustrated him as much as the others.
"I get it." He said. "There's not really any big threat right now, so hopefully all this will blow over before another threat happens."
Jet nodded back. "I have some paperwork to take care of now, so I gotta go. I'll need to register all of you at some point too." And with that he walked away to the Gotengo, which had landed behind him. Once he was out of sight, Anguirus lightly kicked the ground in frustration.
"This is stupid. Since when do we need a freaking babysitter?" He grumbled.
"It's not that big of a deal right now." Baragon said. "But I could see this getting worse."
"Yeah, me too." Godzilla agreed. "For now, though, I think we should just go along with it. As long as nothing bad happens, we'll probably be fine."
"What about the Kaiju from the breach?" Rodan asked.
"The Jaegers can handle that." Godzilla said. He had met one of the Jaegers previously. Jet introduced them over a video communication about a week ago. The one he met was the leader of the main group of Jaegers stationed in Japan. His codename was Gypsy Danger. As far as Godzilla knew, everything would be fine if Gypsy and the other Jaegers were on top of it.
"Let's not worry about it for the moment." Godzilla continued. "Until something effects us directly, it's not our problem."
The others nodded in agreement. For now, it seemed like a good idea. But Godzilla had a feeling that soon, things would go wrong.

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