Chapter 14: Hammer Time

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Cherno wiped the sweat off of her brow, looking through the storage locker. She had been sorting out weapons all day, looking for the ones belonging to Godzilla and the others. From Mothra's knives to Rodan's swords, they were all there. Anguirus' hammer was the only weapon left to find. Finally, she found it. She lifted the hammer out of storage, and brought it over to him. He seemed nearly ecstatic to see it again.
"This is yours, right?" She asked.
"Hell yeah, it is." Anguirus nodded. He took the hammer from her and placed it on his shoulder. He looked up at it and breathed in deeply. "Feels good to hold this thing again. Thanks for taking it out for me."
"No problem." Cherno said. An idea began to form in her mind as she observed the hammer, and she placed a hand on her chin in thought. "However... if you'd like, I could make you something better." She said. Anguirus raised an eyebrow, and after thinking on it for a bit, placed the hammer against the wall next to him and crossed his arms.
"I'm listening." He said.
"I design and engineer all the weapons for this Jaeger devision." Cherno explained. "I hate to admit it, but I feel bad for keeping you in the Pit like that, especially since you didn't really deserve it. If you'd like, I could design something for you to make it up to you. Perhaps a new hammer."
Anguirus nodded and smirked. He liked the way Cherno thought. "Alright, I'll give it a shot." He said. "What did you have in mind?"
Cherno smirked as well. She had Anguirus follow her into another room, where there was a long table and a pile of scrap metal. There was also a roll of paper in the corner of the room. She grabbed a piece of paper and laid it out over the table. She also grabbed a pencil and began to draw the shape of a hammer, similar to Anguirus', but slightly different in terms of shape.
"This is where I design and forge all the weapons." Cherno explained. "The idea I have for this hammer would involve small jets to propel it foreword, adding a bit of extra power on each swing."
"That sounds cool, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to hold onto something like that." Anguirus nodded. "Maybe if it was steam powered, that might work."
"So it would be propelled by blasts of steam." Cherno agreed, nodding as she drew steam powered jets on the back of the hammer's head. "That would provide less power than a normal jet, but you'd be able to wield it more easily."
"Yeah, that's what I was thinking." Anguirus said. "Maybe we could add one here too." He pointed to the pommel of the hammer. "It would help when I throw it at enemies."
Cherno nodded, drawing another jet on the pommel. They spent the next five minutes planning out the design of the hammer. They seemed to both be having fun working on it. In fact, Anguirus had never seen Cherno get as excited about anything else. Then again, he hadn't ever seen her when she was excited before. After a few more minutes, he had to stop her before the hammer got too crazy.
"Alright, I think it looks pretty good right now." Anguirus nodded. "How quickly do you think you can make something like this?"
"Shouldn't take too long." Cherno said. "I should be able to get it to you tomorrow." She began to roll up the blueprints, but Anguirus wanted to help.
"Here, let me-" He began. He attempted to help her roll up the paper, but instead, his hand landed on top of hers. They each looked at their hands, and then at each other. Their eyes locked. Cherno blushed while Anguirus simply blinked. They were both thinking the same thing, as they both leaned in and kissed. Just as they started getting into it, Cherno realized what she was doing. She broke the kiss, and slapped Anguirus as hard as she could.
"Oh! What was that for?" He asked.
"What do you think, idiot!?" She replied. "Why did you kiss me?"
"Uh, pretty sure you kissed me." Anguirus replied.
"I did not!" Cherno growled, crossing her arms and blushing. Anguirus crossed his arms as well, and leaned a little bit closer to her.
"Admit it, you kinda liked it." He chuckled. Offended by his accusation, Cherno gasped and slapped him again.
"Do you want me to make you this hammer or not?" She snapped.
"Yeah, sure. Just stop hitting me." Anguirus said.
"Good. Now leave, I have some forging to do." Cherno said. She began to step out of her Jaeger armour, revealing her athletic build underneath a white high-cut tank top and green camo pants. She grabbed a pair of welding gloves and goggles off of a shelf on the wall. When she looked back up, she saw Anguirus was still standing in the doorway. He was staring at her with a raised eyebrow, seemingly admiring her body. She growled and picked up a sledgehammer from the ground, bouncing it a few times on the palm of her hand. Anguirus could see she was threatening to use it on him.
"Alright, alright, I'm going!" He said, leaving the room. Cherno waited until he was out of eyeshot before sighing and placing the goggles on her face.
"I don't like him... that much." She told herself. Despite this, she still smiled as she thought about what she had just done. Maybe dating a Kaiju wouldn't be so bad.

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