Chapter 7: The Pit

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Even though the inmates were allowed out of their cells, some preferred to stay in the solitary peace and quiet of their cells. Today, though, most of the cells were empty. This was good, since Muto wanted to get away from the Kaiju following her. They were a few meters back, but they were clearly following her. It wasn't until they entered Muto's cell block that they began to pick up speed. They weren't running, but they were walking pretty fast. Since nearly everyone was out of their cells, there were no Jaegers in the cell blocks. No witnesses. Muto quickly made her way to her cell, but once she tried to close the door, one of the Kaiju suddenly appeared and held it open.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked. This Kaiju, Muto recognized as Raiju. The other one was Knifehead. She had a good idea of what they wanted to do to her.
"Get the hell away from me." She snapped, trying to close the door on Raiju's hands. She didn't get the chance, as he slammed the door open and stepped into the cell, backing her into a corner. Knifehead did the same.
"Oh, I'm afraid that's not an option." Raiju hissed. "We have orders from Slattern."
"To do what?" Muto asked.
"Whatever the hell we want." Knifehead laughed as he also approached her. Suddenly, Muto dove under her bed and grabbed a handmade shiv. It was made from a shard of glass, with a cloth around the blunt end to act like a handle. She had made it to defend against Slattern, but it didn't work. She still kept it in case there was another situation where she would need it. And right now, she needed it.
"Get back, assholes!" She yelled through clenched teeth. She attempted to jab the shiv down at Raiju, but things went wrong when he grabbed her arm with an iron grip.
"Wow. Slattern wasn't kidding when she said you were a fighter." He chuckled. "I'll be taking this." He grabbed the shiv out of her hand, and immediately the feeling of helplessness that Slattern inflicted on Muto struck her yet again. Her breathing grew heavy as she anticipated her inevitable fate, until she heard a voice.
"Leave her alone." It commanded. Raiju and Knifehead turned around, only to see Battra standing in the doorway, arms crossed. Muto was just as surprised as they were.
"Shit, a witness." Knifehead growled. "We can't do this now."
"Guess we'll be seeing you later, sweetheart." Raiju told Muto. He let go of her hand, and threw the shiv back into the room. As they left, Raiju poked Battra in the chest.
"Don't interrupt us again, little man." He growled. Battra didn't respond, but he did swat his hand away. Once they left, Battra looked at Muto, who was now sitting on her bed.
"May I come in?" He asked. Muto hesitated, but eventually nodded.
"Yeah, sure." She said. He complied, and stepped into her room. He sat down on the bed next to her.
"You're Mothra's brother, right?" Muto asked, beginning to recognize him.
"Yes, I am. I suppose we never really talked much on the island." Battra responded. Muto chuckled in response.
"Yeah, I guess not." She agreed. "Thanks for helping me out there, by the way." She looked up at him, only to find that he wasn't smiling. In fact, he was looking down at her with crossed arms.
"I know you're capable of defending yourself, Muto." He said. "And yet, you froze up when those two attacked you. Why is that?" Upon hearing this, Muto furrowed her brow and stood up, crossing her arms as well.
"You don't know what I've been through." She replied.
"You're right." Battra greed, standing up as well. "But I'd like to know."
Muto was about to reply, until she registered what Battra had said. "You... what?" She asked.
"Mothra has been pestering me recently." Battra explained. "She wants me to interact with some of the other Kaiju from the island, and you're the only one I don't find annoying, besides my siblings of course."
This also made Muto chuckle, though very darkly "I appreciate the thought." She said. "But you really don't want to get to know me."
Battra nodded. He had expected a response like this. "I understand." He replied. With that said, he exited the cell, but before he left, he stopped in the doorway. "If those two ever bother you again, come find me." He said.
"Thanks, but I'll be able to handle myself next time." Muto nodded. Now, Battra left for real, leaving Muto alone in her cellblock. She sighed, and reclined on the bed, crashing into a restless sleep.

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