Chapter 13: Vindicated

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Slattern stood on the edge of the Shatterdome, looking out at the open ocean around her. She breathed in the air, grateful to finally be free of prison walls. Leatherback, Otachi, Scunner, Raiju, and Knifehead appeared around her, also coming out of the Shatterdome.
"We're free. Finally." Otachi sighed.
"Now we can head to the breach, alert the elders, and conquer this useless planet." Leatherback said.
"Not yet." Slattern said. "There's something I want to do first.
The others looked at Slattern as if she was crazy. Scunner slowly approached her."With all due respect, Mistress," She began, "we've already finished everything we need to do here. We can just leave."
"No. Not until Godzilla and the others are dead." Slattern insisted with a smirk. Leatherback grinned in agreement, while Otachi raised a critical eyebrow.
"But why? They'll be killed anyway." She said.
"Because, my dear Otachi," Slattern began, grinning even wider than before, "in the human language, I am what the people from this world would call a bitch."

Godzilla was placed in the cell next to Anguirus, since Leatherback had escaped. Anguirus could tell Godzilla was innocent. He had tried to comfort him, but Godzilla was inconsolable. He just sat in the corner of his cell and stared at the ground with his arm resting on his knee.
"It's not your fault. I don't think anyone could have predicted that Slattern was evil." Anguirus said.
"Muto did." Godzilla muttered. "I should have listened to her, but I didn't. If I had, none of this would have happened."
"Yeah, I guess that's true." Anguirus said, shrugging. He realized this wasn't making Godzilla feel any better. "But we all know you're innocent. If the Jaegers don't believe you, that's their problem. Maybe this will all work out."
Just as Anguirus finished saying this, Cherno Alpha and Striker Eureka appeared, walking up the cells. Striker stood in front of Godzilla's cell, and Cherno stood in front of Anguirus'.
"What do you want?" Godzilla growled, glaring up at Striker.
"We're here to tell you that you're free to go." Striker explained. He typed the code into the lock on the cell, and the door opened. Cherno did the same to Anguirus' cell.
"Wait... so we're allowed to leave?" Anguirus asked. "Why?"
"Gypsy was wrong. We all were." Striker continued. This explanation was good enough for Godzilla. He stood up and walked out through the door.
"...Thanks." He said, still in slight disbelief.
"If you're gonna thank anyone, thank Muto." Striker said. "She explained everything. She provided information that helped us realize that Slattern was behind the breakout."
"It made sense that the cells she opened were all holding Kaiju from the breach." Cherno added. She pulled out a package from behind her back, and threw it to Anguirus. Like the package Slattern had given to Godzilla, it was Anguirus' regular clothes.
"We can't let you have your weapons yet, but you're allowed to wear these again." Cherno explained.
"Sweet." Anguirus said.
"Now, come with us." Striker said. He motioned for Godzilla and Anguirus to follow them as they walked back to the top floor.

As soon as Godzilla entered the Watchtower, he was surprised when Mothra appeared out of nowhere and hugged him. He instinctively hugged her back. He had nearly forgotten about what she told him the previous day. She looked up at him with a worried expression.
"I heard about what happened with Slattern." She said. "You're okay, right?"
"Yeah... yeah, I'm fine." Godzilla said. "You worry way to much about me, Mothra." He noticed that she was also wearing her regular clothing. All the other Kaiju in the room were too. Rodan, Battra, and even Muto were all there. Zilla, Komi, Leo, and Baragon were missing, however.
"Where are the others?" Godzilla asked.
"The Jaegers sent them back to Monster Island." Rodan explained. "They said they still need us, though."
"For what?" Anguirus asked.
"We don't know yet." Mothra shrugged. "We're still waiting for Gypsy to tell us."
A bit later, Gypsy walked into the room. He stood at the front of the room to address the Kaiju in the room.
"First of all, I just want to apologize on behalf of the entire Pan-Pacific Defence Force." He began. "After this, you'll all be allowed to go back to Monster Island."
Godzilla nodded. "Alright, so what is it you need us for?" He asked.
"There are still some Kaiju left who haven't gone back to the breach yet." Gypsy explained. "We can't find them and contain them on our own. We need your help."
Rodan audibly scoffed, making everyone turn their attentions to him. "Really? After everything you've done, you really expect us to help you?" He asked. "I literally got shot, Anguirus almost got beaten to death, Mothra nearly got lobotomized, and Godzilla was thrown into the Pit for no reason. Why would we help you?"
The others seemed to agree. Gypsy sighed and removed his helmet, exposing his shot blonde hair.
"Listen, I know you've all been treated poorly here," he began, "but if we don't all work together on this, there's no telling what Slattern and her minions plan on doing."
Godzilla nodded, and turned to face the other Kaiju. "He's right. It doesn't matter what happened to us in the past. In order to protect the future, we'll need to work together." He turned back to Gypsy. He seemed relieved that Godzilla agreed with him. He knew the Kaiju had good reason to not listen to him, but they'd definitely listen to Godzilla.
"Thank you. I'm glad we could put this mess behind us." Gypsy said.
"There's just one thing I want to do first." Godzilla replied.
"And what would that be?" Gypsy asked. He got his answer when Godzilla's fist collided with his face, making him collapse to the ground. Everyone was surprised by this. Mothra gasped and glared at Godzilla, while Anguirus and Rodan reacted by bursting out laughing. Gypsy ignored them and lifted himself back up, wiping the blood from his nose as he did so.
"I suppose I deserved that." He said, chuckling slightly.
"Damn right you did." Godzilla replied, laughing a bit himself. He helped Gypsy get back to his feet, showing that there was no longer any hard feelings between them.
"Anyway, you'll get your weapons back as well... as long as you have no intention of harming me again." Gypsy continued.
"Alright, that sounds good." Godzilla nodded. "And don't worry. That was just a one time thing."
"I'll have Cherno and Striker take you to the storage locker." Gypsy said. "You can pick up your weapons there."
He typed something into his wrist-mounted communicator, and within seconds, Cherno and Striker appeared in the doorway.
"Come with us." Striker said. The Kaiju began to leave the room, but Godzilla stopped.
"Wait, I want to talk to Mothra and Muto for a second." He said. Mothra and Muto stopped as well, and looked back at Godzilla.
"Sure. We'll catch up." Mothra said. The others went on their way, and the doors closed behind them. Godzilla walked over to the two of them.
"Godzilla, what's this about?" Mothra asked.
"I just wanted to apologize, to both of you." Godzilla said. "Mothra, I should have been more supportive when you told me you were bisexual. That took a lot of courage to come out like that, especially to me. The way I reacted was selfish. I wanted to tell you that no matter what, I'll support you."
"Godzilla, I... I don't know what to say." Mothra said. Rather than talking, she ran over and hugged Godzilla again, way tighter than before. In fact, it was a little bit too tight. She was practically crushing him.
"Alright, Mothra. You can let go now, I can't breath." Godzilla said.
"Right, sorry." Mothra said, letting go of him. She blushed slightly. Godzilla smiled and nodded, knowing everything was alright once again. He then turned to Muto.
"And Muto, I wanted to apologize for not believing you about Slattern." He said. "If I'd done that in the first place, we wouldn't be in this mess. I see what you were talking about now."
"That's okay. I understand." Muto replied. But there was still something she wasn't telling them. Mothra could sense it, but Godzilla didn't need to. He had a good guess of what had happened since the very beginning. He didn't want to bring it up, but now, he felt that he had to.
"Muto... Slattern, did something to you when you were cell mates, didn't she?" Godzilla asked. Muto couldn't take it any more. She clenched her eyes shut to hold back her tears. She wrapped her arms around herself.
"Yes. But it wasn't just once. It was every night." She said. Mothra gasped. She was starting to understand what had happened now. It was way worse than she had thought at first.
"Oh, Muto..." She said, placing her hands over her heart. Muto broke down now, and began to shake slightly.
"What did she do?" Godzilla asked. He was starting to get angry, but he kept it hidden to keep Muto calm.
"Every night... she would do terrible things to me." Muto sobbed. "There was nothing I could do to stop it. She violated me, night after night. She... she raped me."
Godzilla's fist clenched. He knew Slattern was evil, but hearing what Muto said only made him angrier. Not even Ghidorah had stooped that low.
"That's why there was only one bed in the cell." Godzilla realized. "I should have seen it sooner..."
Mothra brought Muto into a comforting, almost motherly, hug. She spoke to her softly and stroked her hair as she felt Muto's tears land on her shoulder. It was the first time she had ever been close to Muto, since they normally didn't interact much.
"It's okay... just let it all out." Mothra whispered. "I can't imagine what you had to go through. It isn't your fault."
"Muto, we're going to find Slattern, and defeat her." Godzilla assured. "What she did to you will not go unpunished. I'll make sure of that myself."
"Me too." Mothra agreed. "We'll all see that she gets what she deserves."
Muto dried her tears and smiled. She really did have some amazing friends. "Thank you." She whispered. Just then, Battra entered the room with a deeply concerned look on his face. He opened the door so fast that it slammed against the wall. He walked quickly over to Muto.
"I heard what you said through the door." He said. "I had no idea... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you remember... that. Nobody should have to go through what you went through."
"It's okay. It isn't your fault." Muto assured. "You've been a really good friend to me, Battra. You shouldn't blame yourself."
Battra nodded. He didn't mind the praise, but for now, he just wanted to focus on Muto. "I still can't believe that actually happened to you."
"None of us can." Godzilla agreed. "Slattern may not be as powerful as some of our other enemies, but she certainly has worse morals." Everyone else agreed.
"Now c'mon. Let's get our weapons." Mothra said. The others nodded and the four Kaiju followed the others to the storage lockers. Muto smiled. It was as if a weight that had been on her shoulders for months now had finally been lifted. She decided to walk a little bit closer to Battra. As they looked at each other and smiled, she knew that everything would be okay.

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