Chapter 14

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When I walked back upstairs it was getting dark outside. I saw Louis laying on the couch and I sat next to him trying to wake him up. He groaned before opening his eyes and looking up at me. "So do you want to go out to dinner or something. I'm really hungry and I want to spend some time with you and Harry since you're home now." I smiled at him and he smiled back at me sitting up and getting off the couch with me.

Louis' P.O.V:

I walked up to Harry's room when I got off the couch and I knocked on his closed door. "Harry do you want to come out to dinner with me and Chelsea?" I asked him. "No" he replied back. I was hoping he would come so all three of us could hang out again like we used to before tour.

We drove to the restaurant up in town and pulled into the parking lot. I helped Chelsea out of the car and walked inside together. We were seated at a booth fairly quickly.

I smiled at Chelsea when we sat down together. She gave me a very slight smile in return. Before I could ask her what was wrong the waitress came by the table and asked what we wanted to drink. The minute the waitress walked away I went to ask Chelsea what was going on with her and why she didn't show me her pretty smile the way she always does. My phone rang before I could talk. "Hello?" I heard a familiar voice on the other end respond. "No I'm just at a restaurant with Chelsea" I walked over across the room and stood by a plant so I could talk on the phone. "That's cool" They replied. "Yeah" I sighed into the phone. "What was the sigh for?" I just shook my head even though they couldn't see me. "Because I don't know what's wrong with Chelsea. I can tell something is wrong with her" I looked back at Chelsea who just stared at me. I turned back around. "Oh" the voice said and suddenly someone else grabbed the phone and bean talking. "I KNOW WHY!!!!!!" they said almost excitedly. "You do?" I questioned them wondering how they knew. "Yup" I waited for them to continue on but they didn't. "Please tell me" I pleaded. "She like--" suddenly someone in the background said. "I don't think you should say it, let her tell him" but the other voice took over after that. "Too bad... She liked Harry more than you" I quickly hung up the phone after that. I looked back at Chelsea again. She gave me a confused look, probably because I gave her one of the dirtiest of all looks.

Chelsea's P.O.V:

Louis stormed over towards me at the booth. He tightly gripped my wrist. He gripped my wrist so hard that his knuckles were turning white. I tried to release his tight grip from me but he clutched on even tighter each time I struggled. He dragged me out of the restaurant and he opened the car door pushing me inside, He slammed the door and got in the car from the other side. "Is it true!" He yelled at me, I couldn't tell what he was talking about but I was starting to get a good feeling of what it might've been. "What are you talking about?" I asked him even though I now caught on to it all. "Is it true!? I knew it I had a feeling you did like Harry more than me. And I bet you've been cheating on me with him? Haven't you!?" I couldn't face him after hearing those words, as must as I wanted to say it was a lie and that I wasn't cheating on him I knew that it would not make a single thing better so I just nodded my head ignoring the many tears that streamed down my face.

The whole ride home we fought about it and when we got home and parked we wouldn't even look each other in the eye. I marched in the house and stormed up the stairs opened Harry's bedroom door walking in and slamming the door behind me like Louis had with the car door. Harry was putting his clothes away like I had told him to do many days ago. "Can't you take the hint that I don't want to talk to you" I didn't pay attention though instead I just pushed him into the wall getting in his face. "I can't believe you would do something like that!"I yelled at him. "What?" I rolled my eyes at him. "You know exactly what I'm talking about so don't play stupid ok I know you told Louis!" the tears fell down my face even harder now. "I didn't tell Louis anything" his face softened as he saw that I was crying. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "I swear to you I didn't tell Louis I mean I know I told you to get a divorce with him but I realized I was stupid to tell you something like that. Just be with whoever makes you happy" I pulled out of the hug and kissed Harry. "You make me happy Harry. And if you didn't tell Louis then who did?" Then I remembered that I told Niall. He was the only one left that knew. I took my phone out of my pocket and quickly dialed Niall's number. He answered the phone and I immediately blew up on him. "I hope you're happy now. I told you what was going on because I know I could trust you but I guess I can't trust you with anything ever again" I didn't even realize that I had begun crying again. "Well you weren't gonna tell him that you were cheating on him and he was upset because he knew something was up with you but you wouldn't tell him" He said this all so casually like it meant nothing at all to him. "Well thanks to that he doesn't trust me anymore and he asked for a divorce. So I hope your little plan was all worth it" I hung up the phone and crossed my arms against my chest, still crying. Without warning I felt Harry's arms wrap around me pulling me into his warm chest.

At least I knew Harry would always be there for me

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