Chapter 2: Secrets

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Komi lead Mothra to the small cabin she shared with Zilla. They had been dating for some time now, and only recently decided to move in together after Godzilla and Mothra did the same thing. As Komi opened the door, she saw that Zilla was inside. When he saw her come in, he immediately walked over to her.
"Hey, I was wondering where you were." He said. "...What's Mothra doing here?"
"Nice to see you too, Zilla." Mothra smirked sarcastically.
"I didn't mean it like that, sorry." Zilla chuckled, nervously rubbing a hand on the back of his head.
"I need to talk to Mothra. In private." Komi said. "Could you maybe... leave the cabin for a bit?" Zilla crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
"Are you keeping secrets from me?" He asked. He was being sarcastic, but he was actually curious.
"No, no." Komi laughed. "It's just... it's a little personal. Kind of a girl thing." She hoped this would get Zilla to stop prying for information. As she predicted, he blushed, understanding what she meant.
"O-oh. I get it." He said, nodding. "Yeah, sure, I'll step out for a bit."
"Thanks. You're the best." Komi said, smiling. She hugged Zilla briefly, giving him a quick kiss. Afterwords, he stepped out of the cabin, closing the door behind him. Komi ran to the door and pressed her ear against it, making sure he was gone. Now, Mothra was thoroughly confused.
"So what exactly did you want to tell me?" Mothra asked. Without warning, Komi pinned Mothra against the wall with her forearm, looking her straight in the eyes. She was completely serious about what she was about to say.
"What I'm about to tell you does not leave this cabin, got it?" She asserted.
"Yeah, yeah, totally!" Mothra agreed, nodding quickly out of shock and nervousness. "What's the big deal?"
Komi unpinned Mothra and turned around to face the wall on the other side of the room. She sighed heavily and looked at the ground. Mothra started to get concerned. Finally, Komi said her confession.
"I think I... might be pregnant." She said.
Mothra covered her mouth to hide her gasp. Her eyes went wide.
"No..." She said in disbelief.
"Yep." Komi nodded, crossing her arms.
The sides of Mothra's mouth curled up into a smile. She laughed happily and hugged Komi tightly, nearly knocking the wind out of her.
"Oh my god, Komi, you might be a mom!" She said. "And Zilla might be a dad... that probably wouldn't work out as well, but..."
"I said maybe. I might not be." Komi said.
Mothra's smile fell when she saw Komi's face. She did not look happy. Mothra let go of her, and the two sat down on the bed in the middle of the room.
"So you haven't told Zilla yet?" Mothra guessed.
"Of course not." Komi said. She sighed heavily again, showing a hint of anger in her voice. "I don't know how I let this happen. I really don't want to be a parent."
"Why not?" Mothra asked.
"I'm not meant to be a mom." Komi argued. "I know I won't be good at it like you'd be."
Mothra was about to reply, until she realized what Komi had just said. "Did... did you just imply I should have kids?"
Komi scoffed and smiled, placing her hands on her hips. "Yeah, it should be you and Godzilla having a kid, not me and Zilla."
Mothra blushed, thinking about what it would be like to have children with Godzilla. She couldn't disagree, she probably would make a good parent. But she tried to focus on the matter at hand.
"Komi, what makes you think you'd be a bad mom?" She asked.
"Because... I'm me." Komi responded. "I don't have a gentle personality like you. I'm violent, tough, and impulsive. I'm like a female Godzilla!"
Mothra giggled at the analogy. She couldn't deny it was pretty clever, and honestly accurate.
"Okay, so why do you think that would make you a bad mother?" She asked. Komi looked at her with a confused expression, as if she was frustrated that Mothra wasn't seeing her point.
"I don't really want to talk about it right now, okay?" Komi said. "I just needed to tell someone. You're the only one I could trust with this sort of thing."
"Aww, thanks." Mothra said. "I still think you'd be a good mom."
"That's not the point right now." Komi said. She groaned and rolled her eyes. After a few deep breaths, she smiled slightly. "That's not really the advice I was hoping for, but I guess it still helped a little. Thanks, Mothra. If it turns out I am pregnant, at least I know I have some support around here." Mothra smiled back at her.
"So are we going to tell Zilla?" She asked.
"Tell anyone, and I'll cut you." Komi threatened.

Later That Night...

It was a beautiful night on Monster Island, but sleep was out of the grasp of some of its residents. Mothra lay awake and stared at the ceiling of her tent while Godzilla snored next to her. She couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about what Komi had said, specifically about her and Godzilla being good parents. The idea kept running through her mind. Sometimes it scared her, sometimes it made her happy, sometimes it made her sad. She needed to talk about it with someone. Without thinking, she rolled over and tapped Godzilla on the shoulder. His snoring stopped, signalling that he had woken up.
"What?" He asked groggily. He always got less polite when he was tired.
"I just wanted to ask you something." Mothra said. Godzilla rolled over to face her.
"Fine. Ask away." He said.
"Have you... ever wanted to have kids?" Mothra asked. The surprise of hearing this question woke Godzilla up almost immediately. He sat straight up and looked at Mothra with wide eyes.
"W-what!?" He practically yelped. Mothra sat up as well.
"I'll take your response as a no." She said, sounding slightly disappointed.
"...Well... I didn't say that." Godzilla corrected. "I guess I've never really thought about it before. Maybe having kids would be kind of cool... but I don't know if we even can."
"What do you mean?" Mothra asked.
"I know you Gods and Goddesses can procreate with humans," Godzilla explained, "but as far as I know, my species doesn't really match well with any other species, let alone a Goddess."
"...Oh." Mothra muttered. This hadn't even crossed her mind. Just the hint of possibility made her really sad. After talking to Komi had gotten her hopes up, having them potentially dashed was a little depressing. Before she could think on it further, Godzilla asked a question of his own.
"Why do you ask?" He asked. "I mean, what brought it up?"
Mothra was about to reply honestly and say that Komi might be expecting, but she remembered that Komi told her to keep it a secret.
"I... uh... don't know." She said. "I was just... thinking."
"Alright. Well, goodnight." Godzilla yawned. He rolled over and quickly fell back asleep. Mothra rolled over the other way. She understood why Komi didn't want people to know about her potential pregnancy. She understood why she was keeping secrets from the ones she loved. It just so happened that Mothra had a big secret of her own. It wasn't the same as Komi's, but she still didn't want to tell Godzilla, at least not right now. Instead, she just went to sleep.

As morning drew on Monster Island, Godzilla and Mothra were just starting to wake up. But the morning was not a peaceful one, as Battra burst through their door, forcefully waking them up immediately.
"We've got trouble." He said. "Get dressed and join us outside."
Before either Godzilla or Mothra could react, Battra was gone. Mothra rolled her eyes.
"Thanks for barging in like that." She muttered sarcastically. After getting dressed and grabbing their weapons, they rushed out the door. Rodan and Anguirus were already there, along with Battra and Jet, who was holding a holographic clipboard. He seemed to be busy typing in some variables into the keyboard.
"What's going on, guys?" Godzilla asked. Jet turned to face him.
"Two more Kaiju just showed up from the Breach." He explained. "They just surfaced in Hong Kong. Two Jaegers have been sent to deal with it, but they need a little extra help."
"So you need us all over there?" Godzilla asked.
"Not all of you." Jet corrected. "I've registered everyone on Monster Island so far, but I still need to register Mothra and Battra." Mothra nodded. Though she preferred to spend time with Godzilla, she understood how important the situation was.
"Alright then. Anguirus, Rodan, you guys come with me." Godzilla said. Rodan and Anguirus nodded.
"I've never been to Hong Kong before." Rodan said. None if them had.
"How long will it take to get there?" Anguirus asked. Jet scrolled on his clipboards touchscreen.
"A few hours at most." Jet said. "The Jaegers will arrive around the same time."
"Well then we'd better get going." Godzilla said. Again, Rodan and Anguirus nodded, and all three made their way to the boat.

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