Chapter 10

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Louis' P.O.V:

I sat in my spot on the bus. Speechless. I didn't even know what to do at that point. I got Chelsea pregnant right as we went on tour.

I let out a big sigh as Harry walked in. He sat across from me. He started at me for a minute, he watched my facial expressions and tried interpretin them but they were unreadable. "What's wrong?" He asked me, I almost didn't answer his question but decided I might as well. "I just got a call from Chelsea. She said she's pregnant. So I hung up on her." I explained the situation to him then looked at his reaction which wasn't a very good one. "What?" I asked, although I didn't think I even wanted to know what he was thinking by the look on his face. "What the hell!" He shouted at me. "What!?" I said back in the same tone. "What is wrong with you!? Why would you hang up on her at the one time when she needs you most. Do you know what she must be going through right now for you!? She's all alone, and pregnant but yet you have the nerve to just hang up on her like that! You should feel ashamed" I looked down at my hands on the table not knowing what to say. "Well I'm sorry" I apologized. "You should be. This may seem like this whole thing is just nothing for you but think about how Chelsea must be feeling right now. How she must've felt." He then stood up and walked out of the room.

Harry's P.O.V:

I closed the door as I walked into the other room. The first thing I did was pull out my phone and call Chelsea. She picked up the phone after two rings. I heard her sniffle when she picked up. "Hey. It's alright. Please don't cry ok? I'm here" I consoled her hoping it would help. "No it wont' be! Louis doesn't even care about this baby! He fucking hung up on me without even discussing it" She yelled at me quite loudly and sobbed inbetween. "I'm gonna switch it to facetime alright?" I wanted to make sure it was alright with her that I see her. "No I look like a mess" I let out a sigh. "Don't you dare say that, you will always be beautiful. You always have been." I smiled remembering the first time I saw her.

I was at a Starbucks not far from where I live in Holmes Chapel. I was in a rush to get in and get my coffee so I could get home quickly even if i did live not far from there I still needed to get home before my mum would be any more mad at me for being late already. Thankfully the barista was quick enough to get me my coffee. I fast walked towards the door. I didn't even realize what had happened until I found myself on the floor in front of the door. That was also the moment when I noticed Chelsea for the first time. She stared at me laying on the floor. I could see her lips moving and it only took my hearing a minute to finally catch on to what she was saying. She was asking if I was okay, she apologized for bumping into my on her way in. I didn't really pay much attention to what she was saying at all though really I just got up from the floor and admired how beautiful she was.

I snapped out of the quick flashback and hit the factime button on my iPhone. It called her on facetime and she answered instantly. I could see her puffy eyes and her red cheeks and nose. It was pretty obvious that she had been crying alot. "See? You're beautiful as ever." I tried cheering her up. "Shut up" She said plopping down on the bed and holding her phone very close to her face. "Are you laying on my bed?" I asked her noticing the background,  she was trying to cover it up by holding the phone closer to her face. I smiled at her. "What are you doing laying on my bed?" I remained smiling, she finally smiled back at me and a tear or two streamed down her rosy cheeks. "Because I miss you and being around your things gives me a feel of comfort. I miss you so much Harry." the tears started to spill from her eyes even faster now. "Don't cry. Just stay strong for me baby ok? And always remember I love you no matter what. Forever and always." I felt the bus come to a stop and I knew we were ready for our next event. "I have to go now but promise me you will be the strong person I know that you are. You have to promise me that." She nodded her head and I said my goodbye to her.

I left my phone in my spot where I was sitting and those words kept going through my head, Forever and Always. The words I had always said to her. I felt a tear escape from my eye but I quickly wiped it away.

I knew if Chelsea could stay strong at a time like this then I can too.

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