Chapter 5: Unfortunate Reunion

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Another loud knock on the cold steel door woke Muto up from her nap. Ever since Slattern left, she was finally able to get some sleep, so she was catching up by taking as many naps as possible. But now, her sleep was interrupted as the door opened. But when she saw who was behind the door, her heart skipped a beat. Cherno was there, as usual, along with someone she hadn't seen in a long time. Standing in the door way, wearing a standard orange shirt and pants and with his hands locked together with handcuffs, was Godzilla.
"Enjoy your new cell mate." Cherno said. She practically shoved Godzilla into the room, and then removed his handcuffs and closed the door. Once she was gone, Muto jumped up from the bed and hugged Godzilla tightly. Godzilla was taken aback slightly, but simply laughed and hugged her back.
"Whoa, the Muto I remember never would've jumped up to hug me." He said. "This place must've changed you."
"What are you doing here?" Muto asked. "You must've committed some sort of crime."
"It's not just me." Godzilla said. "Everyone's here. All known Kaiju are being locked up all over the world."
Muto grimaced and let go of Godzilla. This was news to her.
"Wait a second..." Godzilla muttered. "You changed your hair."
Indeed, Muto had changed her hairstyle since she left Monster Island. Rather than her usual short bob cut, she her hair combed over her right eye. She also had bright red highlights.
"Yeah, I did. What do you think?" She asked.
"I like it. It suits you." Godzilla replied. Muto smiled upon hearing the response.
"Well, since you're here, you'll need someone to tell you how this place works." She began.
"I think the Jaegers already went over that." Godzilla responded as he reclined on the bed.
"No, I mean about the other Kaiju." Muto explained. "Some of the other inmates cannot be trusted. I should know. Before you got here, I was cell mates with one of them."
"Oh yeah?" Godzilla asked. "Maybe you should give me their name so I know who to avoid."
Muto sat on the bed next to him, looking absent-mindedly down and to the side. Godzilla could tell something was bothering her. It took her a while to finally speak.
"Slattern." She said. "What ever you do, don't get too close to her. She's manipulative, strong, and violent. She..." Muto froze before she continued. She didn't want to tell Godzilla what Slattern did to her. Not yet at least. She knew if she did, it would only make things worse for her. Godzilla noticed her hesitation.
"I get it, she's bad news." He said. "I'll tell the others to keep away from her too."
Muto nodded and stood up. "Good." She said, smiling slightly. "Anyway, we're not allowed to leave the cell until later tonight, so we're stuck here until then. What do you want to do till then?"
Godzilla hesitated as he glanced around the room. There really wasn't much, but he saw that Muto had made it her own. There were posters for various bands and movies all over the walls and ceilings. A book lay open on the ground, and several magazines were piled next to the bed. Then he realized something. The bed. There was only one.
"Didn't you say you had a cell mate before me?" Godzilla asked. "Then why is there only one bed? Shouldn't there be two?"
"I... uh..." Muto stammered. She still didn't want to tell him everything about her old cell mate. She quickly thought up a way around it. "Slattern... insisted on one bed... I don't really know why."
To Muto's relief, Godzilla didn't ask follow-up questions. Instead, he just chuckled. "That must've been awkward, huh?" He said. Muto laughed as well, trying to hide her nervousness.
"Yeah... you could say that." She replied, rubbing her arm.
"Well, I can ask the Jaeger's for another one." Godzilla said. This statement brought Muto more comfort than Godzilla knew. She nodded and smiled a little. Godzilla noticed this and smiled back. Maybe life at the Shatterdome wouldn't be too bad. He glanced at the clock that was hanging on the wall, and saw it was 6:30 PM. Gypsy told him and the others that they were allowed to go outside of their cells at 7:00. They had half an hour to themselves before then.
"So what's on TV?" Godzilla asked, gesturing to the tube TV in the corner of the room. Muto groaned and rolled her eyes.
"The same thing they had yesterday." She grumbled. "And the day before that. And every day since I got here."
"Okay, never mind then." Godzilla replied, leaning back on the bed. Muto sat back down again.
"So anyway, tell me what's been happening on Monster Island while I was gone." She said. Godzilla smiled, and began to tell Muto about the last few months.

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