Chapter 17: Interrogation

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When Godzilla and Gypsy arrived at Slattern's location, it was night. They decided to split up to cover more ground. Godzilla stepped into a forest area, covered in grass and bushes, and realized how dark the area was. Just as he was about to give up hope of finding her, at least at the moment, until he heard a twig snap. It could only be one of two people.
"Gypsy? Is that you?" He called out. No answer. There was only one other option. He crossed his arms and looked over to where he heard the sound.
"You can stop hiding, Slattern. I know you're there." Godzilla said. He heard a low chuckle echo through the forest. Slattern stepped out of the shadows, arms crossed and a smirk across her face.
"Alright, you caught me." She said.
"You lied to me. What do you really want here?" Godzilla snapped.
"I want you, Godzilla." Slattern explained. "I want you to join me and the others. This world will never accept you the way we will. Join us and you can be free to do whatever you want."
Godzilla could tell she was lying again to manipulate him. He decided to play along. "I want to protect Earth, and that's exactly what I'm going to do." He said. He saw that her expression fell a little bit, but it soon curled back into a sinister grin.
"I know you think you have friends on Earth, but even they do not accept you." Slattern cooed. "You may not realize it, but you are alone, Godzilla. You are like us."
She was close to him now, standing so near him that their bodies were almost touching. She stroked a clawed hand down his face, but he quickly swatted it away.
"You're not gonna get to me, Slattern." He growled. "I'm not alone. And I'll never be like you."
"Oh, I doubt that." Slattern hissed. Without warning, she grabbed the back of his head and forced him into a kiss. It only lasted a few seconds until Godzilla realized what was happening. He quickly shoved her away.
"I've hurt Mothra once. I'll never do it again." He said.
Slattern smirked. "Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that. Not even a little?"
Godzilla grabbed her by the throat and lifted her into the air. Before she could register what was going on, he threw her against a tree. He quickly began to walk over to her, drawing his katana.
"Do you really think I'm going to join you after what you did to Muto?" He asked.
"Oh, she told you about that, did she?" Slattern said, getting up from the ground. "I bet you'd like to see me do it again, wouldn't you?"
Godzilla swung his katana at her, hitting the tree behind her as she dodged out of the way.
"You're disgusting." Godzilla spat. "I've fought evil Kaiju before, but I've never met anyone as evil as you."
"Flattery will get you nowhere." Slattern taunted, dodging out of the way again as Godzilla sent an atomic blast her way. She held her hand out and send a shockwave towards him. This was one of her attacks, her sonic blast. It sent Godzilla back a few feet, but he managed to keep his footing by stabbing his sword into the ground. Slattern chuckled and approached him.
"You'll never be a hero, Godzilla." She hissed. "If you join me, than I can make you and your army the most powerful Kaiju this and any other world has ever seen. Without me, what are you?"
"I dunno. Maybe I'm a distraction." Godzilla said, smirking as Gypsy Danger appeared behind Slattern. He grabbed her arms and placed them behind her back with handcuffs.
"What the hell?" Slattern asked in genuine disbelief.
"Slattern, by order of the Pan Pacific Defence Force," Gypsy began, "you are under arrest."

As soon as Godzilla opened the door to his room at the Shatterdome, Mothra jumped out of nowhere and hugged him again. He rolled his eyes and peeled her off of him.
"It's alright, Mothra, I'm still alive." He chuckled. "How did you and Crimson do?"
"Pretty good. Crimson's actually kind of nice." Mothra said. Godzilla raised an eyebrow as she said this.
"Really?" He asked. Mothra nodded as response. "So where's Scunner?" Godzilla asked. This time, Mothra hesitated. Her expression fell as she looked downwards. Godzilla became worried immediately. Finally, Mothra inhaled deeply and spoke.
"I killed her." She muttered. Godzilla's eyes went wide as he heard this.
"Oh my god... Mothra are you okay?" Godzilla asked, placing his hands on her shoulders. He knew about the promise she had made to herself, and was intensely worried about her now. Realizing this, Mothra smiled and placed her hand on his.
"I am now." She said. She leaned up and was about to kiss him, but Gypsy pulled him away by his jacket hood before she could.
"C'mon, loverboy. We have a prisoner to interrogate." He chuckled. Mothra giggled as she watched Godzilla being pulled away.
"I'll be right back." Godzilla said. He got out of Gypsy's grasp and walked along with him to the interrogation room. It was a pure white room with a pane of glass between them and the prisoner, in this case, Slattern. She was sitting in the room on a small seat facing the window. The bulletproof glass window also had small holes in it for them to speak with her. She smirked as she saw them enter the room.
"Okay, so how long until I can break out of here again?" She asked.
"First, we want to know something." Gypsy asked. "What are you and the other Jaegers doing here on Earth in the first place?"
"It doesn't matter. My other Kaiju are still out there." Slattern said. "I've already given them instructions on how to get me out of here."
"Well, you'll be happy to know that two of them are also captured." Gypsy said. Slattern only rolled her eyes. Godzilla stepped foreword.
"Yeah, and the other three are dead." He finished. This actually seemed to get to Slattern a little bit. Her eyes widened, and then narrowed. Godzilla smirked, realizing he had gotten them somewhere. Slattern stepped towards the glass.
"Alright, fine. You assholes want to know my plan?" She hissed. "Here it is. We're from another dimension. Our elders send us to various worlds to colonize or destroy them."
"And which are you planning to do with Earth?" Gypsy asked.
"Destroy." Slattern growled. "Well, not us. The elders sent us here to scout the area, make sure it was ready and everything. We were to go back, bring back even more Kaiju, and lead them to destroy the planet."
"So you were supposed to go back to the breach?" Godzilla asked. "The why didn't you?"
Slattern turned to him and stared daggers at him.
"Because I want to kill you." She said, producing each syllable individually. "And once I do, there'll be no one left to stop us."
Godzilla glared at her, but realized there was nothing much he could do at the moment. He and Gypsy left the room, but there was someone standing in the doorway. It was Muto. She looked up at them with an expression that seemed like a mix of sadness and anger.
"I want to talk to her." She said.
"Muto, I don't think that's a good idea..." Gypsy said.
"Please, just let me talk to her." Muto pleaded. Searching for advice, Gypsy hesitantly looked over at Godzilla, who nodded in response. Gypsy nodded at Muto, who stepped past them into the room as they left. Slattern smiled wickedly as she saw Muto approach her.
"Ooh, I even get a conjugal visit in here." She chuckled. Muto ignored her. She stepped up to the glass and glared upwards at her.
"I just want to know one thing." She said. "Why?"
"Why what?" Slattern asked.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Muto growled.
"No, I don't think I do." Slattern chuckled, which only made Muto angrier. She tried her best to hold back her rage, but it wasn't working. The best she could do was clench her fists. Eventually, Slattern gave in.
"Alright, Muto." She said. "Do you really want to know why I did those things to you?"
"Yes. Please, just tell me." Muto practically begged. Slattern chuckled again before she answered.
"Many year ago, your species arrived on Earth." She explained. "Back then, of course, you were little more than parasites; nothing but prey for other species."
"I already know this." Muto began. Slattern placed her hand on the glass, surprising Muto.
"I'm not finished. Do not interrupt me, alright?" Slattern snapped. Muto nodded, and Slattern calmed down enough to continue speaking. "Anyway, your species not only had the ability to fly, but also to emit EMPs. Now, does that remind you of anyone else?"
Muto thought on it, and she realized what Slattern was talking about. Otachi and Leatherback both had the abilities her of her species; Otachi could fly, and Leatherback could emit EMPs.
"Right... but what does that have to do with anything?" Muto asked. Slattern laughed now, as if she had heard something extremely funny. She had to wipe a tear of laughter out of her eye.
"Do you really not get it yet?" She asked. "The early members of your species were our ancestors! You evolved here on Earth, while we were perfected back over in our world, which is why we're so different. But essentially we're two sides of the same coin."
"...What?" Muto asked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. But the more she thought on it, the more it made sense. "I... I don't understand. What does that have to do with you raping me?" She continued.
"Well, I thought repeated physical contact with a member of the same species would somehow reactivate dormant genes within you, and connect you to the hive mind we all share." Slattern explained. "But I guess I was wrong. Oh well, it was still a worthwhile experiment."
Muto clenched her hands into fists. "That's all I was to you? An experiment? Just something for you to do whatever you want with?!"
"Yeah, pretty much. Though I will admit, I enjoyed watching you squirm beneath me." Slattern said. Muto's eyes began to glow, signifying how angry she was. She slammed her fist into the glass separating them. Slattern was surprised she didn't break it. She could see the unbridled rage and contempt on Muto's face. Muto was about to leave, but she had one last thing to say to Slattern.
"Fuck you." She hissed. Slattern simply chuckled.
"You already did that." She responded.
Muto couldn't take any more. She swivelled around and left the room before she did something she knew she'd regret. Slattern's cackling echoed behind her.

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