Chapter 8

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2 weeks later...

"Are you sure you don't want to come on tour with us?" Louis asked. I looked at him then looked over his shoulder at Harry who just stared over at us with a death glare. "Yeah I'm sure, you guys have fun and don't even worry about me. Just call me or text me or whatever. You guys can just keep in touch with me whenever you have free time. It doesn't matter what time it is just call me anyways. I'm gonna miss you guys?" I hugged Louis then walked with him over to the tour bus where Harry was still standing by the door. I watched Louis walk onto the big bus then I turned my attention to Harry who just kept looking at me. "What no hug for me?" Harry smiled and opened his arms out to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck into a hug. He put his lips up to my ear while he hugged me and whispered into it. "When I get back from tour I'm going to fuck you so hard" I felt chills go down my spine. I bit my lip at the thought then pulled away smiling at him. He smiled back at me before walking onto the bus.

Once their tour bus pulled out of the driveway I walked back into the house and sat down on the couch turning on Netflix. Before I could even turn on a show I found myself in a sprint headed for the bathroom. I covered my mouth before throwing up into the toilet. I sat on the floor after disposing the nothingness that came from my stomach. I hadn't eaten today so that must've been what made me feel so sick.

I wiped my mouth and walked to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I took a drink of it then made myself something to eat. I made a nice hot bowl of soup, I took my glass of water and soup carrying it into the living room where Netflix still remained on the tv screen waiting for me. I turned on the show i had been trying to watch on Netflix.

I had finished my bowl of soup then I felt a vibration coming from beside me on the couch. It was a call from Harry.

"Hey. Miss me already?" I teased him. He fake laughed. "Very funny. And for your information yes I do miss you. More than you could ever imagine, I miss how much fun we have" I bit my lip at those words. "Maybe when you come back we could continue that huh?" I smiled. "Yeah. When I see you when we get back I want to take you out to dinner. I really love you Chelsea, I hope you know that" I still smiled as he talked. He was just the sweetest thing. One minute he will be all sweet and romantic and then. Bam! He will start talking dirty. "I love you too Harry. You mean everything to me. You have no idea how much I love you" I admitted to him. i could almost hear him smiling through the phone. "But how can you possibly love me if you're dating my best friend" He said quite cheesily. I looked down at my feet which were placed on the coffee table. "The same way i loved you when we were together before I started dating Louis" I began to remember when we dated a few years ago.

I remember it all so clearly. Our first kiss, our first date, our anniversaries, the holidays spent together, the first time we ever did it. Everything. We were together for a really really long time. I was there for him through everything. I remember how happy he was when his mum signed him up for the x-factor. He called me right away.

"I'm sorry that we ever broke up, I didn't want to break up with you. It was all just a mistake, you have to understand that. I was having a rough day and I took it all out on you. I've never stopped loving you. Sure, I've been out with a few girls since the break up but none of them will ever be like you. You were the one I wanted to be with" I smiled even wider, I could even feel a few tears in my eyes. "I loved you so much Harry. And I still do. You've always been the one I wanted Harry. Forever and Always." i remembered those words when he told them to.

I was laid next to Harry on my bed and we were talking. "Harry," I turned my head to face him. "I don't ever want to lose you" I continued. Harry sat up and hovered over my body to looke me in the eyes. "Chelsea, I love you so much. Nothing can ever come between us ever. I don't care what anyone says about us. You will always be the one for me. Forever and always babe" and he kissed me.

That was one special moment between us. The thought of that unforgettable memory was interrupted by Harry's voice. "Are you still there" He repeated into the phone. "Yeah I'm stil here" I said in a soft voice. "We're gonna make a stop soon so I should go now but i will call you when I have some free time alright?" He told me. "Ok. Have fun Harry. I love you." I felt a tear fall from my eye. "I love you too Chelsea"

There was a long beep. He hung up.

Maybe he really meant it when he said Forever and Always.

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