Chapter Two

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"So... what do you think?" Cassie said as she sat on the bed tying her golden hair into a knot. Her dark blue eyes shone with mischief.

"About what?" Alice asked absently as she searched for something in her backpack.

"About the Oak tree stupid." Cassie said impatiently. "Don't you want to see it? I'm dying with curiosity."

Alice looked up surprised. "But Gran had forbidden..."

"Exactly..." both Alice and Cassie jumped at the voice as the door to their room opened and Alex came in.

"Jeez Alex, you almost killed me with fright here." Cassie said clutching her chest. "Can't you knock before coming in?"

"Why would I knock to enter my sister's room?" Alex said lying down on the sofa opposite to the bed.

"Because I'm not alone. Alice is here too." Cassie waved at Alice.

"Yes but she's like a sister too so that's not a problem either." Alex said. "But we do have to see that Oak tree for sure."

"Yes we do." Cassie replied getting excited.

"Guys..." Alice interrupted them. "Gran has specifically forbidden us from going there..."

"All the more reason to go." Alex pointed out as if it was obvious. "It's the forbidden fruit. And I for sure want to taste it."

"Me too." Cassie seconded him.

"But guys, what happened to that Julian guy..." Alice reasoned. "What if there's some wild animal in that area that took him."

"Alice... Alice... Alice..." Alex sat up rubbing his palms. "If a wild animal had pounced upon Julian, there would have been blood or at least some struggle. But there was nothing. His friends did not see or hear any wild animal. There was no blood, no struggle, not even a scream from Julian. He just mysteriously disappeared."

"Yes." Cassie agreed. "And we just want to see the mysterious site where it all happened."

Alice shook her head, "But Gran..."

"Come on Alice it will be fun." Cassie pleaded. "And we'll be back in no time."

"Gran doesn't even have to know about it." Alex smirked.

"I don't think it's a good idea." Alice muttered and resumed searching her backpack.

"Come on Alice, quit searching for your sleeping pills, I threw them away. We must go to see the Oak." Cassie pleaded.

"You did what?" Alice looked at her outraged. "Why did you throw away my pills? You know I can't sleep without them."

"Oh just shut up. Of course you don't need those pills to sleep." Alex glared at her. "They are unhealthy. Now we were talking about going to see the Oak tree."

Alice was about to argue when Cassie interrupted her. "Forget it Alex. She's become a dead bore. I just miss Alice how she was until last year. The pranks we used to pull..." she sighed dreamily. "Alex I think we'll go, let Alice stay back with Gran."

"And what will I tell Gran if she asks me where the two of you are." Alice asked shocked.

"Well that's you problem." Alex shrugged.

Alice glared at the siblings. "Fine! I'll come." She grumbled.

"Alright, so that's settled then." Cassie said triumphantly.

"And now I'm sleepy. Good night girls." Alex left them after that.

Alice turned towards Cassie. "How am I..."

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