Chapter 6: Brute

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Slattern leaned up against a wall, observing the Shatterdome's inmates as they walked past her. She scanned the area until she saw the two inmates she was looking for; Leatherback and Otachi. She hadn't gotten to meet with them since they emerged from the breach. As she approached them, they noticed her and walked over to meet her half way.
"Leatherback and Otachi. Glad to see you finally arrived safely." Slattern said. The two seemed surprised to see her.
"Mistress Slattern? What are you doing in this prison?" Leatherback asked.
"Oh, don't worry about me. We're all here now." Slattern explained. "Besides, we'll be out soon enough. And then we can put our plan into action."
"Good." Otachi spoke up. "The elders are getting impatient. They're already beginning to search for another world to dominate."
"They won't have to." Slattern said. "I have a plan. You see that group over there?" She pointed to Godzilla and the others, who were sitting at one of the many round tables in the central area. They were just talking to each other.
"Their leader is going to help us, wether he knows it or not." Slattern explained. In response, Otachi chuckled silently.
"I can sense his weak mind. Well, weak compared to us." She said. "It won't be easy, but I'm sure we can succeed, mistress Slattern."
"Wait a minute... I know them." Leatherback said.
"Yes, we fought them already." Otachi agreed. Leatherback wasn't listening. He narrowed his eyes as they fixed onto Anguirus. Right now, the only thing on his mind was revenge.
"I'll be right back." He said as he began to walk over to the table. Slattern shot him a confused look.
"Where are you going?" Slattern asked.
"I have some unfinished business." Leatherback hissed in reply. Slattern smirked and nodded.
"Fine." She said, ushering him away with her hand. Leatherback grinned and made his way towards Anguirus. Otachi shook her head and chuckled.
"That idiot. He has more muscles than brains." She said.
"And you have more brains than muscles." Slattern countered, gesturing to Otachi's skinny, waif-like figure. She rolled her eyes in response.
"I'd rather have intelligence over strength any day." She said.
"It pays to have both." Slattern bragged. "You and Leatherback should work together more."
Otachi scoffed and crossed her arms. "Please. Even sharing a cell with that brute is too much." She spat. "Anyway, I'm going to strategize with some of the other Kaiju." With that, she left. Slattern decided it would be a good time to leave as well, and turned around. As she did, she bumped into Muto. After a brief moment surprise, Muto glared at her. In return, Slattern curled her mouth into a cunning smile. Before any words could be said, Muto turned around and walked swiftly in the other direction. An idea ran through Slattern's mind. There was a reason she did what she did to Muto. She was also part of her plan. With the idea solidified, Slattern made her way to another table, where two other Kaiju were sitting. They were also from the breach. One of them had a long horn protruding from his forehead, and the other had long spiky hair, almost resembling a porcupine. As Slattern approached them, she spoke their names to get their attention.
"Raiju. Knifehead." She commanded. The two Kaiju immediately looked up at her.
"Yes, Mistress Slattern?" Raiju, the one with spiky hair, asked.
"I have a new assignment for you." Slattern said. She spoke quietly, as to not arouse suspicion, especially from any Jaegers that may be standing close by.
"What do you need?" Knifehead, the one with the horn, asked.
"Do you see that girl over there?" Slattern asked, pointing to Muto, who was standing in a corner, not paying attention to them. Raiju and Knifehead nodded, and Slattern's smirk grew into a sinister grin.
"Her name is Muto. In order for my plan to work, she must be awakened." She explained. "I tried to do it myself, but I think you two may have better luck than me."
Raiju turned back to Slattern upon hearing this. "Awakened? You mean she's..."
"Yes, she is." Slattern responded, already knowing what Raiju was about to say. He nodded understandingly. "I think we got it." He said. Knifehead also nodded in agreement.
"Good." Slattern said. "Until further notice, Muto is your plaything."

Battra always had a bad habit of drifting in and out of conversations, especially ones he didn't care about. This was no exception. While Godzilla, Mothra, Anguirus, and Rodan discussed their new cells, Battra's mind began to wander. Eventually, his eyes fell on Muto, who was standing nearly on the other side of the room. Then, he noticed something else. Two Kaiju suddenly got up from their seats and began to walk in Muto's direction. Noticing this, Muto began to walk away, but it was clear the two Kaiju were following her. This bothered Battra immensely. He sat up from his seat.
"Excuse me. I need to check something." He said, excusing himself. Before anyone could say another word, he left. Mothra sighed in familiar frustration. He had done this sort of thing before.
"Oh well." She said. "Don't worry, he'll be back later."
Just as they were about to continue their conversation, someone caught everyone's eye. Well, everyone except for Anguirus.
"What's everyone looking at?" He asked. He got his answer when a powerful hand gripped his shoulder, pulled him up from his seat, and turned him around. The hand's owner was Leatherback, who Anguirus immediately recognized.
"Remember me?" Leatherback growled.
"Oh yeah, you're that guy I helped send here." Anguirus said. "Leatherback, right? Glad to see you can speak our language now."
"I never got to pay you back for hitting me in the face with a hammer." Leatherback responded, beginning to close in on Anguirus. Upon sensing conflict, Mothra quickly stood up and got between them.
"Okay, we've obviously gotten off on the wrong foot..." she began, but she didn't get to finish, as she noticed Leatherback glaring at her.
"Will you shut up?" He snapped at her. Mothra gulped in surprise and stepped back, as Godzilla stood up as well, glaring at Leatherback.
"Hey! Don't talk to her like that." He threatened. Despite the support, Anguirus didn't need any help dealing with Leatherback.
"I've got this, guys." He assured. With everyone else seated once again, Anguirus turned back to Leatherback. "Alright, look," he continued, "I'm sure you're having a bad day. But I can guarantee my day's been a lot worse. So maybe we can just calm down, and-"
Leatherback punched Anguirus. His immense strength made him fly backwards, into a wall on the other side of the room. The Kaiju standing around in that area backed away from any conflict. Anguirus stood back up and cracked his neck from side to side.
"Alright, I guess we're doing this now." He said, getting into a fighting stance. He was more familiar with fighting with a hammer, but he knew how to use his fists as well. Leatherback charged at Anguirus, who retaliated by running towards his new opponent. Once they reached each other, Anguirus jumped into the air and brought his fist down on Leatherback's head. While he was dazed, Anguirus kicked Leatherback in the stomach. The proved to be a mistake, however, as Leatherback grabbed his leg with both hands and swung him around in the air. By now, a small group of Kaiju had formed around them. Most of them were cheering and chanting "fight" over and over, entertained by the sparring match. Fights broke out all the time at the Shatterdome, but nobody had ever seen anything like this. The crowd was so dense that Godzilla and everyone else could barely see through them. Mothra and Rodan were able to fly slightly above the crowd, but they were restricted by the flight height limit imposed by the Jaegers. Since some of the Kaiju were able to fly, there were rules restricting them to only two meters above the ground. Otherwise they would be punished accordingly. Speaking of punishment, Godzilla noticed the crowd began to part as Gypsy Danger and Cherno Alpha began to walk into view. Gypsy had his arms crossed, while Cherno was holding a gun. This wasn't her regular AK-47, Godzilla could tell this was a tranq gun. Anguirus and Leatherback still hadn't noticed the Jaegers approach them, and continued to grapple.
"Cherno, you know what to do." Gypsy said. Cherno nodded, and aimed the gun at the two Kaiju. She pulled the trigger twice, and two darts shot out at Anguirus and Leatherback. As soon as they toppled over unconsciously, the crowd groaned in disappointment. Cherno called in another drone to pick up the two Kaiju, while Gypsy stepped into the centre of the crowd.
"Let this be a lesson to all of you." He commended. "These two are going to be staying in the Pit for a long time. Step out of line, and one of you will be next."
"Um, excuse me?" Mothra spoke up. Gypsy faced her, which honestly intimidated her a little. "I... was just wondering, but what's the Pit?" She asked. Cherno stepped foreword, looking demeaningly down at Mothra.
"It's a cell block at the bottom of the Shatterdome." She explained. "The cells are smaller, and the Kaiju kept there aren't allowed to leave until we say so."
"That's right." Gypsy nodded. "And these two are going there for a few weeks."
At this point, Godzilla couldn't stand by anymore and stepped foreword. He grabbed Gypsy's shoulder to get his attention, prompting Cherno to aim her gun at him.
"Wait a minute." Godzilla said. "Anguirus didn't start that fight, Leatherback did. He shouldn't get punished for defending himself."
"Alright, first of all, don't ever touch me again." Gypsy began. He seemed a lot more confrontational towards Godzilla than before. "Second, don't ever touch me again. Third, Anguirus was just as guilty as Leatherback. He may not have started the fight, but he was still causing the disturbance."
Begrudgingly, Godzilla nodded. He understood Gypsy's logic, but he still didn't agree. Gypsy still wasn't done, though. He pointed a finger at his face.
"You may be here under special circumstances, Godzilla," he said, "but you're still a prisoner. You should start acting like one."
With that said, the drone took Anguirus and Leatherback's unconscious bodies away, while Gypsy and Cherno left to monitor the rest of the prisoners. The crowd dispersed, leaving Godzilla standing there alone. He sighed angrily and clenched his fist. This place was beginning to get on his nerves. He only calmed down when he felt Mothra wrap her hand around his. This was her way of soothing his anger. It usually worked, but not right now.
"We're gonna be okay." She said, using her comforting tone. "This isn't your fault." Godzilla sighed again and pulled his hand away, to her surprise.
"You've been saying that a lot." He said before walking away. Mothra contemplated following him, but thought against it. While she was hurt slightly, she knew the situation Godzilla was in was a bad one. She could tell by the tone in his voice. He sounded quiet and exasperated. She had never heard him speak like that before. He wasn't mad at her, he was just mad in general. He just needed to calm down. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, and looked at the large clock on the wall. It said the time was 8:00. They were still allowed to stay out of their cells for a few more hours. Mothra decided the best thing to do right now would be to enjoy the little freedom she had for the time being.

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